15 Jan, 2014, Grieffels wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
That was 16085 days, 11 hours, 37 minutes and 34 seconds ago.

This increases correctly, however, it doesn't print right.
After logging in, using do_pload and the like, I still get the message above
except for the hours, minutes, and seconds go up correctly. For whatever
reason, using SEVERAL different finger functions, ones from old codebases,
snippets, etc..I'm still getting 16085 days. Has anyone else ever ran into this
problem? I've compared code to MANY other snippets, code bases, used
those programs, etc..and I just don't see what's wrong with this one.

If anyone could lend a hand with this, it would be nice. I also don't think
listing the code will help, because as I said, i've looked and even copied others
code for the finger command and it still comes out with that crazy number of days
15 Jan, 2014, alteraeon wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
16085 / 365 = 44. 2014 - 44 = 1970. 1970 is the 'zero time' epoch for system timestamps.

It looks to me like you've got some sort of zero offset problem in your code, where it's looking at the absolute time, instead of a time difference.


Alter Aeon MUD