X-NG: Fantasy/Science Fiction Name Generator

Base Requirements:
 - Any machine with a shell that provides perl 5 (linux, unix,
   Mac OS-10, Windows)

Installing the Package

Untar the package into the directory you want to execute the program from.
(Windows users can use WinZip or WinRAR to uncompress .tar.gz files)

tar -zxvf X-NG_v2-0.tar.gz

Now you should have a directory called "X-NG/" containing all the files.
(Windows users may skip this step)
You now need to ensure that "x-ng.pl" is executable by issueing the 
chmod a+x x-ing.pl

Next you will want to edit "x-ing.pl" in your favorite text editor and 
be sure that $htmlstatus is set to "0" (that is the NUMBER zero NOT the
capital letter "Oh":

# Turn HTML on for use on web.  0 is off.
$htmlstatus = "0";

Now you just need to execute the file and it should output names.
