#AREA	{ 5 20} Hatchet Valley of the Elves~

Valley elves are as tall as most humans.  They are thin and have sharp and
pointed features.  They are reclusive and resent intrusion.  All other sorts
of elves, including the drow, shun valley elves.  The latter, in turn, dislike
association with any races save perhaps gnomekind, whom they tolerate.

ELVES are leaner in stature than humans yet on the average just as strong.
They are more magical and dexterous than the average HUMAN.  With their
smaller frame, they are able to better dodge larger foes like GIANTS
and OGRES.  Unfortunately, ELVES are not so strong in bodily health;
on the other hand, their magical nature aids them in recovering from
the rigors of spell-casting.  Due to ancient feuds and past dealings,
ELVES have strong animosity toward a few races and they toward ELVES.
ELVES have certain abilities available to them.
	* Infravision.
	* Detect Hidden.

0 $~

cooshee dog~
a cooshee~
A rather large dog is here, wandering the valley.
A beast is the size of the largest common dog.  It has a greenish coat with
brown spots.  Its shape, along with its colors, make this cooshee almost
undetectable as it moves.
64|128 32768 0 S
5 15 4 4d4+55 2d4+1
0 700
8 animal~ 0
valley elf~
a valley elf~
A valley elf wanders here, cautious of your intrusion.
This elf is almost as tall as you are, but much slimmer and agile.  You see
hatred in his eyes, and you try to avoid his stare.  His tense body looks ready
to spring upon you, like a mountain lion stalking its prey.  He sees you
noticing him, and quietly disappears.
4|32|64|128 512|32768 0 S
8 11 0 7d7+80 1d4+6
10 2000
8 elf~ 1
valley elf~
a valley elf~
A female valley elf wanders here, skirting between the tall grasses.
This elf is almost as tall as you are, but much slimmer and more agile.
She glares at you, then quickly disappears before you see more of her.
4|32|64|128 512|32768 0 S
8 11 0 7d7+80 1d4+6
10 2000
8 elf~ 2
sentry valley elf~
a valley elf sentry~
A valley elf sentry stands here, then noticing you, attacks quickly!
This elf is almost as tall as you are, but much slimmer and more agile.
He glares at your intrusion and attacks with menace.
2|32 512|32768 0 S
7 12 1 6d6+70 1d4+5
10 1500
8 elf~ 1
sentry valley elf~
a valley elf sentry~
A valley elf sentry stands here, then noticing you, attacks quickly!
This elf is almost as tall as you are, but much slimmer and more agile.
She glares at your intrusion and attacks with menace.
2|32 512|32768 0 S
7 12 1 6d6+70 1d4+5
10 1500
8 elf~ 2
scout valley elf~
a valley elf scout~
A valley elf scout wanders the valley, searching for intruders like you!
The elf notices your intrusion and attacks with determination.
4|32|64 512|32768 0 S
6 13 2 5d5+60 1d4+4
10 1000
8 elf~ 1
valley elf~
a valley elf~
A valley elf is here, doing her duties.
She is currently doing some menial chores, and ignores your intrusion except
when you are in her way.
64|128 512|32768 0 S
6 13 2 5d5+60 1d4+4
10 1000
8 elf~ 2
elder valley elf~
a valley elf elder~
A valley elf elder is here, studying.  He notices you.
A valley elf elder shouts 'You have intruded wrongly.  Be prepared to die!'
This elf looks quite old, probably twenty or more times your age.  He looks
quite potent, though.
2|4|32 128|8192 0 S
15 3 -7 14d14+150 1d4+9
10 30000
8 elf~ 1
elder valley elf~
a valley elf elder~
A valley elf elder is here, studying.  She notices you.
A valley elf elder says 'Your arrogance will be your end, human.'
This elf looks quite old, probably twenty or more times your age.  She looks
quite potent, though.
2|4|32 8192 0 S
15 3 -10 14d14+150 1d4+9
10 30000
8 elf~ 2
pyrohydra pyro hydra~
the pyrohydra~
A big beast with many heads, each breathing fire, stares at you with malice.
