 *         _               | File Name:   immonlycolor.txt
 *        / \      _-'     | Description: This is a immortal only color function
 *      _/|  \-''- _ /     |              It disallows certain color codes to be
 * __-' |          \       |              used in certain functions and here is
 *     /              \    |              how it works.
 *     /       "o.  |o |   |              
 *     |            \ ;    |              
 *                   ',    |
 *        \_         __\   | (c) 2000-2001 TAKA 
 *          ''-_    \.//   | (c) 2000-2001 The GhostMud Project Team
 *            / '-____'    | 
 *           /             | You may use this code under GNU license restriction 
 *         _'  The Wolf    | 1) This header block remains in the code.          
 *       _-'   strikes!    | 2) You email me at a_ghost_dancer@excite.com
 *_________________________|    letting me know you are using this code
 *                              please incluse your name, your mud name
 * All rights reserved          your mud address, your email and this file
 * GhostMud is copyrighted      name.                                         
 * by TAKA                   3) In your help files mention me where appropriate 
 *                              IE: help snippets.
 *                           4) Your use of this snippet must not violate any
 *                              ROM, MERC or DIKU license.


 * strip color code function for support of color limiting for commands
 * by TAKA of GhostMUD June 2001
void strip_mortal_color(char *bufin, bool GLOBAL);

In ACT_NEWC.C (or at the bottom of any ACT_xxx.C)

 * strip color code function for support of color limiting for commands
 * by TAKA of GhostMUD June 2001
 * NOTE: You may need to use a different symbol preceeding color
 *       or for the color codes listed. You may also wish to exclude
 *       more or less colors. Also not everyone has clear screen
void strip_mortal_color(char *bufin, bool GLOBAL)
	const char *pointer;

	for(pointer = bufin; *pointer; pointer++)
		if(*pointer == '{')
			if(*pointer == 'z') /* blinking */
				*bufin = ' ';

			if(*pointer == '`') /* line feed */
				*bufin = ' ';

			if(*pointer == '0' && GLOBAL) /* clear screen */
				*bufin = ' ';



Now in ACT_COMM.C I have global consolidated channels code so fo GhostMUD do this
void open_channel ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, char *type, const int bitname)
   	char *buf2;
	char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH + 80];

    if (argument[0] == '\0' )

      	if (IS_SET(ch->comm,(bitname)))
        	sprintf( buf, "{W%s {Gchannel is now {RON.{x\n\r", type);
			send_to_char( buf ,ch);
        	sprintf( buf, "{W%s {Gchannel is now {ROFF.{x\n\r", type);
			send_to_char( buf, ch);
add right here the following code
		 * This limits color codes blink, clear screen and line feed
		 * over global channels to only immortals
		 * Taka 
			strip_mortal_color( argument, TRUE );

in ACT_INFO.C I changed title to this
void do_title (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
    if (IS_NPC (ch))

    if (argument[0] == '\0') {
        send_to_char ("{RChange your title to what?{x\n\r", ch);

    if (strlen (argument) > 45)
        argument[45] = '\0';
	/* not even imms can use these here */
	strip_mortal_color( argument, TRUE );

    smash_tilde (argument);
    set_title (ch, argument);
    send_to_char ("{GTitle changed.{x\n\r", ch);

Notice not even immortals can use these in titles.

in do_say i added
		strip_mortal_color( argument, FALSE );