
=head1 NAME



http[s]://<parent-url>/who.cgi[?host=<host>[:<port> || &port=<port>]&quiet=1]


who.cgi is a I<Perl5> CGI program (that is fully compatible with
Apache::Registry) that shows a highlighted list of players on a MUSH (with any
URLS automatically converted into links), or any type of server that supports
the WHO command at login. It recognizes PUEBLO enhanced servers and can show a
prettier PUEBLO login screen for them.

=head1 USAGE


Will show a screen allowing the user to supply all the possible options.


Shows the login screen and WHO listing for M*U*S*H, my home MUSH. Since I
didn't give the port number 4201 (the default for PennMUSH) is assumed.
"quiet=1" would tell it not to show the whole login screen.


Same thing, but the port is specified explicitly.


Same, but the login screen is not shown.

=head1 TODO

Add INFO command support with a header line that includes a telnet:/ link.

Support for RWHO and any other WHO formats is needed.
And for server-side bots is needed to support a greater number of functions
(such as finger), this might be better done in a separate system.

=head1 HISTORY

0.5	06/01/2000
	Started keeping track. Made non-blocking on socket more portable, and
	improved the error messages. Released on SourceForge.

0.6	06/06/2000
	Made "show login" and port 4201 the defaults.
	Highlights ads in @doings as invokations of the script.
	Links highlighted in login screen.
	Some very simple, but working ANSI support.
	Much more compatible with other types of MU*s.
	Doesn't use POST for form anymore, works better with history.
	SIGNIFICANTLY cleaner code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Rafael Kitover <caelum@debian.org>


who.cgi Copyright (c) 2000 Rafael Kitover

This program is free software; you can distribute and/or modify it under the
same terms as Perl itself.


$VERSION = 0.6;

use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use Fcntl;
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
use CGI qw/:all/;

sub delay ($);
sub splitLines ($);
sub highlightLoginScreen (@);

# Turn off buffering.
local $| = 1;

use constant SPACE	=> '&nbsp;';
use constant CR		=> "\015";
use constant LF		=> "\012";
use constant CRLF	=> CR.LF;

my $CR = CR; my $LF = LF; my $CRLF = CRLF;

use constant ANSI => {
	'30'   => 'black',
	'34'   => 'blue',
	'37'   => 'higray',
	'32'   => 'green',
	'36'   => 'cyan',
	'31'   => 'red',
	'35'   => 'purple',
	'33'   => 'brown',
	'0;30' => 'black',
	'0;34' => 'blue',
	'0;37' => 'higray',
	'0;32' => 'green',
	'0;36' => 'cyan',
	'0;31' => 'red',
	'0;35' => 'purple',
	'0;33' => 'brown',
	'1;30' => 'dark gray',
	'1;34' => 'hiblue',
	'1;32' => 'higreen',
	'1;36' => 'hicyan',
	'1;31' => 'hired',
	'1;35' => 'hipurple',
	'1;33' => 'yellow',
	'1;37' => 'white'

use constant LINK	=> qr{
	(?<=[^\w"=/])	# Must begin with non-word that's probably not from an
			# <a> link, nor a part of http:// which could have
			# matched earlier.

# This will match MU* ads, which are of the form:
# somewhere.something 4201
use constant MU_AD	=> qr{
	(?<=[^\w"=])	# Must begin with non-word that's probably not from an
			# <a> link.
	([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)+) # Match a word followed by .words .
	(\s+)		# Then some whitespace.
	(\d\d\d+)	# Then the port number.
	(?=\W|$)	# Ended by either EOL or non-word.

use constant HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS => qr{
		(?<=\s)(\d+)(?=[smhd:])	# eg.: 01d, 20h, 05m, 10:
		(?<=\s\d\d:)(\d\d\W)	# eg.: the 05 in 04:05

use constant ANSI_COLOR => qr{
	\033\[		# ANSI escape.
	(?:\d\d;)?	# Possible background color.
	([01];)?	# $1 = possible bold/normal prefix.
	(3[0-7])m	# $2 = the code.
	([^\033]*)	# $3 = what is highlighted up to next escape.
	(?:\033\[0m)?	# Possibly terminated with reset.

use constant WHO_HEADER => qr{
	^(?:<[^>]*>|\s*)*	# Preceded by any number of tags or whitespace.
	(?:player|name)		# With the word "player" or "name" as first on
				# the line.

