  /* update_xml.php
   * Purpose: To update your database repository with the latest
   * mudmagic xml files
  include_once( dirname(__FILE__)."/include/config.php");

  //very simple access control check to prevent folks from hurting
  //the poor mudmagic server and your own server. Make sure to change
  //the values in config.php with your own admin useraname and password
  //You can delete these next two ifchecks if you make sure this file is
  //put somewhere in a secured place and accessible only to you. =)
  if( empty( $_POST ) )
	echo "Input user name: <form method='POST'>
	      <input type=text name=form_username value='username'><br>
	      <input type=password name=form_passwd><br>
	      <input type=submit value='Submit'></form>";

  if( !empty( $_POST ) )
	if( !array_key_exists( "form_username", $_POST )
	|| !array_key_exists( "form_passwd", $_POST ) )

	if( $_POST["form_username"] != $admin_username 
	||  $_POST["form_passwd"]   != $admin_passwd )
		echo "erugh?";

  //initialize MagPIE - this file uses MagPIE's functions
  //the sole purpose of this file is to update your database by downloading
  //the most recent xml files for a directory and all subdirectories. You can
  //create your own updater system/database. This is just to show how to recurse
  //through the XML feeds mudmagic provides to get your data and directories

  //If you grab a top directory such as diku/ this could take awhile to grab all
  //subdirectory files based on your internet speed. Set the following timeout
  //as appropriate

  // the mudmagic_url variable is stored in config.php
  $remote_url = $mudmagic_url."/$first_catid";

  $file_data = _fetch_remote_file( $remote_url );
  if ( !is_success( $file_data->status ) )
	//no data at top directory - bail
	echo "Unable to parse remote url file for xml info: $directory_url";

  //We now have the Top directory RSS feed object. First save the file to our
  //database directory - then look for any subcategories and grab that data
  //as well. Continue this till the loop is completed. The $first_catid variable
  //is stored in config.php
  save_to_database( $file_data->results, $first_catid );

  echo "Saved: $remote_url<br>";
  //grab all subcategories in one swoop - saved in a '|' seperated list
  $subcat_list = get_subcats( $file_data, $first_catid );

  if( !empty( $subcat_list ) )
	$subcat_arr = explode( "|", $subcat_list );

	foreach( $subcat_arr as $category_id )
		if( !empty( $category_id ) )
			$remote_url = $mudmagic_url."/$category_id";
			$file_data = _fetch_remote_file( $remote_url );
			if ( is_success( $file_data->status ) )
				save_to_database( $file_data->results , $category_id );
				echo "Saved: $remote_url<br>";

//Should be done:

/* Below are functions specific to this update file */
function get_subcats( $rss_object, $cat_id )
	global $mudmagic_url;

	//pretty simple - use the MagPie functionality to parse our RSS
        //page and look for any SubCatId values. If we find them, return
        //a '|' dillemeted list containing them
        $out_list = "";

        $rss = _response_to_rss( $rss_object );
        foreach( $rss->items as $tag )
                if( !empty( $tag["subcatid"] ) )
			$next_cat_id = $tag["subcatid"];

                        //loop back till done 
			$remote_url = $mudmagic_url."/$next_cat_id";

                	$next_rss_object = _fetch_remote_file( $remote_url );

                	if ( is_success( $next_rss_object->status ) )
                        	$out_list .= get_subcats( $next_rss_object, $next_cat_id );

	$out_list .= "$cat_id|";

 return( $out_list );

    Function: save_to_database:
    Purpose:  a wrapper to save an XML page to a location. in this case to
	      a directory. You could loop through the the rss page and save
	      it to a database if desired
    Input:    the XML page && category id
    Output:   TRUE on success save FALSE if not
function save_to_database( $rss_page, $category_id )
	global $database_dir;

	if( empty( $rss_page ) || empty( $category_id ) )
		return FALSE;

	$file_to_save = $database_dir."/$category_id";

	//add a .xml to the end of the file name
	$file_to_save .= ".xml";

	$fp = fopen( $file_to_save, "w" );
	if( !$fp )
		echo "Can't open file [ $file_to_save ] for saving! did you <b>chmod 777 $database_dir ?</b><br>";
		return FALSE;
	fputs( $fp, $rss_page );
return TRUE;
