This snippet can be added for checking if a player has an item with a particular item type in their inventory. You can also search for more than one, and code can be added to make it do specific actions if you are returning FALSE.

UNDER: void    obj_fall  	args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, bool through ) );


bool    has_itemtype    args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) )



 * Checks a player's inventory for an item of a particular type.
 * Written by David Reichard(Terell) 2004.
bool has_itemtype (CHAR_DATA *ch)
        OBJ_DATA *obj;

                return FALSE;

        for(obj = ch->last_carrying; obj; obj = obj->prev_content)

        return TRUE;

Ok, well it wont do anything right now, so I'll give an example of it's usage and tell you how to add item types.

Here is an example...

bool has_itemtype (CHAR_DATA *ch,
bool treasure,
bool furniture)
        OBJ_DATA *obj;
        bool has_treasure = FALSE;
	bool has_furniture = FALSE;

                return FALSE;

        for(obj = ch->last_carrying; obj; obj = obj->prev_content)
                if(obj->item_type == ITEM_TREASURE)
                        has_treasure = TRUE;
		if(obj->item_type == ITEM_FURNITURE)
			has_furniture = TRUE;

	/* Could add some code here to take some kind of action if it will return false,
	 * like a send_to_char or something.
        if(treasure && !has_treasure)
                return FALSE;

	if(furniture && !has_furniture)
		return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

And to use this function to check if a player has something of that item type, say you wanted to see if they had treasure, you do this:

if (has_itemtype(ch, 1, 0))

Or if you wanted to check for both....

if (has_itemtype(ch, 1, 1))

See the relationship? Although any experienced C programmer would have figured this out by now, I thought I would explain so it is hopefully easy for new programmers to understand. Basically 1=TRUE and 0=FALSE, so if you want it to check for the second item type in the function and not the first, you would put a 0 and then a 1.

To add new checks for item types, just copy what I did in the example substituting your item types.

Any suggestions or questions you can reach me at