The Void~
   You don't think that you are not floating in nothing.  You can see
a strange portal located above you.
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0 0 100
T 1200
   You are floating in a formless void, detached from all sensation of physical
matter, surrounded by swirling glowing light, which fades into the relative
darkness around you without any trace of edges or shadow.
0 d 1
A strange portal in the floor is the only exit.
0 0 100
Welcome to the Builder Academy~

   A builder is a term usually used to describe a person who designs MUD zones
for other characters to explore. Any player with motivation, ideas, and good 
writing style can be a builder as well as a player. As a Builder, your job is 
to create the virtual world in which players can roam around, solve puzzles, 
find treasures, and gain experience. A Builder creates the rooms, objects, 
mobs, shops, and triggers with which players will interact. 
   If this is something you are interested in doing then you have come to the
right place. Be warned, building is not easy and will require hard work, 
patience, and the ability to take constructive criticism.

   Your first task is to apply for builder status at: 


   When you finish and submit the application tell anyone level 32 or higher
and they will advance you to begin your training.

0 de 0
The Builder Academy~
   Congratulations on your new-found immortality. Now all you need to know is
how to use your new abilities. This zone describes how to create CircleMUD
areas. The intended audience is builders interested in creating new worlds.  
There are a few basic rules to understand while exploring this zone and
learning how to build. Everything in @RCAPITAL LETTERS@n is something that
can be further explored by typing @RCAPITAL LETTERS@n and hitting return.
Test this out, @RHELP DISCLAIMER@n.
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0 0 4
The Beginning~
   By simply following the different halls new builders will be taught the
basics of building on a Circlemud. If new to immortality and building then I
highly recommend the hallway to the north for an overview of immortal commands.
For those that have a grasp on all commands listed under @RWIZHELP@n continue to
the east. TBA is constantly striving to improve upon the training process so
please use the typo and idea commands liberally. For example: idea you need
more cow bell in the zone. Typo in help telnet teh = the.
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The Builder Academy Implementation~
   Here at The Builder Academy we try not to restrict builders with rules and
regulations. But, some are required in order to make this place run smoothly.
Please realize we handle a lot of newbie builders with a very minimal staff so 
be patient, learn to use the helpfiles and have fun.

