                   The Grendel Project - A Win32 MUD Server

                 *  Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Michiel Rook  *
                     * Additional code by Oscar Martin *	
                           * and Hemko de Visser *

              The Grendel website: http://grendel.mudcenter.com/

             - partly based on Smaug by Thoric and Emlen by Orin -
                                Elven Empire
                            MESSAGE OF THE DAY

                                Elven Empire
                       IMMORTALS MESSAGE OF THE DAY

Your body stiffens as you hear a horrible sound... from the lurking
depths of hell, a hideous, vicious demon appears, engulfing you with
the sickening smell of death and decay!

The beast approaches you, looking at you with eyes of pure evil...
you fall to your knees, begging for mercy, begging for an escape from
your destiny...

With a chilling roar, the demon leaps towards you and extends a shredding
claw in your direction!

Before you collapse to the ground, you feel the blood spilling out of 
your ruptured organs...

You have been destroyed.
As if you feel very tired, your eyelids slowly close...

You feel yourself floating, leaving the body that once belonged to you...
You rise up into the air, heading for the heavens...

You hear beautiful voices sing, long forgotten words come as clear as
crystal... more voices join and form an unreal chorus...

You are enveloped by a swirling vortex of colors, moving faster and
faster... Your soul becomes pure and whole...

You feel yourself losing touch with reality...

Before you drown in the ever increasing stream of new emotions, you
hear a voice whisper...


Sorry, you're on your own.
