SMAUG: "Toggable mpforces on Immortals" snippet by Zeno

This snippet is intended for SmaugFUSS, due to the fact that FUSS will
not allow you to mpforce Immortals (for a good reason) and you will get
a log message like this: 
Mpforce - Attempting to force an immortal! Cheater detected!, Mob #1201.

This snippet creates an Immortal-only config flag to allow being mpforced.
Remember being able to be mpforced is a security risk, as lower Immortals
can force a mob to mpforce you to use commands they do not have (such
as destroy, advance, etc). This also changes the log message so it no
longer logs but rather sends to the victim who was attempted to be
mpforced (by what mob etc).

All support for this snippet (and any of my snippets) must be posted on
MudBytes ( under the appropriate code. Find this snippet
on MudBytes, post a new comment, and I will reply as soon as possible.

All of my released code can be distributed anywhere as long as credit
is given when due. Please do not claim my code as your own. If you
do distribute my code to other places, I'd like it if you notify me.
My email address is zeno-AT-biyg-DOT-org, but please do not
use this for support.

This code was originally released at MudBytes ( Most
(if not all) of my released code originated from the MUD I run
(Bleached InuYasha Galaxy: which is a modified version of
SmaugFUSS. Therefor all code I release has been tested and is currently
running on a MUD open to the public. Everything should work as intended,
but since I wrote most of this code years ago, improvements can probably
be made to the code to make it more efficient. I'd appreciate it if you
improve any of the code, that you would post the changes on MudBytes. You
can find contact information and details about myself at the following URL:

config +allowmpforce  - You can now be mpforced by mobs.
config -allowmpforce  - You can no longer be mpforced by mobs.

1.) In mud.h where the other PLR_ flags are (such as PLR_AUTOGOLD), add a
new flag called PLR_MPFORCE as the last (new) flag.

2.) In act_info.c, find this line:
        send_to_char( "\n\r\n\rImmortal toggles:  ", ch );
On this line:
				ch_printf( ch, "Roomvnum [%s]
Add "AllowMpforce [%s]" to it. Now find the section below that has:
			  xIS_SET(ch->act, PLR_ROOMVNUM )
And add another block that looks like this:
          xIS_SET(ch->act, PLR_MPFORCE )                ? "+"
                                                        : "-"
Further down in the file, find these lines:
       else if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch )
             &&   !str_prefix( arg+1, "vnum"     ) ) bit = PLR_ROOMVNUM;
And add these lines:
        else if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch )
             &&   !str_prefix( arg+1, "allowmpforce" ) ) bit = PLR_MPFORCE;
3.) In build.c, find the plr_flags section where it contains the strings of
the flag names (such as "wizinvis", "roomvnum","silence") and add another
argument to that list ("mpforce").

4.) In mud_comm.c, find this block of code:
        if ( !IS_NPC( victim )
        && ( !victim->desc )
        && IS_IMMORTAL( victim ) )
            progbug( "Mpforce - Attempting to force link dead immortal", ch );
Below it you should see the mpforce log message code. The entire block of code
should be changed to look like this:
      if ( get_trust ( victim ) <= LEVEL_AVATAR )    
         interpret( victim, argument );
      if ( get_trust ( victim ) >= LEVEL_AVATAR && xIS_SET(victim->act, PLR_MPFORCE) )
         interpret( victim, argument );
      else if ( get_trust ( victim ) >= LEVEL_AVATAR && !xIS_SET(victim->act, PLR_MPFORCE) )
        if ( ch->pIndexData->vnum == 3 )
                ch_printf( victim, "Failed attempt to mpforce you, %s.\n\r",
                    ch->description == NULL ? "(unknown)" : ch->description );
                ch_printf( victim, "Failed attempt to mpforce you, Mob #%d.\n\r",
                    ch->pIndexData->vnum );

5.) Make clean, make and hotboot/reboot the MUD.