// Just returns the first room of our list.
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *get_room_iterator() {
    return room_index_hash[0];
// Returns the next iterator
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *next_room_iterator(ROOM_INDEX_DATA *it) {
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex = it->next;
    int i = (it->vnum % MAX_KEY_HASH); // Resume in the bucket we left off at.
    if (pRoomIndex == 0)
        while(++i < MAX_KEY_HASH && !pRoomIndex)
            pRoomIndex = room_index_hash[i];
    return pRoomIndex;
// Invalid random rooms are rooms that are private or safe, or can become private. All other rooms are valid.
// Other checks should be made after the get_rand_room() call to see if you need to call it more
// than once. Like things effecting a certain character. Like can_see_room(ch, room) etc.
int valid_random_room(ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoom) {
    if (room_is_private((ROOM_INDEX_DATA*)pRoom) ||
        IS_SET(pRoom->room_flags, ROOM_PRIVATE) ||
        IS_SET(pRoom->room_flags, ROOM_SOLITARY) ||
        IS_SET(pRoom->room_flags, ROOM_SAFE))
        return 0; // false
    return 1; // true

// Grabs a random valid room for selection.
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *get_rand_room() {
    static int count;
    static ROOM_INDEX_DATA **array; // Dynamically assigned after we get the count.
                                    // If it's the same array then there's no reason to make a new one across calls.
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *it; // Iterator for later use.
    if (!count) // Generators the count once.
        // Let's traverse all of the rooms in the mud and get a count.
        for(it = get_room_iterator(); it != 0; it = next_room_iterator(it))
            if (valid_random_room(it))  // If the room is indeed meeting our criteria
    if (!array) {// Generates the array once.
        array = (ROOM_INDEX_DATA**) malloc(sizeof(ROOM_INDEX_DATA*) * count);
        for(it = get_room_iterator(); it != 0; it = next_room_iterator(it))
            if (valid_random_room(it))  // The room meets the criteria. Add it to our array.
                array[(count--) - 1] = it;
    // Now simply return a valid room.
    return array[number_range(0, count-1)];