This big beast looks like a small red dragon, but has many more heads than a
regular dragon, too.  It doesn't look happy.
2|32 0 0 S
20 2 -5 20d20+200 1d20+12
0 50000
8 hydra~ 0
hermit man old~
an old hermit~
An old hermit sits here, smoking a pipe.
He looks old and feeble.
2|4|128 0 0 S
3 17 7 3d3+33 1d4+2
10 300
8 human~ 1
talemon wizard mage~
An old mage busies himself with some chemicals.
Talemon looks harmless, but the fireballs he throws at you don't.
2|4|32 0 0 S
25 0 -10 25d25+250 1d4+10
1000 100000
8 elf~ 1
guardian daemon~
the guardian daemon~
A huge guardian daemon is here, watching the treasure.
This daemon is unhappy with its summoned job, and is willing to take out it's
anger at you!
2|32 0 -500 S
25 -2 -10 25d25+250 2d4+20
0 80000
8 god~ 0
a wolf~
A wolf is here, looking for small prey.
The wolf is covered with brown hair.  It looks at you with fright.
32|128 0 0 S
4 16 6 4d4+40 1d4+3
0 500
8 bear~ 0
an antelope~
An antelope is here, peacefully munching on grass.
With horns and spots over coarse, brown hair, this beast is the spit and
image of ... an antelope.
128 0 0 S
6 14 4 6d6+66 1d4+5
0 1000
8 animal~ 0

chainmail chain mail~
elven chainmail~
A shiny metallic shirt is on the floor.~
9 0 1|8
4~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 50 50
elven boots~
Some soft boots are on the floor.~
9 0 1|64
3~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 10 10
14 50
longsword sword long~
an elven longsword~
A shiny blade is on the floor.~
5 64 1|8192
0~ 3~ 3~ 3~
3 50 50
18 1
cloak brown~
a brown cloak~
A pile of brown cloth is on the floor.~
9 64 1|4
3~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 50 50
2 1
a key~
A shiny key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
7846~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a key~
A shiny key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
7880~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a gold ring~
A shiny ring is on the floor.~
9 64 1|2
3~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 1000 10
12 10
quarterstaff staff~
a quarterstaff~
A quarterstaff is on the floor.~
5 64 1|8192
0~ 4~ 4~ 8~
5 1000 10
19 2
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ armor~ invis~ ~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ energy drain~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ detect hidden~ detect magic~ ~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
50~ dispel magic~ dispel magic~ dispel magic~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ refresh~ protection~ ~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ sleep~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ bless~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ cure critical~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a potion~
A potion is on the floor.~
10 64 1
10~ ~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a scroll~
A scroll is on the floor.~
2 64 1
10~ cure critical~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a scroll~
A scroll is on the floor.~
2 64 1
10~ ~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a scroll~
A scroll is on the floor.~
2 64 1
10~ detect evil~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a scroll~
A scroll is on the floor.~
2 64 1
10~ create water~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a scroll~
A scroll is on the floor.~
2 64 1
10~ magic missile~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a scroll~
A scroll is on the floor.~
2 64 1
10~ chill touch~ ~ ~
1 200 10
a scroll~
A scroll is on the floor.~
2 64 1
10~ heal~ ~ ~
1 200 10
rod light~
the Rod of Neutrality~
A dull iron shaft is on the floor.~
1 64|512|1024 1
0~ 0~ -1~ 0~
1 1000 10
19 5

A Path from the Plains~
You are on a path away from the Plains of Ofcol.  The path doesn't look well
tread, but it is relatively well kept.  To the south are the Plains of Ofcol,
while this path leads north.
78 0 2
The path continues north.
0 0 7801
You see the Plains of Ofcol.
0 0 323
Along the Path~
You are on the path away from the Plains of Ofcol.  The main path leads north
to an overlook and south back toward the Plains of Ofcol.  Western and eastern
side paths can be seen, probably deer trails by the width of them.
