Hello, my friends.  Please sit and talk with me.
Yes, my friend, the wizards three.  The three be Chanteclaire, Marbella and Aphrotine, the greatest archmages in the land.
An archmage is the highest level any wizard may obtain, my friend.  But very seldom does one find a white archmage.
Aye, white archmages epitomize goodness in the world.  Of the ten archmages that have ever existed, all but three have been dark mages.
The evil in mankind.  Perhaps you have seen Millford?  He is an apprentice to one of the dark archmages.
The Mayor Millford, now a lich.
When a powerful mage puts his mind to something, nearly anything is possible...even immortality.
Millford was an apprentice (albeit a powerful one) of Iiselguild.
Iiselguild is one of the few wizards of Keslar ever to achieve archmage status.
The powerful dark mages of Keslar have had a hold on all high level wizards for centuries.  Very few dare to challenge them.  The three white mages did, and two are now dead.
Aye, dead.  Marbella was killed by a mob that despised all the evil magic that was being blamed on her.  Aphrotine disappeared ages ago.  Being a half-elf, it is unlikely that she is still alive. 
Evil magic has more power than one would imagine.  All magic can be shaped to serve the powers of the dark mages.
Aphrotine disappeared nearly two centuries ago under mysterious circumstances.
While in a meeting of the red-robed mages, she strangely vanished.
A powerful order of mages known as the red-robed mages because they all wear red robes.  They affiliate with no other order.
There are two mage societies in the land:  the Keslar dark mages and the Wizard's Eye red-robed mages.  Both never see eye-to-eye but seldom is there a conflict between the two.
Archmage Tellia Aphrotine disappeared under mysterious circumstances several centuries ago.
She was rumored to be the only person who knew how to get to the tomb.
The tomb below the Keslar Palace, where the powerful wizards Deneb and Rowland lie restlessly.
One of the powerful wizards before the fall of Keslar Palace.
One of the powerful wizards before the fall of Keslar Palace.
Keslar Palace was not always the home of the dark mages.  Nearly five centuries ago, the wizards of Keslar were considered to symbolize the good power in the mystery of magic.
Archmage Lena Marbella was the first female mage to reach the status of archmage.  But that was hardly the worst part.
Marbella challenged the Mages of Keslar, claiming that their purpose in life was not to help others, but only themselves.  She challenged them in open forums to defend their ways of life.
By way of magical powers, Marbella always triumphed.
Her mysterious magic was always much more powerful than all the Keslar Mages combined.  The only way to defeat her was to turn her people against her.
The Keslar Mages turned the tables on Marbella by claiming that it was she who was leaching off the people for their support and wisdom, and that all the Keslar Mages wanted to do was be left in peace.
The people turned on Marbella and stormed her castle.  With thousands of people against her, there was no way she could have survived.
It has been rumored that Marbella knew of this trickery and created a copy of herself to be "killed" by the mob, and then promptly disappeared.
This rumor has often been denied because no one has seen or heard from Marbella for nearly three centuries.  Even if she did survive the riot, she would be dead by now.
Danielle Chanteclaire is the only archmage that is still alive today.  She leads a quiet life, though, and is not seen much in public.
Well, defined as living.  Nearly all the archmages are still on this plane, manifested as a lich.
Aye, she runs a small but powerful shop in the center of town.
Danielle's Mystic Mage Emporium, although she is seldom seen there.
No one has seen Chanteclaire for many decades, but her powers can be felt by all the powerful mages in the land.
Danielle has never used her power against anyone else, including the Keslar Mages, which is probably why she is not dead yet.  If she can be found, she can probably answer all of your questions about any magical items or spells that might exist.
No one knows more about magic than a powerful mage, and the Keslar Mages aren't about to tell you anything.
Spells, scrolls, rings, wands and the like.  Seek out Danielle in the storage and teleporter facility hidden behind her shop in the center of town.
You're more than welcome.  I enjoyed the conversation.
Good luck.
which shrine do you mean, friend?
you know, I don't think I've ever talked with you before, I get so lonely, please talk with me for a while and I'll tell you how you can satisfy the High Templar
you need a key to be allowed to level, if you can bring him an item and he will give you one of the keys
there are three of them, you will need to get each before advancing to the rank of protector
the first I will give you if you can retrieve a white scroll for me
oh I am tiring of this, tell me the name of the only archmage's assistant and I will give it to you
for that you must return to the Templar and tell him all you know about the ancient protectors
they were holy knights of the city of Oceancrest long before the walls were built, they protected the city, under the leadership of the Grand Knight Templar Rition
he was a very popular figure in Oceancrest, and his disappearence was rumored to have something to do with the fall of the dragon's citadel.  There was a connection between he and the retreat of the Dragon Breath Druids to thier island, I do not know much more though
oh my hat is getting old, bring me a cloth hat and I will give you the key