   Read the following help files on TBA's training process:
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   This hallway running west to east is the route you will advance upon after 
completing each hallway leading off to the north (if there is one) @RHELP TBAMAP@n.  
   The first thing all builders need to realize is that their area is not going
to be the best, and it is not going to have the best equipment or toughest mobs
in the game.  All new builders want to make a piece of equipment that is better 
than any other and they all want the large group of players to remember the 
trials and tribulations they went through while trying to kill a mob that they 
have created.  If you are a veteran of any MUD, you know that the toughest mobs
have already been made, and to try to create a mob that is tougher is almost 
impossible and will only duplicate existing mobs, or throw off the balance of
the game. So start out small and do not expect to create a perfect zone the
first time around. Do not make anything super-powerful. It will not be allowed 
and you will have to redo it, wasting everyone's time, both yours and ours.
   Read the following help files:
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0 0 7
0 0 5
Writing Good Descriptions~
   The following help files go into the lengthy subject of writing good 
descriptions.  This will also cover proper grammar and the use of the text
editor where you enter all of your long descriptions.  
   The hardest part for most new builders is writing descriptions. We assume 
that you are reasonably literate and know basic English grammar and spelling. 
If this does not describe you, we humbly suggest that you take some English 
classes, get a dictionary, and start learning. Proper grammar should be used 
at all times. If you can write reasonably well, great! I am sure you will still
find this hallway useful. We will discuss some of the issues related to writing
specifically for a MUD, such as:
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0 0 8
0 0 6
How to Use Redit~
   Room edit, or redit, is how you create, link, and describe the rooms that a
player explores. It can be used by simply typing redit in the room you wish to
edit.  If you get a message that you do not have permission to edit that zone
it is because your OLC is not set to that zone. @RSTAT SELF@n to see what your
@MOLC[]@n is set to. OLC, or on-line-creation is set to the zone number
assigned to you by the staff.  The zone number is then divided into VNUM's ##00
to ##99. For example, Zone 12 has VNUM's 1200 to 1299. These numbers are
critical; they are the identities of the rooms within the game.  They can be
used with "goto" to go to that room.    
   Now, lets look at the redit menu. Type the following: @RHELP REDIT-MENU@n
That is an example of the redit menu you will see when you edit a room.
Notice how each important line has an associated help topic. To learn more
about it just see the appropriate help file. If this is your first experience
with redit read ALL the help files. @RHELP STYLISTICS@n
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0 0 9
0 0 7
How to Use Oedit~
   Now you will learn the intricacies of creating objects with the object editor.
Please remember that every MUD has different ideas of balance and the basics of
building you learn here should be universal, but expect limitations on objects
from your MUD administration. To further help your training we have added object
standards to all values a builder can set. This way you know what values are 
appropriate and will not have to redo objects because you did not know what 
values to set.
   Oedit can be used by typing "oedit <<VNUM>>".  A zone is divided into VNUM's 
##00 to ##99.  For example, Zone 12 has VNUM's 1200 to 1299.  These numbers 
are critical; they are the identities of the objects within the game.  It is 
a good habit to start using all VNUMs from ##00 to ##99 consecutively.
   Lets start off by checking out the oedit menu. Type @RHELP OEDIT-MENU@n
That is an example of the oedit menu you will see when you edit an object. 
Notice how each important line has an associated help topic. To learn more
about it just see the appropriate help file. If this is your first experience
with oedit read ALL the help files.
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0 0 8
How to Use Medit~
   Next you will learn how to create mobiles with the mobile editor. Mobs are 
the non-player characters within the game (NPC's). With medit you will be able 
to create a mob and modify all of its stats (statistics), flags, and settings.
   Mobile edit, or medit, is how you create the monsters a player can interact
with.  Notice I use the word interact.  Every mob should not be made for just
killing.  There can and should be a variety.  For example, one mob could be
made for high experience value, another for gold, another for a unique object,
another to fill a storyline, another as part of a quest.  The options are
limitless, especially with triggers, mobs are meant for much more than just
killing.  Medit can be used by typing "medit <VNUM>".  
   Type @RHELP MEDIT-MENU@n That is an example of the medit menu you will see 
when you edit a mobile. Each line has its own help topic you should also read.
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0 0 9
How to Use Zedit~
   Zedit is what is used to load mobiles and objects into rooms. Every zone 
goes through a zone reset, each one depending on how you set it. Upon a zone
reset all rooms, mobs, and objects will reload if they are no longer present.
   Most new builders think mobs and objects are loaded by the "load" command.
This is not how it is done. Instead you use zedit in each room you wish a
mob or object to load. This way whenever the zone resets it will execute the 
zone commands to load all of your mobs and objects.
   Zone edit, or zedit, is how you control how mobiles and objects are 
integrated within the zone to create an inhabited world. Using "load obj 
<VNUM>" does not ensure that the mob will always be there, in fact if someone 
kills it or the mud reboots it will be gone. So you need to load mobs and 
objects through zedit.
   It can be used just like redit, by simply typing zedit while you are in the
room you wish to edit or "zedit <<VNUM>>." Now, lets look at the zedit menu.
@RHELP ZEDIT-MENU@n.  That is an example of the zedit menu, be sure to read
the related helpfiles on each menu option.
   Zedit contains zone settings, followed by a series of reset commands. Each
time a zone is reset, the server executes all the commands in order from 
beginning to end. All zones are reset when the server first boots, and 
periodically reset again while the game is running.
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How to Use Sedit~
   Shops are stores within the mud that players can list the items for sale 
and then buy or sell from. Shops are one of the more complicated aspects of 
building and should not be attempted until you are comfortable with the other 
forms of OLC (except trigedit).    
   When you make a shop I suggest you use the shop vnum that matches the room
you wish the shop to be in. For example, say I want a shop in room 1333. I 
would sedit 1333 to create that shop. Now, let us look at the sedit menu.  
Type the following: @RHELP SEDIT-MENU@n. That is an example of the sedit menu 
you will see when you edit a shop. Notice how each important line has an 
associated help topic. To learn more about it just see the appropriate help 
file. If this is your first experience with sedit read ALL the help files.
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How to Use Trigedit~
   The hall to the north will show you how to use the trigger editor. Trigedit
is the most advanced form of OLC we have to offer. It is the hardest, but also 
the most rewarding. If you are looking to pour life into your mobs, enliven 
your rooms or just make your objects special? This can all be done with 
trigedit. Have fun with the power of (minor) coding!
   Like all the hallways before use this hallway in conjuction with the help
files: @RHELP TRIGEDIT-MENU@n and the commands @RTLIST@n and @RTSTAT@n commands.
Do not attempt to use trigedit until you complete your trial vnum and are
assigned a zone. Remember you must disable @RNOHASSLE@n. Triggers will not work
on you otherwise.
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   The ideas discussed in the help files below are tried and true. Though they
may not work for everyone, they will for the majority. Learn from others 
mistakes and understand the planning required to make a good zone. Building a 
great zone takes many things; such as time, patience, good grammar/spelling, 
knowing how to balance your zone, a lot of work, and most importantly 
planning. Now this all may sound like a lot to do, but I can assure you that 
with this zone, and the help of others, you can do this. 