78 0 2
You see the overlook.
0 0 7804
You see the small trail.
0 0 7803
You see the path back toward Ofcol.
0 0 7800
You see the small trail.
0 0 7802
A Small Trail~
This small deer trail leads north and east.
78 0 2
The trail continues north.
0 0 7867
The main path is to the east.
0 0 7801
A Small Trail~
This small deer trail leads north and west.
78 0 2
The trail continues north.
0 0 7849
The main path is to the west.
0 0 7801
The Overlook~
You are above a large valley.  Below you, you see humanoid forms wandering
around the valley.  Rich green grass covers the valley, with some small trees
dotting the landscape.  To the south is the trail back toward Ofcol.
78 0 2
You see the path back toward Ofcol.
0 0 7801
You see the entrance to the valley.
0 0 7805
The Entrance to the Valley of the Elves~
You are at the entrance to the Valley of the Elves.  Elves stare at your
intrusion, but most are too busy to bother with you.  The valley spreads to
the north, while enlarging toward the east and west.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7810
The valley continues east.
0 0 7807
The valley continues west.
0 0 7806
The overlook is above you.
0 0 7804
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a small
trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues north and east.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7809
The entrance to the valley is to the east.
0 0 7805
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a small
trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues north and west.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7811
The entrance to the valley is to the west.
0 0 7805
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a small
trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues north and east.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7813
The valley continues east.
0 0 7809
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7814
The valley continues east.
0 0 7810
The valley continues south.
0 0 7806
The valley continues west.
0 0 7808
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
The entrance to the valley is towards the south.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7815
The valley continues east.
0 0 7811
You see the entrance to the valley.
0 0 7805
The valley continues west.
0 0 7809
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7816
The valley continues east.
0 0 7812
The valley continues south.
0 0 7807
The valley continues west.
0 0 7810
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a small
trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues north and west.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7817
The valley continues west.
0 0 7811
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  A steep trail leads up toward
the deer trail circling the valley.  The valley continues north, south, and
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7818
The valley continues east.
0 0 7814
The valley continues south.
0 0 7808
The steep trail leads up.
0 0 7863
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7819
The valley continues east.
0 0 7815
The valley continues south.
0 0 7809
The valley continues west.
0 0 7813
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7820
The valley continues east.
0 0 7816
The valley continues south.
0 0 7810
The valley continues west.
0 0 7814
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7821
The valley continues east.
0 0 7817
The valley continues south.
0 0 7811
The valley continues west.
0 0 7815
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  A steep trail leads up toward
the deer trail circling the valley.  The valley continues north, south, and
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7822
The valley continues south.
0 0 7812
The valley continues west.
0 0 7816
The steep trail leads up.
0 0 7853
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a
small trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues south and east.
78 0 2
The valley continues east.
0 0 7819
The valley continues south.
0 0 7813
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7823
The valley continues east.
0 0 7820
The valley continues south.
0 0 7814
The valley continues west.
0 0 7818
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7824
The valley continues east.
0 0 7821
The valley continues south.
0 0 7815
The valley continues west.
0 0 7819
The Valley of the Elves~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
78 0 2
The valley continues north.
0 0 7825
The valley continues east.
0 0 7822
The valley continues south.
0 0 7816
The valley continues west.
0 0 7820
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a small
trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues south and west.
78 0 2
The valley continues south.
0 0 7817
The valley continues west.
0 0 7821
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a small
trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues south and east.
78 0 2
The valley continues east.
0 0 7824
The valley continues south
0 0 7819
The Edge of the Valley~
You are in the Valley of the Elves.  The valley continues in all directions.
To the north, a small, narrow trail leads away from the valley.
78 0 2
A small trail leads away from the valley.
0 0 7826
The valley continues east.
0 0 7825
The valley continues south.
0 0 7820
The valley continues west.
0 0 7823
The Edge of the Valley~
You are at the edge of the Valley of the Elves.  High above you, you see a small
trail circling the entire valley.  The valley continues south and west.
