/* New for v2.0: readline support -- daw */

 * i tried to put all the stuff that is terminal-specific in one file,
 * just in case we decide to support other terminals someday or something.
 * [forget switching to curses, it and readline do *not* get along.]
 * there is still some terminal-specific stuff in other files, though.
 * (highlight.c springs to mind)

#define	ESCAPE		27

/* don't forget to do a 'fflush(stdout);' after each of these commands! */

void save_pos( /* void */ )
	printf("%c7", ESCAPE);

void restore_pos( /* void */ )
	printf("%c8", ESCAPE);

void goto_rowcol(row, col)
     int row;
     int col;
	printf("%c[%d;%df", ESCAPE, row, col);

void erase_screen( /* void */ )
	printf("%c[2J", ESCAPE);

void erase_toeol( /* void */ )
	printf("%c[K", ESCAPE);

void reset( /* void */ )
	printf("%cc", ESCAPE);

void scroll_region(top, bottom)
     int top;
     int bottom;
	printf("%c[%d;%dr", ESCAPE, top, bottom);