This is a note about this "b" version of EmberMUD:

   	The "b" version of EmberMUD was not produced by the creators
of EmberMUD, nor has it been officially sanctioned by them.  This 
version was put out by an EmberMUD admin who, after it appeared that
the EmberMUD creators had abandoned their code, decided to put out
one last version.  The "b" stands for Bugfixed, and should repair more 
bugs than it adds to the code.  Though it will not repair all of the 
flaws in the MUD, it does stop a number of crash bugs including the 
dread "add2last" memory leak.

	Copies of the EmberMUD code, bugfixes, and snippets can be
found at a number of places including the site and my 
personal homepage (  I won't be
putting out any other "versions" of this "b" base, but other bugfixes
and new additions can be found on my homepage.

-= Rindar