78 0 2
The valley continues south.
0 0 7821
The valley continues west.
0 0 7824
A Trail Leading from the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail leading away from the Valley of the Elves.  This
trail leads north and south.  A rope ladder leads up to a rope bridge.
78 0 2
The trail continues north.
0 0 7827
The trail leads back to the valley.
0 0 7824
You see the rope bridge above you.
0 0 7858
Along the Trail~
You are on the trail away from the Valley of the Elves.  The hills around you
keep this trail narrow.  The trail continues east, south, and west.
78 0 2
The trail continues east.
0 0 7828
The trail continues south back toward the valley.
0 0 7826
The trail continues west.
0 0 7868
A Bend in the Trail~
You are on the trail away from the Valley of the Elves.  The hills around you
keep this trail narrow.  The trail continues north and back west.
78 0 2
You see a small valley north.
0 0 7829
The trail goes back to the west.
0 0 7827
A Smaller Valley~
You are in another valley within these hills. To the north, you can see a
building, and to the south you see the trail away from this valley.  The
west and east paths surround this building.
78 0 2
You see the building.
1 -1 7834
You see the trail around the building.
0 0 7831
You see the trail leading away from this valley.
0 0 7828
You see the trail around the building.
0 0 7830
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads north and
east.  To the north-east is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7832
You see the trail.
0 0 7829
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads west and
east.  To the north is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7833
You see the trail.
0 0 7829
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads north and
south.  To the east is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7837
You see the trail.
0 0 7830
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads north and
west.  To the north-west is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7836
You see the trail.
0 0 7831
The Elf Home~
You are in the home of the valley elves.  The building continues to the north
and the east, and the exit is to the south.
78 8 0
The building continues to the north.
0 0 7838
The building continues to the east.
0 0 7835
The exit is to the south.
1 -1 7829
The Kitchen~
You are in a community kitchen for this valley elven home.  Pots and pans line
the walls, along with shelves filled with many foodstuffs.  A big oven is to one
side, and you can smell elfcakes being baked.
There is a doorway to the north and one to the west.
78 8 0
The building continues to the north.
0 0 7839
The building continues to the west.
0 0 7834
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads north and
south.  To the west is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7840
You see the trail.
0 0 7833
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads north and
south.  To the east is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7841
You see the trail.
0 0 7832
The Living Room~
You are in the living room of the elven home.  Mats cover the floor, and a
on a table is a bowl full of fruits.  Through the window you can see the
valley, with its wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 8 0
The building continues to the east.
0 0 7839
The entrance is to the south.
0 0 7834
The Storage Room~
You are in the storage room of the elven home.  Sacks of flour cover one side,
and cleaning accessories cover the other side.  You find nothing of use here.
A staircase leads up.
78 8 0
The building continues to the south.
0 0 7835
The building continues to the west.
0 0 7838
You see the second floor.
0 0 7848
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads north and
south.  To the west is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7844
You see the trail.
0 0 7836
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads south and
east.  To the south-east is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7842
You see the trail.
0 0 7837
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads west and
east.  To the south is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7843
You see the trail.
0 0 7841
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads east and
west.  To the south is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7844
You see the trail.
0 0 7842
A Trail in the Valley~
You are on the trail in the Valley of the Elves.  This trail leads south and
west.  To the south-west is a building.
78 0 2
You see the trail.
0 0 7840
You see the trail.
0 0 7843
The Elders' Room~
You are in the room of the valley elf elders.  Books written in strange
languages line the numerous shelves, and scrolls cover a table.  There is a
smooth spheric object in the center of the room.
78 8 0
You see another room.
1 -1 7847
You see another room.
1 7804 7846
The Storage Room~
You are in a storage room.  Many useless (to you) items fill this room.
78 8 0
You see another room.
1 7804 7848
You see another room.
