Gailen Road
A bird, high up in the trees, starts a song.
7 18 0

Gailen Road
This is the road to the city of Gailen. To the south you see the
great junction of roads. To the east, you see the path leading
to the Cuckoo's Nest.
0 0 0 3
D 100 3 0 0
D 701 4 0 0
D 423 2 0 0
Gailen Road
This is the road to the city of Gailen. You see peasants
working on the fields. To the southeast, you still see
the great junction of roads.
0 0 0 3
D 700 2 0 0
D 702 1 0 0
Gailen Road
This is the road to the city of Gailen. You see peasants
working on the fields. To the north, you see a great castle
protecting the region. The road continues south.
0 0 0 3
D 701 3 0 0
D 703 1 0 0
Gailen Road
This is the road to the city of Gailen. To the north, you see the
big castle of Lord Pakthan, one of the great knights of the War.
The road continues to the south and the west.
0 0 0 3
D 702 3 0 0
D 704 4 0 0
D 600 1 0 0
Gailen Road
This is the road to the city of Gailen. You see peasants
working on the fields. To the east you can see the walls
of Lord Pakthan's castle.
0 0 0 3
D 703 2 0 0
D 705 4 0 0
Gailen Road
This is the road to the city of Gailen. You see peasants
working on the fields. Northwards, you can see a small junction.
0 0 0 3
D 704 2 0 0
D 706 1 0 0
Junction in Gailen Road
You stand at a small junction in the road to Gailen. The road continues
to the north and south, to the east you see a road leading to the
abandoned mines of Neyrat.
0 0 0 3
D 705 3 0 0
D 500 2 0 0
D 707 1 0 0
Gailen Road
The Gailen road continues north. To the south you
see a small junction. Peasants, working on the fields
beside you, greet you as you pass.
0 0 0 3
D 706 3 0 0
D 708 1 0 0
Nearing a forest
To the north you can see a forest becoming increasingly
bigger, growing dense with large trees. The Gailen Road
continues to the south.
0 0 0 3
D 707 3 0 0
D 709 1 0 0
Walking through a forest
The Gailen Road is more like a forest road at this
point. Large trees loom over you, taking away most of the
sunlight. The road continues east and south.
0 0 0 4
D 708 3 0 0
D 710 2 0 0
A forest road
You are amazed at the sight of all those trees forming
a roof over the forest, taking away all the sunlight. The 
surface is covered with rotten leaves.
0 0 0 4
D 709 4 0 0
D 711 1 0 0
A forest road
You are amazed at the sight of all those trees forming
a roof over the forest, taking away all the sunlight. The 
surface is covered with rotten leaves.
0 0 0 4
D 710 3 0 0
D 712 4 0 0
A forest road
You are amazed at the sight of all those trees forming
a roof over the forest, taking away all the sunlight. The 
surface is covered with rotten leaves.
0 0 0 4
D 711 2 0 0



