From warlock@amber.ecst.csuchico.edu Sat Feb 22 19:32:54 1992

Note:  Types are cast rather loosly in some cases, and can be quite flexable
  at times... too flexable in some cases.  (:  Judicious use of the int(),
  oid() and str() builtins is recomended where type is important.

  The return values and paramaters are (loosely) described below.

	NULL	A non-error result, but not cast to anything.
	STR	A text string.
	INT	An integer value.
	OID	An object id, such as is retrned from the match* functions.
	ANY	Can be STR, INT or OID.

U standard builtins (as of 2.0a4):

	NULL echo( [ANY, ANY...] );
	NULL error( ANY );
	OID matchinv( STR [, STR] );
	OID matchloc( STR [, STR] );
	OID matchobj( STR [, STR] );
	OID matchply( STR [, STR] );
	OID matchWHO( STR );
	STR listadd( STR, STR);
	STR listdel( STR, STR);
	INT listlook( STR, STR);
	INT int( INT|STR );
	OID oid( ANY );
	STR str( ANY );
	INT rnd( INT );
	INT cmd( ANY );

U non-standard builtins (by warlock@ecst.csuchico.edu)

	STR ary( OID, ANY, ANY )

Flags for optional string in match* functions:  (Unverified)

	U:	Unique
	F:	First
	R:	Random
	N:	Non-local
	M:	Me Ok
	Q:	Quiet
	W:	Which
	E:	Exact