1 7804 7845
The Sleeping Quarters~
You are in the sleeping quarters of the valley elves.  Cots line the floor,
with two windows showing a view of the valley.  Books in strange languages
line the shelves, but nothing of interest is here.
78 8 0
You see another room.
1 -1 7848
You see another room.
1 -1 7845
You are in the study room of the valley elves.  Comfortable mats are on the
floor, and musical instruments are neatly stacked on shelves.  Books in
strange languages line some other elves.  A stairway leads down to the
first floor.
78 8 0
You see another room.
1 7804 7846
You see another room.
1 -1 7847
You see the first floor.
0 0 7839
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7850
0 0 7803
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7851
0 0 7849
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7852
0 0 7850
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7853
0 0 7851
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
A safe trail leads down into the valley.
78 0 2
0 0 7854
0 0 7852
The trail down looks safe.
0 0 7817
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7853
0 0 7855
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7856
0 0 7854
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7855
0 0 7857
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7856
You see a rope bridge~
0 0 7858
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
On the Rope Bridge~
You are on the rope bridge.  From here, you can see the whole Valley of the
Elves.  To the south, you see the main valley.  To the north-east, you see a
smaller valley with a building in the center of it.  To the north-west, you
can see a very small valley with a shack in it's center.  A rope ladder
leads down into a trail.
78 0 2
0 0 7857
0 0 7859
You see the trail.
0 0 7826
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
You see a rope bridge.
0 0 7858
0 0 7860
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7859
0 0 7861
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7860
0 0 7862
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7861
0 0 7863
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
A safe trail leads down into the valley.
78 0 2
0 0 7862
0 0 7864
The trail down looks safe.
0 0 7813
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7863
0 0 7865
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7866
0 0 7864
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7865
0 0 7867
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
Along a Windy Trail on the Rim of the Valley~
You are on a narrow trail on the rim of the Valley of the Elves.  Below you,
you can see the valley, filled with wild flowers and tall, green grasses.
78 0 2
0 0 7802
0 0 7866
The trail down doesn't look safe to travel on at all.
0 0 7883
A Bend in the Trail~
You are on a bend in the trail leading from the main valley.  The hills around
you make this trail quite narrow.
78 0 2
The trail continues north.
0 0 7869
The trail continues east.
0 0 7827
A Bend in the Trail~
You are on a bend in the trail leading from the main valley.  The hills around
you make this trail quite narrow.  To the west, you can see an even smaller
valley, with looks like a small shack in the center of it.
78 0 2
The trail continues south.
0 0 7868
The entrance to the small valley is to the west.
0 0 7870
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  The exit from this valley is to the east, and
the entrance to the shack is to the west.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the north.
0 0 7871
The exit from this small valley is to the east.
0 0 7869
The valley continues to the south.
0 0 7872
You see the small shack.
1 -1 7878
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  To the south-west is a small shack.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the south.
0 0 7870
The valley continues to the west.
0 0 7873
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  To the north-west is a small shack.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the north.
0 0 7870
The valley continues to the west.
0 0 7877
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  To the south is a small shack.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the east.
0 0 7871
The valley continues to the west.
0 0 7874
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  To the south-east is a small shack.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the east.
0 0 7873
The valley continues to the south.
0 0 7875
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  To the east is a small shack.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the north.
0 0 7874
The valley continues to the south.
0 0 7876
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  To the north-east is a small shack.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the north.
0 0 7875
The valley continues to the east.
0 0 7877
The Small Valley~
You are in the small valley.  Strangely, tall trees grow here, almost as if some
magic was used to help them grow.  To the north is a small shack.
78 0 2
The valley continues to the east.
0 0 7872
The valley continues to the west.
0 0 7876
Inside the Small Shack~
You are inside the small shack.  A small stove is on the side, with soup
cooking over it.  You see nothing valuable.
78 8 0
You see the valley outside.
1 -1 7870
You see a trap door!
trap door~
1 -1 7879
Beneath the Small Shack~
You are beneath the small shack, in a tunnel that leads south.  It feels
quite warm down here.