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0 0 13
Lessons Learned and Advanced Building~
   Here are a few lessons that have been passed down from builder to builder
through out the years.  Take heed to these words as they have been and done 
what you are now doing many times over.
   There are numerous resources out there for MUDs. Here are a few I have used
in the past: Please mudmail me any good links to add.
0 d 0
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0 0 14
Immortal Commands~
   As an immortal you have some new commands available to you.  To see all
of your immortal commands simply type @RWIZHELP@n. Every command in the game
has a help entry. So the best way to learn how to use all these commands is 
by simply typing @RHELP <COMMAND>@n. This will bring up some information 
about the command. For example, this is what you will see if you type 
@WNOHASSLE      -------->> help topic
Usage: nohassle         ---------->> what you need to type to do it.
   Toggles a flag to prevent aggressive monsters from attacking and also prevents
immortals from firing triggers. If you wish to test triggers you must turn 
nohassle off.  -->> description
See Also: HOLYLIGHT, ROOMFLAGS  ------->> other related commands in help file.
   Now is the time to practice all of your immortal commands, make sure you
understand what they do and how they can be used. Read all the help file
entries on every command!!! Do not worry too much about redit, oedit, medit,
zedit, sedit, and trigedit. We will get to those later. Know how to use all
the commands available to you.
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Overview of the MUD World~
   The first thing you need to build is a good telnet client. Everyone has 
their preferences.  Some work better than others.  A few clients can not understand
color codes and other important special characters like the backslash. I highly
recommend ZMUD.  It is even worth the 25$ registration fee.  If that is too 
much, download the free version.  You can see an in-depth list of clients under:
   Once you have a good client you must understand a few basics:
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A Quick Mob Quest Tutorial~


@RSTAT QUESTMASTER@n. Notice the attached triggers. @RTSTAT 1@n.

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0 0 13
A Quest Room~
   In this room you may be able to finish the Mob Quest Tutorial.    
0 d 0
0 0 18
Advanced Trigedit Example~
   Begin by @RSTAT GATEGUARD@n and then tstat each trigger listed to see what 
they do.  This example is explained under @RHELP TRIGEDIT-ADVANCED-TUTORIAL@n.
Including triggers 4, 5, 7, 8.

To pay the gateguard take the pile of coins, then: @RGIVE 10 COINS GUARD@n.
0 de 0
   The tutorial hallway continues.  
2 46 21
0 0 18
Another Example With Quest Variables~
   These triggers are a little more complex.  The complexity gives the builder
more flexibility.  By setting a variable on a player you can later call on
these variables.  The most basic usage is to set a quest as completed when the
player is done.  Another use would be to set something else like
player_can_breathe_water and prevent a player from entering a certain room
unless they have this variable set.  To see what variables are set on a player
simply stat that player.  @RSTAT SELF@n.    
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0 0 23
0 0 22
1 -1 20
Quest Variables Example~
   I used triggers 1409 thru 1412 to setup this example.  Simply tstat each to
see what they do.    
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0 0 21
T 189
Trigger Help Files~
   I have added extensive help files on every type of trigger.  Please use them
and give feedback.  The easiest way to get to them all is through: 
   There are 1000's of triggers on TBA you can use as examples. @RHELP EXAMPLES@n
for a few. @RHELP TRIG-EXAMPLES@n for some advanced ones.

