2 Fight Fixes for EmberMUD
                      Fix Sheet 1.0 by Rindar (Ron Cole)
                              Fix 1.0 by Rindar

The Bugs: In fight.c, there are a number of "minor" errors in the various
fighting techniques.  The problem is, most do not crash the game, so are
extra hard to locate.  I have found two of these minor bugs, and posted 
the easy fixes for them as well.

(Both of these fixes take place in fight.c)

In the function do_bash:    
    /* speed */
    if (IS_SET(ch->off_flags,OFF_FAST))
        chance += 10;
    if (IS_SET(ch->off_flags,OFF_FAST))
        chance -= 20;

   Should be:

    /* speed */
    if (IS_SET(ch->off_flags,OFF_FAST))
        chance += 10;
    if (IS_SET(victim->off_flags,OFF_FAST))
        chance -= 20;

   The original version was both increasing and decreasing the ch's 
  chance for having the FAST flag set.  The new version allows the 
  victim to have a bonus for being fast.

In the function do_dirt:
    /* speed  */
    if (IS_SET(ch->off_flags,OFF_FAST) || IS_AFFECTED(ch,AFF_HASTE))
        chance += 10;
    if (IS_SET(victim->off_flags,OFF_FAST) || IS_AFFECTED(victim,OFF_FAST))
        chance -= 25;

   Should be:

    /* speed  */
    if (IS_SET(ch->off_flags,OFF_FAST) || IS_AFFECTED(ch,AFF_HASTE))
        chance += 10;
    if (IS_SET(victim->off_flags,OFF_FAST) || IS_AFFECTED(victim,AFF_HASTE))
        chance -= 25;

   The IS_AFFECTED check was trying to double-check for FAST instead of 
  checking to see if the victim was hasted.

-= Rindar

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ftp://ftp.game.org/pub/mud      FTP.GAME.ORG      http://www.game.org/ftpsite/

 This file came from FTP.GAME.ORG, the ultimate source for MUD resources.
