   Quest Bits for Mobprogs by Igor van den Hoven.

   The Diku and Merc license apply. This code is compatible with smaug muds.

   The idea of this snippet is to move away from the traditional if value
   == (number between -2 and +2 billion) check.

   Given the average quest has around 10 steps you only need 4 bits of a
   32 bit integer to store it. If you have a large area and a quest value
   assigned for a player for that area you can add a total of eight 10 step
   quests stored in a 32 bit integer.

   Using quest[MAX_VNUM / 100] is an easy way to create a quest value for
   each area, and you can access it with: ch->pcdata->quest[mob->vnum / 100]
   with ch being the player and mob being the mob setting the quest value.

   In this code you define a bit range by giving the first bit, next
   giving the number of bits, followed by the value you want those bits
   to hold. 4 bits would give a value between 0 and 15, 8 bits a value
   between 0 and 255 (which should be enough for everyone).

   To set a quest value you'd use: mpmset $n quest 0 4 1. 0 would be the
   first bit, 4 would be the total number of bits, and 1 is the value to
   assign to them. To check if bit 1 to 4 has the value 1 you'd use:
   if quest (0,4,$n) == 1.

   When adding another quest you'd start out with: if quest (4,4,$n) == 0
   to see if the player has or hasn't started the quest assigned to bit
   5 to 8.

   Methods for saving and reading aren't included, this is pretty much
   a proof of concept.

// In mud_prog.c add these two functions:

int get_quest_value(int quest, int fBit, int nBit)
   int cnt, value = 0;

   for (cnt = fBit ; cnt < fBit + nBit ; cnt++)
      if (IS_SET(quest, 1 << cnt))
          SET_BIT(value, 1 << (cnt - fBit));
  return value;

void set_quest_value(int *quest, int fBit, int nBit, int value)
   int cnt;
   for (cnt = fBit ; cnt < fBit + nBit ; cnt++)
      if (IS_SET(value, 1 << (cnt - fBit)))
          SET_BIT(*quest, 1 << cnt);
          REMOVE_BIT(*quest, 1 << cnt);

// In mprog_do_ifcheck add:

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "quest" ) )
      int fBit, nBit;
      char name[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

      if (sscanf(arg, "%d,%d,%s", &fBit, &nBit, name) != 3)
         return 0; /* error */

      if ( name[0] == '$' )
         switch ( name[1] )
            case 'i':
               chkchar = mob;
            case 'n':
               chkchar = actor;
            case 't':
               chkchar = ( CHAR_DATA * ) vo;
            case 'r':
               chkchar = rndm;
               return 0; /* error */

      if (chkchar)
         if (IS_NPC(chkchar)
            lhsvl = get_quest_value(chkchar->quest, fBit, nBit);
            lhsvl = get_quest_value(chkchar->quest[mob->in_room->area->low_r_vnum / 100], fBit, nBit);
         rhsvl = atoi(rval);                                 
         return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl);
         return 0; /* error */

// In mpxset.c add:

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "quest" ) )
      int fBit, nBit, value;
      if (sscanf(arg3,"%d %d %d", &fBit, &nBit, &value) != 3)
      if (IS_NPC(victim)
         set_quest_value(&victim->quest, fBit, nBit, value);
         set_quest_value(&victim->quest[ch->in_room->area->low_r_vnum / 100], fBit, nBit, value);

// In mud.h add to char_data:

   int quest;

// And to player_data;

   int quest[MAX_VNUM/100];