Kyle's do_finger fix for EmberMUD
                              Code by Kyle Boyd

Note:  I have not yet tested this fix to see how well it works.  However,
Kyle tells me it runs very smoothly on his MUD and does not seem to 
generate any other bugs.  If you have any problems with the code, 
please e-mail Kyle at
-= Rindar

In the act_info.c, look for the do_finger function, and replace all
instances of:

for(; x!=71; x++)


for(; x<71; x++)

I had to disable whois on my mud til I fixed it because it was getting into
infinite loops.  It's not a real serious bug, but it still is annoying.

/   ______ _______ ____   _____   ___ __    _ ______    ____  ____   _____   /
\  |  ____|__   __|  _ \ / ____\ / _ \| \  / |  ____|  / __ \|  _ \ / ____\  \
/  | |__     | |  | |_| | |     | |_| | |\/| | |___   | |  | | |_| | |       /
/  | ___|    | |  | ___/| |   __|  _  | |  | | ____|  | |  | |  __/| |   ___ \
\  | |       | |  | |   | |___| | | | | |  | | |____  | |__| | |\ \| |___| | /
/  |_|       |_|  |_|  o \_____/|_| |_|_|  |_|______|o \____/|_| \_|\_____/  \
\                                                                            /

------------------------------------------------------------------------------      FTP.GAME.ORG

 This file came from FTP.GAME.ORG, the ultimate source for MUD resources.
