
Some time ago someone posted graph.c on the list, and it was pretty nice.
The code was clean and well commented, but I found it too slow. A longer
while ago there was another hunt code posted here, and it was a lot faster.
(Though it contained a whole bunch of files and the code didn't look as nice.)
Well, here I post it again, in one file and re-indended to look a bit

The code was obtained from
It seems to originate from SillyMUD.

			Installation (Merc22)

The code should work as well with envies and older mercs, though some changes
may be needed. The following files will be modified:
Makefile, act_wiz.c, const.c, db.c, fight.c, interp.c, and merc.h


- add hunt.o to O_FILES list


- add to do_mstat right after showing the mob spec:
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && victim->hunting != NULL )
        sprintf(buf, "Hunting victim: %s (%s)\n\r",
                IS_NPC(victim->hunting) ? victim->hunting->short_descr
                                        : victim->hunting->name,
                IS_NPC(victim->hunting) ? "MOB" : "PLAYER" );
        strcat(buf1, buf);

- change the line
        send_to_char( "  thirst drunk full",                            ch );
  in do_mset to:
        send_to_char( "  thirst drunk full hunt",                       ch );

- add to do_mset:
    /* Change their hunting status. */
    else if (!str_cmp(arg2, "hunt"))
        CHAR_DATA *hunted = 0;

        if ( !IS_NPC(victim) )
            send_to_char( "Not on PC's.\n\r", ch );

        if ( str_cmp( arg3, "." ) )
          if ( (hunted = get_char_area(victim, arg3)) == NULL )
              send_to_char("Mob couldn't locate the victim to hunt.\n\r", ch);

        victim->hunting = hunted;


- add skill for hunting in skill table:
        "hunt",                 { 37, 37, 30, 20 },
        spell_null,             TAR_IGNORE,             POS_RESTING,
        &gsn_hunt,              SLOT( 0),        0,     12,
        "",                     "!Hunt!"

- add gsn declaration:
sh_int                  gsn_hunt;


- add the violence_update before lines
        if ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL || ch->in_room == NULL )
  right after lines
    for ( ch = char_list; ch != NULL; ch = ch->next )
        ch_next = ch->next;
  the following:
         * Hunting mobs.
        if ( IS_NPC(ch)
            && ch->fighting == NULL
            && IS_AWAKE(ch)
            && ch->hunting != NULL )


- add command for hunting:
    { "hunt",           do_hunt,        POS_STANDING,    0,  LOG_NORMAL },

- add hunting data to char_data structure:
    CHAR_DATA *         hunting;                /* Used by hunting routine */

- add declaration:
extern	sh_int	gsn_hunt;

- add declaration for do_hunt:
DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_hunt         );

- add hunt_victim definition:
/* hunt.c */
void    hunt_victim     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );

I hope I didn't leave anything vital out, but if anything fails to work,
feel free to consult me. I myself have the code installed in my mud, and
it works fine. The times needed to hunt down someone are really a _lot_
quicker that with graph.c.


And here is the hunt.c file itself:

  SillyMUD Distribution V1.1b             (c) 1993 SillyMUD Developement
  See license.doc for distribution terms.   SillyMUD is based on DIKUMUD

  Modifications by Rip in attempt to port to merc 2.1

  Modified by Turtle for Merc22 (07-Nov-94)

  I got this one from
  It cointained 5 files: README, hash.c, hash.h, skills.c, and skills.h.
  I combined the *.c and *.h files in this hunt.c, which should compile
  without any warnings or errors.

  Modified by Tyche for Merc22 - 9/5/2011

  Removed extraneous code.
  Added application specific hash and queue implementations.
  Cleaned up and tweaked code for performance.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef TIME_HUNT
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "merc.h"

extern const char *dir_name[];