@RGOTO 14@n to access the next hallway.
0 d 0
0 0 21
Rumble's Room~
   The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, 
while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.  
--Wilhelm Stekel
0 d 0
1 1 33
0 0 33
can you see this with look around?
   On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from England and Democracy was
born.  Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the "land of the
free and the home of the brave" so they can begin their American Dream.  The
United States is truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people.  Each year
on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and indepen-dence with barbecues,
picnics, and family ga-therings.  Through the Internet we are learning about
and communicat-ing with people of different nations, with different languages
and different races throughout the world.  Bringing the world closer with
understanding and knowledge can only benefit all nations.  We invite all
nations to celebrate with Americans online this Fourth of July.  Happy
Birthday, America!    
   I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith
and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely, without any
mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter.
There is one timeless way of building.
It is thousands of years old, and the same today as it has always been.
   The great traditional buildings of the past, the villages and tents and
temples in which man feels at home, have always been made by people who were
very close to the center of this way.  It is not possible to make great
buildings, or great towns, beautiful places, places where you feel yourself,
places where you feel alive, except by following this way.  And, as you will
see, this way will lead anyone who looks for it to buildings which are
themselves as ancient in their form, as the trees and hills, and as our faces
                                        --The Timeless Way of Building
   War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.  The decayed and
degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is
worth war is much worse.  The person who has nothing for which he is willing to
fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a
miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by
the exertions of better men than himself.

John Stuart Mill
old glory flag~
   I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.  I stand watch in America's Halls
of Justice.  I fly majestically over great institutions of learning.  I stand
guard with the greatest military power in the world.  Look up and see me!  I
stand for peace, honor, truth, and justice.  I stand for freedom.  I am
confident, I am arrogant, I am proud.  When I am flown with my banners, my head
is a little higher, my colors a little truer, I bow to no one!  I am recognized
all over the world.  I am worshipped, I am loved, and I am feared!  I have
fought in every battle of every war for more than 200 years: Gettysburg,
Shiloh, Appomattox, San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, the Argonne Forest,
Anzio, Rome, the beaches of Normandy, Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, the
Persian Gulf, and a score of places long forgotten by all, but those who were
there with me...  I was there!  I led my Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and
Marines.  I followed them and watched over them.  They loved me.  I was on a
small hill in Iwo Jima.  I was dirty, battle-worn, and tired.  But my Soldiers
cheered me!  And I was proud!  I have been soiled, burned, torn, and trampled
on the streets of countries that I have helped set free.  It does not hurt, for
I am invincible.  I have also been soiled, burned, torn, and trampled on the
streets of my own country and, when it is by those whom I have served with in
battle-it hurts.  But I shall overcome, for I am strong!  I have slipped the
bonds of Earth and, from my vantage point on the Moon, I stand watch over the
uncharted new frontiers of Space.  I have been a silent witness to all of
America's finest hours.  But my finest hour comes when I am torn in strips to
be used as bandages for my wounded comrades on the field of battle-when I fly
at half-mast to honor my Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines, and-when I lie
in the trembling arms of a grieving mother, at the gravesite of her fallen son
or daughter-I am proud.  My name is Old Glory-long may I wave.  Dear God, long
may I wave.    
Catcher Rye~
   The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, 
while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.  
--Wilhelm Stekel

