/* Autoconf patching by David Hedbor, neotron@lysator.liu.se */
/* file: path.c - stuff for the path feature                         */
/*                             TINTIN III                            */
/*          (T)he K(I)cki(N) (T)ickin D(I)kumud Clie(N)t             */
/*                    coded by peter unold 1992                      */
/*                  recoded by Jeremy C. Jack 1994                   */
/* the path is implemented as a fix-sized queue. It gets a bit messy */
/* here and there, but it should work....                            */
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "tintin.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void check_insert_path();
void insert_path();
int return_flag=TRUE;

extern char *get_arg_in_braces();
extern void prompt();
extern void kill_list();
extern struct listnode *search_node_with_wild();
extern struct listnode *searchnode_list();
extern struct listnode *init_list();
extern struct listnode *deletenode_list();
extern struct listnode *addnode_list();

extern char tintin_char;
extern struct listnode *common_pathdirs;
extern int pdnum;
extern int mesvar[7];

void mark_command(ses)
  struct session *ses;
  if (ses) {
    tintin_puts("#Beginning of path marked.", ses);
  } else tintin_puts("#No session active => NO PATH!", ses);

void map_command(arg, ses)
     char *arg;
     struct session *ses;
  if (ses) {
    get_arg_in_braces(arg, arg, 1);
    check_insert_path(arg, ses);
  } else tintin_puts2("No session active => NO PATH!", ses);

void savepath_command(arg, ses)
     struct session *ses;
     char *arg;
  if (ses) {
    get_arg_in_braces(arg, arg, 1);
    if ((strlen(arg))&&(ses->path_length)) {
      char result[BUFFER_SIZE];
      struct listnode *ln=ses->path;
      int dirlen, len=0;
      sprintf(result, "%calias {%s} {", tintin_char, arg);
      len = strlen(result);
      while (ln=ln->next) {
        dirlen = strlen(ln->left);
	if (dirlen+len<BUFFER_SIZE) {
          strcat(result, ln->left);
          if (ln->next) strcat(result, ";");
        } else {
	  tintin_puts("#Error - buffer  too small to contain alias", ses);
      strcat(result, "}");
      parse_input(result, ses);
    } else tintin_puts("#Error: no alias for savepath or no path", ses);
  } else tintin_puts2("No session active => NO PATH TO SAVE!", ses);

void path_command(ses)
     struct session *ses;
  if (ses) {
    int x, len=0, dirlen;
    struct listnode *ln=ses->path;
    char mypath[81];
    strcpy(mypath, "#Path:  ");
    while (ln=ln->next) {
      dirlen = strlen(ln->left);
      if (dirlen+len>70) {
	tintin_puts(mypath, ses);
        strcpy(mypath, "#Path:  ");
      strcat(mypath, ln->left);
      strcat(mypath, " ");
      len += dirlen+1;
    tintin_puts(mypath, ses);
  } else tintin_puts("No session active => NO PATH!", ses);

void return_command(ses)
     struct session *ses;
  if (ses) {
    if (ses->path_length) {
      struct listnode *ln=ses->path;
      char command[BUFFER_SIZE];
      while (ln->next) (ln=ln->next);
      strcpy(command, ln->right);
      return_flag=FALSE;	/* temporarily turn off path tracking */
      parse_input(command, ses);
      return_flag=TRUE;		/* restore path tracking */
      deletenode_list(ses->path, ln);
    } else tintin_puts("#No place to return from!", ses);
  } else tintin_puts("#No session active => NO PATH!", ses);

void unpath_command(ses)
     struct session *ses;
  if (ses)
    if (ses->path_length) {
      struct listnode *ln=ses->path;
      while (ln->next) (ln=ln->next);
      deletenode_list(ses->path, ln);
      tintin_puts("#Ok.  Forgot that move.", ses);
    } else tintin_puts("#No move to forget!", ses);
  else tintin_puts("#No session active => NO PATH!", ses);

void check_insert_path(command, ses)
     char *command;
     struct session *ses;
  struct listnode *ln;

  if (!return_flag)

  if((ln = searchnode_list(ses->pathdirs, command))!=NULL) {
    if (ses->path_length!=MAX_PATH_LENGTH) ses->path_length++;
      else if (ses->path_length)
	deletenode_list(ses->path, ses->path->next);
    addnode_list(ses->path, ln->left, ln->right, "0");

void pathdir_command(arg, ses)
     char *arg;
     struct session *ses;
  char left[BUFFER_SIZE], right[BUFFER_SIZE], arg2[BUFFER_SIZE];
  struct listnode *mypathdirs, *ln;

  arg = get_arg_in_braces(arg, left, 0);
  arg = get_arg_in_braces(arg, right, 1);

  if (!*left) {
    tintin_puts2("#These PATHDIRS have been defined:", ses);
  } else if(*left&&!*right) {
    if ((ln=search_node_with_wild(mypathdirs, left))!=NULL) {
      while ((mypathdirs=search_node_with_wild(mypathdirs, left))!=NULL)
    } else if (mesvar[6])
      tintin_puts2("#That PATHDIR is not defined.", ses);
  } else {
    if ((ln=searchnode_list(mypathdirs, left))!=NULL)
      deletenode_list(mypathdirs, ln);
    insertnode_list(mypathdirs, left, right, "0", ALPHA);
    if (mesvar[6]) {
      sprintf(arg2, "#Ok.  {%s} is marked in #path. {%s} is it's #return.",
	left, right);
      tintin_puts2(arg2, ses);