*Rythmic's Day\Night Mob Code*
					   The Archway of Lost Souls
                   Ver: 1.0 *Installation: For Smaug 1.4a*

*******[ What does this snippet do? ]*****

Creates two new mob flags DAY and NIGHT:

A mob with a 'DAY' flag will only reset/pop during the day. While in the game
during the night, the mob will be extracted with a room message.

A mob with a 'NIGHT' flag will only reset/pop during the night. While in the game
during the day, the mob will be extracted with a room message. 

        **[ Building examples/ideas ]**

Imagine a graveyard area, during the day fairly quiet and peaceful, except for a few
rotting zombies shuffling about, rotting body parts falling off etc. Then as night
approaches, scores of undead rise up from the grave, ghouls, wraiths, ghosts..
well you get the picture.. Then as the day arrives, these nocturnal undead flee from
the light of day, making the graveyard fairly safe once again......


The town of SomeName during the day the good folks travel about conducting business,
children playing, shopkeeps sell wares etc.. Then as night approaches the town's folk
head home for the night leaving the streets empty. Perhaps a few guards on fire watch
complain about being on the night shift...

Make quests more challenging trying to find a mob out only during a certain time...

*********************[ Start ]*****************************

First, and most important... BACK UP YOUR FILES FIRST....

Next you'll need to have the following files handy from your src folder..
             mud.h, build.c, reset.c, update.c 

*********************[ mud.h ]*****************************

** Find:

 * ACT bits for mobs.
 * Used in #MOBILES.
#define ACT_IS_NPC		  0		/* Auto set for mobs*/
#define ACT_SENTINEL		  1		/* Stays in one room	*/
#define ACT_SCAVENGER		  2		/* Picks up objects	*/

** Next define these new ACT_flags by adding them to the list
in available slots, I used 3 and 4.

#define ACT_DAY		      3	    /* Only out during the day */
#define ACT_NIGHT	      4	    /* Only out during the night */

**********************[ build.c ]***************************

** Find:

char *	const	act_flags [] =
"npc", "sentinel", "scavenger", "r1", "r2",

** Next replace: "r1", "r2", with our 2 new flags "day", "night",
   or replace the matching locations you added to mud.h

**********************[ reset.c ]***************************
** Find: void reset_area( AREA_DATA *pArea )

     **Inside reset_area look for this piece of code**

if ( pMobIndex->count >= pReset->arg2 )
        mob = NULL;

     **Add this right after**

/** Prevent Day and Night mob resets ** Rythmic */
    if ( xIS_SET(pMobIndex->act, ACT_DAY ) && time_info.sunlight ==  SUN_DARK )
        mob = NULL;

    if ( xIS_SET(pMobIndex->act, ACT_NIGHT ) && time_info.sunlight == SUN_LIGHT )
        mob = NULL;

****************************[ update.c ]**************************

** Find:

 * Mob autonomous action.
 * This function takes 25% to 35% of ALL Mud cpu time.
void mobile_update( void )

** Next look for this bit of code inside mobile_update

if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )

** Next add:

/** Extract Day and Night mobs ** Rythmic **/

    if ( xIS_SET(ch->act, ACT_DAY ) && time_info.sunlight ==  SUN_DARK )
    act(AT_ACTION, "$n flees from the darkness.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    extract_char(ch, TRUE);

    if ( xIS_SET(ch->act, ACT_NIGHT ) && time_info.sunlight == SUN_LIGHT )
    act(AT_ACTION, "$n flees from the light.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    extract_char(ch, TRUE);

****************************[ end ]**************************

Okay save your changes and that's it for the code...

Note you could also add/change checks for SUN_SET, SUN_RISE and add a couple more
flags for more reset changes...

Okay.. make clean ..(cross your fingers!) and compile...

Now you can copyover/reboot your mud.. and add the new flags to your mobs....

mset <mob's name> flags day
mset <mob's name> flags night

Wouldn't hurt to add your new flags to the help file when you get a chance.

Special thanks to: Brynnah for her input, and Samson for hosting.

**[ Finally] **My goal is simply to give this back to the community
in gratitude to those folks that have given so much.. Thanks!

Hopefully someone might find this of use..

Your humble bard,