The Grendel Project - Win32 MUD Server            (c) 2000,2001 by Michiel Rook

= Coding guidelines & tips ===================================================

This document is primarily meant for the people working on the official Grendel
source, but other people might also benefit from this - not only will your
code be easier to read, it will also be able to fit in with the rest of the
code, and comform with our code should you wish to post a patch to us!

Please note that this document is by no means complete, and therefor subject
to (regular) change. Feel free to comment on this by mail.

1. General coding guidelines

- The naming conventions we use are primarily based on the Java-style:
  classnames start with a capital letter (A-Z), method names (and preferably,
  variable names as well) start with a non-capital letter (a-z).

- When calling empty procedures (that is, procedures without parameters),
  one should use the C-style notation of using empty brackets "Gharacter.IS_NPC()",
  to clarify that this is a procedure, not a variable.

2. Design hints

- Use as much OOP as possible. Try to encapsulate your stuff in classes.
  I know this style hasn't propagated throughout the whole source yet, but in
  time it will - especially when looking at the future modularized version of the MUD.