Installing this snippet shouldn't be extremely hard for those who are experienced at doing snippet
installations. If you need help you can email me at ghoulavenger@hotmail.com. Please note that
the snippet does require functions from another online snippet, and the portions required
have been included in the html_color.txt helpfile. These come from the webwho snippet that was
posted by Odis. If you have the webwho installed it shouldn't be a problem, if you don't you'll
want to attach the contents of html_color.txt to the webhelp.c file.

This snippet will dump a fairly simple index with helpfiles as separate html files, to which ever
folder you choose. You may want to tweak them slightly so some html experience is recommended.
Please note that some spacing information will be lost due to html conversion, however the line break
portion is covered.

Also note that I will not be making any updates, but that this snippet should probably be upgraded. It
does not categorize the helpfiles, and I've got a good idea how you might go about doing it if
you choose to do so.

If you choose to upgrade the snippet to categorize them you will have to update the procedure
for helpfile storage to include a category number, and most likely go through the helpfile list
multiple times to sort them properly. YOU WILL HAVE TO SORT THEM MANUALLY FROM YOUR MUD.
In doing this though you will hurt the fundamental saving principal of this file. So you would 
also have to add in an ID number to the helpfile itself that loads upon boot/copyover, and 
use that instead of the  counter that is in the snippet. I probably should have changed that 
anyways, but my way works fine for my algorithm.

Hope you enjoy the algorithm.