   ...you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and 
frighteneed and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on 
that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been 
just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some 
of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them-if you want to. 
Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something 
from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement.
--The Catcher in the Rye   
Pool of Images~
   A broad mosaic walkway wraps around the natural hotsprings in this cavernous
room.  Three large chandeliers are suspended from the domed ceiling and their
sparkling light dances on the surface of the bubbling hotsprings.  As you peer
into the water images begin to form from out of the depths, coalescing into a
vivid scene.  Your heart begins to pound and your breathing becomes deeper as
you watch the images taking shape in the turbulent liquid.  Your mouth becomes
dry as you see yourself in the watery panorama ...  And time stands still for
just one moment ...  As you see your future in the depths ...    
0 dj 0
Advertising Room~
   Feel free to use this board to advertise for your own MUD.  DO NOT advertise
on any channel or board besides this one.  A single post on this board is the
only advertising allowed.  The quality of your post reflects on the quality of
your MUD so please review and format your work before saving.  Do not format the
MUD address with /f.  Since TBA uses the @@ as a colorcode you must use 2 @@@@ with
your email address.  Posts may be deleted if done poorly or if the MUD is no
longer online.
0 d 0
The Prison Cell Corridor~
   This long hallway is barely wide enough for two people to walk abreast. 
Along the Northern wall are steel doors spaced a few feet apart while the
southern wall is of cynder block construction. 
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1 0 130
Epictetus' Prison Cell~
   This shower stall remodeled into a prison cell is not yet completed. While
the shower head has been removed and cemented a drain still exists in the floor.
Unintelligle voices can be heard whispering through the piping in the drain
0 d 0
0 0 89
drain floor~
   The metal drain is covered with years of hair and grime. Several screws
holding the drain in place seem to be missing.
Aristotle's Prison Cell~
   What used to be a shower stall has been turned into a cell complete with a
pungent waste bucket. The old shower head is still sticking out of the wall
with a steel door opposite.
0 d 0
shower head cap~
   The metal shower head has a plastic variable setting cap complete with a
massage setting. The cap looks a bit damaged like someone may have opened it
T 171
T 172
Plato's Prison Cell~
   The now familiar cell is cast in strange movement and shadows as the single
light bulb above flickers randomly as if it is about to burn out. The
alternating bright and pitch black environment makes the eyes ache.
0 d 0
T 171
T 172
Friedrich Nietzsche's Prison Cell~
   The stale, uncirculated air reeks from the prior occupants of this small
cell. The silence is broken only by the occasional footsteps in the corridor
outside or a fellow prisoner tapping on the cell wall.
0 d 0
T 171
T 172
Socrates' Prison Cell~
   The small prison cell is stifling and claustrophobic. A single glaring bulb
in the plywood ceiling is out of reach. The only break in the block walls is a
steel door that is closed and locked.
0 d 0
T 172
Confucius' Prison Cell~
   The musty stall is somehow cleaner than the others. A hole in the North wall
and another in the floor has been cemented over. They must have once been a
shower head and a drain before this stall was converted into a prison cell.
0 d 0
T 171
T 172
James Stockdale's Prison Cell~
   The small stall turned confinement cell is covered in dust. The dirty floor
has various words and designs scratched into the dirt. The ceiling consists of
a single sheet of unpainted plywood.
0 d 0
T 171
T 172
A Prison Cell~
   What used to be a shower stall has been converted into a solitary confinement
cell complete with iron shackles. A single steel door that is closed and locked
is the only exit. The walls are constructed of unpainted cinder blocks.
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T 170
T 171
T 172
The End of the Beginning~
   For those of you who have read this far and actually made something out of
it, Congratulations. You have the patience to become a builder and make 
CircleMUD zones. If you wimped out or skipped some areas then please MUDmail 
me why. @RAT POSTMASTER MAIL RUMBLE@n. Also, please MUDmail or email me any 
questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions about this zone.  What did I do 
wrong, forget, misspell, anything! If you have something to add feel free to 
MUDmail or email me. @RHELP EMAIL@n.
   This area is a culmination of help files I have come across and my own
experiences in the CircleMUD community. I thank all those before who have
helped in the creation of this masterpiece. Special Thanks to Welcor,
Elaseth, Manivo, Snowlock, and Lance for their additions.
Remember, MUDding is fun!
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0 0 99
0 0 15
TBA Cafe 99~
   Welcome to TBA Cafe 99, the hangout of builders and implementors. So pull up
a pew and have a nice drink! If you want to have a social chat or lurk in order
to help newer builders, this is the place to be!
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0 0 98
   The stone floor is the same shade of grey as the sky and is completely plain
and unscratched. It is probably too hard for anything to leave as much as a
scratch on it.
sky winds~
   Cold winds plunge ceaselessly at you from the dark, cloudless sky.