# Help for those who want it.
if (param('Help!')) {
	use Pod::Html;
	use IO::File;

	print header;

	 "--title=who.cgi help"

	print ((new IO::File "/tmp/who.cgi-help-$$")->getlines);
	unlink "/tmp/who.cgi-help-$$";


# Allow host:port syntax for the host param.
(my $host = param('host')) =~ s/([^:]+)(?::(\d+))?/$1/;
 my $port = $2 || param('port') || 4201;

if (!$host) {
	print header,
	      start_html ({
	      	title   => 'MUSH Who',
		bgcolor => 'lightblue',
	      start_form(-method => "GET"),
	      table (
		Tr(td(['Host:', textfield(-name => 'host',
					  -default => 'mush.pennmush.org')])),
		Tr(td(['Port:', textfield(-name => 'port',
					  -default => '4201')])),
	      checkbox ({
	      	name  => 'quiet',
		label => " Don't show the login screen."
	      br() x 2,
	      submit("See who's on."), SPACE x 18, submit("Help!"),


# The Timeout part of this requires Perl 5.6 or a newer IO::Socket to work
# correctly in some instances.
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => "$host:$port", Timeout => 4)
or do {
	print header,
	      start_html ({
		title	=> "$host:$port Who Listing",
		bgcolor	=> 'black',
		text	=> 'white'
	      h2("Could not connect to $host:$port."),
	      a({href => url(-query => 1)}, "Try again"), " if you like.";

print header,
      start_html ({
	title	=> "$host:$port Who Listing",
	bgcolor	=> 'black',
	text	=> 'white'
      '<pre wrap>';

# Check whether or not to turn on Pueblo compatibility.
my $text;

my $have_pueblo = 0;
$_ = scalar <$socket>;
if (/pueblo/i) {
	$have_pueblo = 1;
	print $socket "PUEBLOCLIENT $CRLF";
} elsif (!/^\s*$/) {
	$text = $_;

print $socket "WHO$CRLF";
print $socket "QUIT$CRLF$CRLF";

# Read the rest, protect from unterminated lines.
# Make socket non-blocking.
fcntl($socket, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY || O_NONBLOCK);
while ($socket->read(my $chunk, 10)) {
	$text .= $chunk;

# Give it 2 seconds in case of net-burp.
# FIXME: this could be more elegant maybe?
while ($socket->read(my $chunk, 10)) {
	$text .= $chunk;

# Done with socket, close it.

# If it's an unterminated line world, it's probably not a MUSH type.
# Just dump out the login screen and error.
if ($text !~ /$LF$/s) {
	my @lines = splitLines $text;
	unless (param('quiet')) {
		highlightLoginScreen @lines;
		print @lines;
	print '</pre>',
	      hr, br,
	      h3("Sorry, either the connection is bad or I don't know how to get a WHO listing for that type of world."),
	      a({href => url(-query => 1)}, "Try again"), " if you like.",

my @lines = splitLines($text);

# Some display a big nasty DISCONNECT line, get rid of it.
pop @lines if $lines[-1] =~ /DISCONNECT/i;

# Find the Who portion.
my ($line, @who);

if (not $have_pueblo) {
	while ($_ = pop @lines) {
		last if /^\s*$/; # empty line
		unshift @who, $_;
		last if /@{[WHO_HEADER]}/;
	push @lines, "$CRLF";	# Add a blank line.
} else {
# Get rid of non-pueblo login screen.
	while ((shift @lines) !~ /<body/i) {}
	while ($_ = pop @lines) {
		unshift @who, $_;
		last if /@{[WHO_HEADER]}/;

unless (param('quiet')) {
	highlightLoginScreen @lines;
	print @lines;

# Beautify the 'WHO' output a bit.

# Bold first line.
$who[0]		= '<b>'.$who[0].'</b>';

# Bold trailer with red player count.
($who[-1]	= '<b>'.$who[-1].'</b>') =~
	s{(\d+)}{<font color="red">$1</font>};

# Process the WHO list.
for (@who) {
	 ('<font color="'.ANSI->{$1.$2}.qq|">$3</font>|)eg;
	s|@{[LINK]}|a({href => "http://$2$3/"}, $1)|e;
	 (a({href => url(-relative => 1)."?host=$1:$3"}, "$1$2$3"))e;
	s|@{[HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS]}|<font color="lightblue">$1</font>|g;
	s|</?pre>||ig; # Remove any pre tags.

print	@who,


### Helper Subroutines

# Waits $ seconds (where $ can be a decimal).
sub delay ($) {
	select (undef, undef, undef, $_[0])

# Split a text scalar into an array of lines.
sub splitLines ($) {
	return map { "$_$CR$LF" } (split /$CR?$LF/s, $_[0]);

sub highlightLoginScreen (@) {
	for (@_) {
		 ('<font color="'.ANSI->{$1.$2}.qq|">$3</font>|)eg;
		s|@{[LINK]}|a({href => "http://$2$3/"}, $1)|e;
		s|@{[MU_AD]}|a({href => "telnet://$1:$3/"}, "$1$2$3")|e;