#define ROOMS_TABLE_SIZE 1063
#define	MAKE_ROOM_HASH(key) (((unsigned int)(key))%ROOMS_TABLE_SIZE)

struct rooms_node {
  int value;
  struct rooms_node *next;

struct rooms_table {
  struct rooms_node *buckets[ROOMS_TABLE_SIZE];

struct search_node {
  struct search_node *next;

struct search_queue {
  struct search_node *head;
  struct search_node *tail;

void init_rooms_table (struct rooms_table *rt)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < ROOMS_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
    rt->buckets[i] = NULL;

void destroy_rooms_table (struct rooms_table *rt)
  int i;
  struct rooms_node *entry, *temp;

  for (i = 0; i < ROOMS_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
    for (entry = rt->buckets[i]; entry;) {
      temp = entry->next;
      free (entry);
      entry = temp;

void rooms_table_add (struct rooms_table *rt, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * key,
  int value)
  /* precondition: there is no entry for <key> yet */
  struct rooms_node *temp;
  unsigned int idx;

  idx = MAKE_ROOM_HASH (key);
  temp = (struct rooms_node *) malloc (sizeof (struct rooms_node));
  temp->key = key;
  temp->next = rt->buckets[idx];
  temp->value = value;
  rt->buckets[idx] = temp;

int rooms_table_find (struct rooms_table *rt, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * key)
  struct rooms_node *entry;
  unsigned int idx;

  idx = MAKE_ROOM_HASH (key);

  entry = rt->buckets[idx];

  while (entry && entry->key != key)
    entry = entry->next;

  return entry ? entry->value : 0;

void init_search_queue (struct search_queue *sq)
  sq->head = NULL;
  sq->tail = NULL;

void destroy_search_queue (struct search_queue *sq)
  struct search_node *entry, *temp;

  for (entry = sq->head; entry;) {
    temp = entry->next;
    free (entry);
    entry = temp;

ROOM_INDEX_DATA *search_queue_pop (struct search_queue *sq)
  struct search_node *entry;

  if (sq->head == NULL)
    return NULL;

  room = sq->head->room;
  entry = sq->head->next;
  free (sq->head);
  sq->head = entry;
  return room;

void search_queue_push (struct search_queue *sq, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room)
  struct search_node *entry;

  entry = (struct search_node *) malloc (sizeof (struct search_node));
  entry->room = room;
  if (sq->head == NULL) {
    entry->next = NULL;
    sq->head = entry;
    sq->tail = entry;
  } else {
    entry->next = sq->tail->next;
    sq->tail->next = entry;
    sq->tail = sq->tail->next;

struct hunting_data {
  char *name;
  struct char_data **victim;

bool exit_ok (EXIT_DATA * pexit, bool go_thru_doors)
  if (pexit == NULL || pexit->to_room == NULL)
    return FALSE;
  if (go_thru_doors)
    return TRUE;
  if (IS_SET (pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

int find_path (ROOM_INDEX_DATA * startp, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * endp,
  CHAR_DATA * ch, int depth, bool in_zone)
  struct search_queue s_queue;
  struct rooms_table x_room;

  int i, count = 0, direction = -1;
  bool thru_doors, first_pass = TRUE;
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *herep, *tmp_room;

#ifdef TIME_HUNT
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct timeval start = { 0, 0 };
  struct timeval stop = { 0, 0 };
  struct timeval result = { 0, 0 };
  double timing;

  gettimeofday (&start, 0);

  if (depth < 0) {
    thru_doors = TRUE;
    depth = -depth;
  } else {
    thru_doors = FALSE;

  init_rooms_table (&x_room);
  rooms_table_add (&x_room, startp, -1);

  /* initialize queue */
  init_search_queue (&s_queue);
  search_queue_push (&s_queue, startp);

  while ((herep = search_queue_pop (&s_queue)) != NULL) {
    /* only look in the same zone...unless option picked */
    if (herep->area == startp->area || !in_zone) {
      /* for each room look in all directions */
      for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
        /* make sure exit is valid */
        if (exit_ok (herep->exit[i], thru_doors)) {
          tmp_room = herep->exit[i]->to_room;
          if (tmp_room != endp) {
            /* shall we add room to queue?
               count determines total breadth and depth */
            if (!rooms_table_find (&x_room, tmp_room)
              && (count < depth)) {
              /* put room on queue for further checking of it's exits */
              search_queue_push (&s_queue, tmp_room);
              /* add room to list of already searched, using it's ancestor for
                 the direction, unless this is the first pass */
              rooms_table_add (&x_room, tmp_room,
                first_pass ? (i + 1) : rooms_table_find (&x_room, herep));
          } else {
            /* we have found our target room */
            direction = rooms_table_find (&x_room, herep);
            /* return direction if first layer */
            if (direction == -1)
              direction = i;
            goto finished;
    first_pass = FALSE;
  /* couldn't find path */
  destroy_search_queue (&s_queue);
  destroy_rooms_table (&x_room);
#ifdef TIME_HUNT
  gettimeofday (&stop, 0);
  timersub (&stop, &start, &result);
  timing = ((double) result.tv_sec * 1000000) + ((double) result.tv_usec);
  if (IS_IMMORTAL (ch)) {
    sprintf (buf, "Total time was %f microseconds in search of %d rooms.\n",
      timing, count);
    send_to_char (buf, ch);
  return direction;

