This is Heroes of Faerun in it's current condition.  I will be starting over, but I am releasing this because there's a lot of stuff in here that people would be adding anyway, so it gives a pretty good starting point.

roMud (aka Heroes of Faerun)
I. License
- The roMud license is simple: Follow the Diku, Merc, and Rom licenses 
included herein, with one small addition:

It is not, nor will it ever be, acceptable to take donations. Not to cover 
server costs, not to cover website costs, not even is it okay to accept 
donations for 'forum perks' that just so "happen" to also give in-game 
perks as well.  This is to explicitly close all of the naughty little 
loopholes people try to use to make money off of code that strictly 
prohibits profit of any kind.  If you do not agree to the above terms, you 
must deleted all copies of this code from your posession immediately.

II. Changelog
- Sadly, I lost the full changelog in a hard drive crash, because I was 
not maintaining it inside the actual mud directory like I should have 
been.  You will see some changes on the announcements board thread, that 
covers -some- of the changes.  Use this code at your own risk.  It's 
sloppy, and need a lot of TLC.  (Documentation, etc.)

The Diku/Merc/Rom devs.  
Flugh for QuickMUD 
Matt Swanner aka FrostFyre for KeggerMUD
Daniel Graham for stuff I borrowed from Tartarus
Brian Babey aka Varen for his snippets
Vassago for his Quest Code
Whomever wrote the Windgate code.
The coders over the years of Beyond the Veil of Shadows for the inspiration behind my autotick code.
Everyone else that has a snippet or line of code in HoF

- Key Features: 
Vassago's Automated Quest System
Gary's Clan Code (Guild OLC)
Timed Casting (Instead of lag after spell cast, it happens during)
Unlimited Aff Bits.
Info Channel
Windgate Snippet (Like Stargates.. found it on MudBytes)
Bunch of skills and spells yanked from Tartarus
Warrior changed to Fighter, Mage changed to Wizard
Varen snippets (Phase, Circle, Critical Strike, Automated Auction)
Exp from kills increased if buff spells are cast on mobiles.
Auto-restore when levelling
Can pour potions into drink containers
Can study scrolls to learn spells
Morgues, and tons of other stuff I can't remember.

III Contact

- digital.aggressor@gmail.com