78 9 0
The room looks reddish down there.
0 0 7880
Back to known territory!
trap door~
1 -1 7878
The Den of the Pyrohydra~
You are in the den of the pyrohydra.  All the walls are charred, and this
room is filled with a smell close to that of burning tar.
78 9 0
You see the relative safety to the north.
0 0 7879
You see breaks in the charred rock to the east.
1 7805 7882
You see a door to the west.
1 7805 7881
The Workroom~
This room looks like it is used for magical studies.  Potions bubble over
burners, and the whole room spells of herbs and dead animal flesh.  A furnace
to the side casts a bright light in this room.  The whole room radiates with
a magical aura.
78 8 0
1 7805 7880
The Storage Room~
This room is used to store scrolls, potions, and other magical items.  The
whole room radiates with a magical aura.
78 8 0
secret door~
1 7805 7880
WAY Far Down into the Valley~
You have fallen trying to go down this steep hill.  Maybe that wasn't that
good an idea, huh?

You've fallen, and you can't get up!
78 4 0

D 0 7829 0 1
D 0 7834 2 1
D 0 7845 1 2
D 0 7846 3 2
D 0 7845 0 1
D 0 7846 0 2
D 0 7847 1 1
D 0 7847 2 1
D 0 7848 2 2
D 0 7848 3 1
D 0 7870 3 1
D 0 7878 1 1
D 0 7878 5 1
D 0 7879 4 1
D 0 7880 1 2
D 0 7882 3 2
D 0 7880 3 2
D 0 7881 1 2
M 0 7800 1 7806
M 0 7800 2 7807
M 0 7800 3 7837
M 0 7800 4 7873
M 0 7800 5 7823
M 0 7800 6 7833
M 0 7801 1 7805
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7801 2 7820
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7801 3 7818
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7801 4 7844
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7801 5 7877
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7801 6 7816
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7802 1 7868
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7802 2 7811
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7802 3 7865
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7802 4 7854
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7802 5 7842
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7802 6 7820
E 1 7802 99 16
M 0 7803 1 7853
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7803 2 7866
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7803 3 7860
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7803 4 7848
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7804 1 7850
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7804 1 7856
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7804 1 7863
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7804 1 7848
E 1 7800 99 5
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7805 1 7852
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7805 2 7862
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7805 3 7827
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7805 4 7842
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7805 5 7876
E 1 7801 99 8
E 1 7802 99 16
E 1 7803 99 3
M 0 7806 1 7847
M 0 7806 2 7847
M 0 7806 3 7835
M 0 7806 4 7838
M 0 7806 5 7839
O 0 7809 99 7846
O 0 7823 99 7846
O 0 7820 99 7846
O 0 7817 99 7846
O 0 7815 99 7846
O 0 7816 99 7846
O 0 7819 99 7846
O 0 7808 99 7882
O 0 7822 99 7882
O 0 7821 99 7882
O 0 7810 99 7882
O 0 7812 99 7882
O 0 7811 99 7882
O 0 7820 99 7882
O 0 7815 99 7882
O 0 7818 99 7882
O 0 7814 99 7882
O 0 7813 99 7882
O 0 7823 99 7882
M 0 7807 1 7845
G 1 7804 99
E 1 7806 99 1
E 1 7807 99 16
M 0 7808 1 7845
E 1 7806 99 1
E 1 7807 99 16
M 0 7809 1 7880
G 1 7805 99
M 0 7810 1 7878
M 0 7811 1 7881
E 1 7806 99 1
E 1 7807 99 16
E 1 7824 99 0
M 0 7812 1 7882
M 0 7813 3 7818
M 0 7813 3 7830
M 0 7813 3 7860
M 0 7814 3 7815
M 0 7814 3 7825
M 0 7814 3 7852

M  7807 spec_cast_cleric	; elder
M  7808 spec_cast_mage		; elder
M  7809 spec_breath_fire	; pyrohydra
M  7811 spec_cast_mage		; Talemon