void do_hunt (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  CHAR_DATA *victim;
  int direction;
  bool fArea;

  one_argument (argument, arg);

  if (arg[0] == '\0') {
    send_to_char ("Whom are you trying to hunt?\n\r", ch);

  /* only imps can hunt to different areas */
  fArea = (get_trust (ch) < MAX_LEVEL);

  if (fArea)
    victim = get_char_area (ch, arg);
    victim = get_char_world (ch, arg);

  if (victim == NULL) {
    send_to_char ("No-one around by that name.\n\r", ch);

  if (ch->in_room == victim->in_room) {
    act ("$N is here!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);

   * Deduct some movement.
  if (ch->move > 2)
    ch->move -= 3;
  else {
    send_to_char ("You're too exhausted to hunt anyone!\n\r", ch);

  act ("$n carefully sniffs the air.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  WAIT_STATE (ch, skill_table[gsn_hunt].beats);
  direction = find_path (ch->in_room, victim->in_room, ch, -40000, fArea);

  if (direction == -1) {
    act ("You couldn't find a path to $N from here.",
      ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);

  if (direction < 0 || direction > 5) {
    send_to_char ("Hmm... Something seems to be wrong.\n\r", ch);

   * Give a random direction if the player misses the die roll.
  if ((IS_NPC (ch) && number_percent () > 75)   /* NPC @ 25% */
    ||(!IS_NPC (ch) && number_percent () >      /* PC @ norm */
      ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_hunt])) {
    do {
      direction = number_door ();
    while ((ch->in_room->exit[direction] == NULL)
      || (ch->in_room->exit[direction]->to_room == NULL));

   * Display the results of the search.
  sprintf (buf, "$N is %s from here.", dir_name[direction]);
  act (buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);


void hunt_victim (CHAR_DATA * ch)
  int dir;
  bool found;
  CHAR_DATA *tmp;

  if (ch == NULL || ch->hunting == NULL || !IS_NPC (ch))

   * Make sure the victim still exists.
  for (found = 0, tmp = char_list; tmp && !found; tmp = tmp->next)
    if (ch->hunting == tmp)
      found = 1;

  if (!found || !can_see (ch, ch->hunting)) {
    do_say (ch, "Damn!  My prey is gone!!");
    ch->hunting = NULL;

  if (ch->in_room == ch->hunting->in_room) {
    act ("$n glares at $N and says, 'Ye shall DIE!'",
      ch, NULL, ch->hunting, TO_NOTVICT);
    act ("$n glares at you and says, 'Ye shall DIE!'",
      ch, NULL, ch->hunting, TO_VICT);
    act ("You glare at $N and say, 'Ye shall DIE!",
      ch, NULL, ch->hunting, TO_CHAR);
    multi_hit (ch, ch->hunting, TYPE_UNDEFINED);
    ch->hunting = NULL;

  WAIT_STATE (ch, skill_table[gsn_hunt].beats);
  dir = find_path (ch->in_room, ch->hunting->in_room, ch, -40000, TRUE);

  if (dir < 0 || dir > 5) {
    act ("$n says 'Damn!  Lost $M!'", ch, NULL, ch->hunting, TO_ROOM);
    ch->hunting = NULL;

   * Give a random direction if the mob misses the die roll.
  if (number_percent () > 75) { /* @ 25% */
    do {
      dir = number_door ();
    while ((ch->in_room->exit[dir] == NULL)
      || (ch->in_room->exit[dir]->to_room == NULL));

  if (IS_SET (ch->in_room->exit[dir]->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)) {
    do_open (ch, (char *) dir_name[dir]);

  move_char (ch, dir);

That's all there is to hunt... Read you later :)
Mikko Kilpikoski                                __     Sig?  Naaah...
    E-Mail:           /__\@     I feel too relaxed
       WWW:   L  L        for that...
       MUD: ( 2011