Release Notes for EmberMUD v0.9.44a
Zane fixed some pretty big bugs in 0.9.44 and wanted me to
re-release it.  For details, take a look at the Changelog.

Release Notes for EmberMUD v0.9.44
Along with EmberMUD v0.9.44 comes a couple of big new features.

1) Factions
2) Wizgrant/Wizrevoke

I have written some detailed documenation on the new factions
system and placed it in the doc dir.  Check it out and if you have
any questions, feel free to e-mail an EmberMUD team member or better
yet, get on the ember-admins mailing list.

In order to get going with the new Wizgrant/Wizrevoke system, you
will need to copy/paste the following section into at least one of
your imms pfiles (in order to give them access to all of the imm

mpstat wizrevoke wizgrant disable pload
punload at goto sockets wizhelp
askill divorce marry murder clan
advance award hotboot trust allow
ban permban cut deny disconnect
freeze reboot repop sinfo set
shutdown wizlock force load newlock
nochannels noemote noshout notell pecho
pardon purge restore slay teleport
transfer objcheck poofin poofout gecho
holylight log memory mwhere owhere
peace echo repeat return snoop
stat string switch wizinvis jail
vnum clone immtalk imotd beacon
chaos aexits aentrances edit asave
alist resets rlist

Once someone has been set up in this way, they should be able to
use wizgrant to assign commands to anyone that needs them.  Also,
there is a 'wizgrant <name> all' option that allows you to give
someone else access to all of the same commands that you have
access to.


The EmberMUD team:

  Zak            Kevin Williams     zak@embermud.cx
  Zane           EJ Wilburn         zane@embermud.cx
  Lancelight     Ryan Coulombe      lancelight@embermud.cx