With this prog and ifcheck you can make similar things like in time_prog, but checking the month you are, for instance you could load seasonal objects, etc.

 1.- The 'ifcheck' is really easy to do, just open MUD_PROG.C  and look for

if ( !str_cmp(chck, "time") )
      return mprog_veval(time_info.time, opr, atoi(rval), mob );  

and add below:
if ( !str_cmp(chck, "month") )
      return mprog_veval(time_info.month, opr, atoi(rval), mob );

Now  do a 'make' and you can use it like 'if time($n) ..'
Remember, in Smaug there are 17 months (and progs uses 0 to 16, not 1 to 17).
An easy example:
 >greet_prog 100~
if month($n)==3
mpecho Happy Christmas

Of course you can use ' >', '< ', ' or ', etc.

2.- To add MONTH_PROG is a little harder, but just follow my indications:

In  DB.C:   
look for        if ( !str_cmp( name, "time_prog"     ) )   return TIME_PROG;
and add below   if ( !str_cmp( name, "month_prog"    ) )  return MONTH_PROG;

look for           case TIME_PROG:		return "time_prog";
and add below      case MONTH_PROG:		return "month_prog";

In MUD.H: 

look for          typedef enum{ . . . . . . }prog_types
and add into            ,MONTH_PROG 

add also this functions after the other _trigger ... similar functions
void    mprog_month_trigger     args ( ( CHAR_DATA *mob ) );
void    rprog_month_trigger   ( CHAR_DATA *ch );
void    oprog_month_trigger   ( OBJ_DATA *obj );  


add this (look the similar functions of time and put them near, for easy understanding) Look than time has not oprogs.

*       Month_prog coded by Desden, el Chaman Tibetano (J.L.Sogorb)       *
*                            October 1998                                 *
*                   Email:                      *
*                                                                         *
 void mprog_month_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
                         void *vo, int type)
 MPROG_DATA * mprg;

 for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )

     if (  mprg->type == type && time_info.month == atoi(mprg->arglist)) 
       mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );

void rprog_month_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
			void *vo, int type )
  MPROG_DATA * mprg;

  for ( mprg = room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
    if ( mprg->type == type && time_info.month == atoi(mprg->arglist))
      mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );

void oprog_month_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
			 void *vo, int type)
    MPROG_DATA * mprg;

    for ( mprg = obj->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	if ( mprg->type == type
	&&  time_info.month == atoi( mprg->arglist ) )
	    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );

void mprog_month_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob )
    if ( HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData,MONTH_PROG) )

void rprog_month_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if ( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room,MONTH_PROG))
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_month_check( supermob, NULL, NULL, ch->in_room,MONTH_PROG );

void oprog_month_trigger( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, MONTH_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );


Add at the beggining of the file:
static bool update_month_trigger;

look for        time_info.month++;       into void time_update()
and add upon                update_month_trigger = 1;

into char_update(void)
look for similar time checkings and add:

if (IS_NPC(ch)&& update_month_trigger==1) mprog_month_trigger(ch);
if (char_died(ch))

if (IS_NPC(ch)&& update_month_trigger==1) rprog_month_trigger(ch);
if (char_died(ch))

Also look for clear_vrooms (); and add just below :

if(time_info.hour == 1) 
 update_month_trigger = 0;              

and the last thing :)
in obj_update(void) look for
       set_cur_obj( obj );
	if ( obj->carried_by )
	  oprog_random_trigger( obj ); 
	if( obj->in_room && obj->in_room->area->nplayer > 0 )
	  oprog_random_trigger( obj ); 

and change it to:
	set_cur_obj( obj );
	if ( obj->carried_by )
           oprog_random_trigger( obj ); 
           if(update_month_trigger==1) oprog_month_trigger(obj);
	if( obj->in_room && obj->in_room->area->nplayer > 0 )
          oprog_random_trigger( obj ); 
          if(update_month_trigger==1) oprog_month_trigger(obj);

3.- Now do a 'make clean' and a 'make'.

Now you can use MONTH_PROG like TIME_PROG, it works just in the moment the
mud reaches the month. It can be used with mobs, rooms and objects.
 Note than in these progs there is not a player making the trigger, so you can't
use $n, you must use $i (the mob or supermob). 
An example:
>month_prog 5~
shout Well, spring has come.

I hope you enjoy it. If you have any question or problem, please mail me:
I'll greet you also if you mail me telling you are using this code and if
you like it. Thank you.

**************** Desden, el Chaman Tibetano ---- Oct 1998 *****************