# Makefile by Igabod with help from Tyche of www.mudbytes.net To use
# this makefile, a good bit of knowledge of your code is needed. You
# will need to set your mud up to startup from the area directory if
# it doesn't already. You will also probably need to edit any copyover
# or hotboot command to point to the exe file in the area directory.
# There may be some other places you need to edit if your code has any
# other parts of code that point to the .exe file. A little explanation
# on how to use this makefile may be necessary, I'll do my best to be as
# clear as possible. When you make a code change and type make, the code
# will compile and create merc.exe (or whatever your exe file is called).
# To install these changes into the live game, you will then need to type
# make install and then do a copyover. Any time you do a clean compile,
# you will need to manually cp your exe file to ../area and then make
# install. If you don't like the color scheme of this makefile, all the
# colors have been included to make color changes easier. You will need
# to create a directory called "obj" within your src directory as well
# as a directory called "backup". You can ignore the backup directory
# if you like, but remember to remove any references to BCK_FILES and 
# BCK_DIRECTORY from the makefile. If you ever need to add or remove
# files, you no longer need to edit the makefile due to the use of the
# wildcards. If you are using Cygwin, be sure to uncomment the lines
# needed and comment out the ones for Linux systems. Remember that if
# you use the plaintext passwords, anybody with shell access can learn
# everybody's password by looking at the pfile. If you are using a linux
# shell it is highly reccommended that you use crypt(). There are no
# requirements or restrictions on the use of this makefile, only a
# request. I request that you release at least a small snippet of your
# work. If you can't figure out how to get this makefile working for
# your mud, ask for help on the forums at www.mudbytes.net. Feel free
# to edit/remove any and all comments in this file.

# -Igabod-

# $Id $

CC = gcc
RM = rm -f
# Be sure to edit the below line to fit your mud's exe_file
EXE = merc.exe
PROF = -O -ggdb
# Uncomment the line below to use Cygwin
ECHOCMD = echo -e
LIBS = -lcrypt

# The colors Duke! The COLORS!
L_NRM     = \e[0;00m
D_RED	  = \e[0;31m
L_RED	  = \e[1;31m
D_GREEN   = \e[0;32m
L_GREEN   = \e[1;32m
D_BROWN   = \e[0;33m
L_YELLOW  = \e[1;33m
D_BLUE	  = \e[0;34m
L_BLUE	  = \e[1;34m
D_PURPLE  = \e[0;35m
L_MAGENTA = \e[1;35m
D_CYAN    = \e[0;36m
L_CYAN    = \e[1;36m
L_GREY	  = \e[0;37m
L_WHITE   = \e[1;37m

# Use these two lines to use crypt(), ie on Linux systems.
C_FLAGS = $(PROF) -Wall
L_FLAGS = $(PROF) -lcrypt

# Uncomment these two lines to use plaintext passwords.
# This is how you fix the 'crypt' linking errors!
# Use this if you are using Cygwin

# Source Files
SRC_FILES := $(wildcard *.c)

# Backup Files - Remove these lines if you don't use a backup directory
BCK_DIR = backup

# Object Files - Be sure to create an obj directory
OBJ_DIR = obj
OBJ_FILES := $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(SRC_FILES))

# Header Files
H_FILES = $(wildcard *.h)

merc: $(OBJ_FILES)
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)[- $(L_WHITE)Rebuilding MUD executable:  $(L_GREEN)merc.exe$(L_BLUE) -]$(L_NRM)"
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)[- $(L_YELLOW)**********$(L_CYAN)Compile Complete$(L_YELLOW)**********$(L_BLUE) -]$(L_NRM)"
	@$(CC) $(L_FLAGS) -o $(EXE) $(OBJ_FILES) $(LIBS)

$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.c $(H_FILES)
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)-->  $(L_WHITE)Compiling file: $(L_MAGENTA)$<$(L_BLUE)  <--$(L_RED)"
	@$(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)[-   $(L_YELLOW)$<$(L_NRM) compiled $(L_GREEN)OK$(L_BLUE)   -]$(L_NRM)"

# Use make clean to do a clean compile
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)-->  $(L_CYAN)Cleaning up for full make...  $(L_BLUE)<-- $(L_NRM)"
	@$(RM) $(OBJ_FILES) $(EXE) ../area/old_$(EXE) ../area/$(EXE) *~ *.bak *.orig *.rej
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)[-   $(L_GREEN)done$(L_NRM).    $(L_BLUE)-]$(L_NRM)"

# Use make install after a satisfactory compile is done then copyover.
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)**** $(L_CYAN)Updating Live Executable $(L_BLUE)****$(L_NRM)"
	@$(RM) $../area/old_$(EXE)
	@mv ../area/$(EXE) ../area/old_$(EXE)
	@cp $(EXE) ../area/$(EXE)
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_GREEN)**** $(L_YELLOW)Live Executable Updated $(L_GREEN)****$(L_NRM)"

# Use make cleanup to remove un-necessary files for tar-ing the source.
# If you don't use a backup directory remove the reference to BCK_FILES here.
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)-->  $(L_CYAN)Making clean for backing up  $(L_BLUE)<-- $(L_NRM)"
	@$(RM) $(OBJ_FILES) $(BCK_FILES) $(EXE) ../area/$(EXE) ../area/old_$(EXE) ../log/*.log *~ *.bak *.orig *.rej
	@$(ECHOCMD) "$(L_BLUE)[-   $(L_GREEN)Ready to make a backup now$(L_NRM).   $(L_BLUE)-]$(L_NRM)"