If you are converting your game from TinyMUSH 2.2, upgrading to TinyMUSH
3.1 is similar to doing a normal upgrade, with a couple of additional
steps. You will need to do the following:

- Flatfile your database using the dbconvert utility from TinyMUSH 2.2
  (the db_unload script will work -- this is just like doing a normal
  backup of your database).

- Copy that flatfile to some safe place, and save it.

- The file directory structure has been altered. All game files now
  go into the 'game' directory. You'll want to move your database
  files into the 'data' directory, and your text files into the
  'text' directory.

- Edit mush.config and make sure that it's correct; it's basically like
  the old mush.config file from TinyMUSH 2.2, with some additional things.

- If the GAMENAME parameter in your mush.config file is not 'netmush',
  edit your GAMENAME.conf file (substitute whatever you set GAMENAME to
  for GAMENAME). 

- Compare your GAMENAME.conf file to the default netmush.conf file.
  You'll note that there are some new parameters and some changes to
  old defaults. Update your conf file to reflect these changes. The
  important ones are:

	raw_helpfile news text/news
	raw_helpfile man text/mushman
	database_home data

  If you have them set, delete the input_database and output_database

  If you would like to use in the built-in comsys and mailer, add:

	module comsys
	module mail

  You should also look at the "Compatibility Notes" section below, for
  any other configuration parameters you'll need to add or change.

- Assuming that your flatfile is in the 'game' directory, go into the
  'game' directory ('cd game').

  If you have perl installed on your system, type:

      ./cvt22.pl < mygame.flat > NEW.flatfile

  If you do not have perl installed on your system, type:

      sed -f cvt22.sed mygame.flat > NEW.flatfile 

  (Substitute the name of your flatfile for 'mygame.flat'.)
  This will take care of converting function calls to backwards-compatible

- From the game directory, type:  ./Restore NEW.flatfile
  This will unflatfile (load) your database into TinyMUSH 3.1 format.

- From the game directory, type:  ./Backup
  This will back up your datbase in TinyMUSH 3.1 format.
  (This step is not necessary and can be skipped, but it's worthwhile
  doing anyway.)

- From the game directory, type:  ./Startmush
  This will start the game.


Compatibility Notes

You will want the following parameters in your conf file, for maximum
2.2 compatibility:

	global_aconn_uselocks yes
	lattr_default_oldstyle yes
	addcommands_match_blindly no
	addcommands_obey_stop yes

Virtually everything can be tweaked, disabled, or otherwise altered to
fit whatever behavior you happen to want the server to have. All it takes
is some modifications to your conf file (netmush.conf, or whatever you
called it).

- I don't want to use the built-in mailer.
  Just leave out the 'module mail' parameter from your conf file.

- I don't want to use the built-in comsys (channel/chat system).
  Just leave out the 'module comsys' parameter from your conf file.

- I don't want to allow zone control with ZMOs.
  Put 'have_zones no' in your conf file.

- I don't want to allow powers to be set on objects.
  Put 'access @power disabled' in your conf file.

- I don't like the last-paged feature.
  Put 'page_requires_equals yes' in your conf file. This will enforce the
  use of an equals sign to page someone again, i.e., 'page =<message>'
  is needed, not just 'page <message>'. This should prevent virtually
  all last-paged-related mishaps.

- I don't want to allow @conformat and/or @exitformat to be used.
  Put 'attr_access ConFormat disabled' and/or 'attr_access ExitFormat disabled'
  in your conf file.

- I don't want side-effect functions.
  Put the following in your conf file:
	function_access command disabled
	function_access create disabled
	function_access force disabled
	function_access link disabled
	function_access set disabled
	function_access tel disabled
	function_access trigger disabled
	function_access wait disabled
	function_access wipe disabled
  If you want to be really draconian, also add to the conf file:
	function_access pemit disabled
	function_access remit disabled


Altered Behavior

The following are important changes in behavior between 2.2 and 3.0:

- objmem() behaves differently, taking into account the object structure
  as well as attribute text. To get the equivalent behavior to 2.2's
  objmem(<obj>), use objmem(<obj>/*)

- hasattr() no longer checks for the presence of the attribute on the
  object's parent chain. To get the equivalent of the 2.2 behavior,
  use hasattrp() instead. Your existing database was automatically
  converted to take this difference into account.

- Two additional categories have been added to the stats() function. If
  you have softcode that extracts the number of garbage objects in the
  database from stats(), it will be fine if you used last(stats()) to
  get the data; if you used extract() or another function that depended
  upon list position, you will need to modify your code.


The following is a list of features/functions that were in TinyMUX 1.6,
but were not in TinyMUSH 2.2.5, and which have become part of 3.0.

For a more general look at TinyMUSH 3.0 changes, see the CHANGES file.

- The TinyMUX powers system has been added.

- Added the MUX mailer. (Config option, on by default.)

- Added the MUX com system. (Config option, on by default.)

- The Guest system has been replaced by the MUX Guest system.

- DNS lookups are now done by a slave process (automatically started at
  startup, or through @startslave); the server will no longer block for

- Support for identd.

- Max login record kept and displayed in WHO.

- Added indent_desc config parameter.

- Buffer size is now 8000 characters (doubled).

- Output block size is now a compile-time parameter.

- Auto-restart on crash controlled by signal_action conf parameter.

- Attribute caching has been eliminated.

- Memory-based databases supported.

- Wizards can connect dark via the 'cd' command.

- Added '@cpattr' command.

- @daily implemented; enabled by 'eventchecking' global parameter, time
  set by events_daily_hour.

- Added @dbclean command, which removes stale attribute names from the

- Destruction of all objects is delayed until a dbck is done, as was
  previously true just for rooms. (Exception: DESTROY_OK objects.)

- @edit hilites the changed text.

- examine/brief now shows everything but the attributes on the object.
  To get the old behavior (just showing the owner), use examine/owner.

- '@function/preserve' preserves registers across user-defined functions.

- '@list process' shows the number of descriptors available.

- Multi-page and last-paged are now supported.

- @search supports a GARBAGE class.

- Added 'think' command.

- Semaphore @wait can now block on a user-specified attribute.

- Added @tofail/@otofail/@atofail (messages for failing to teleport out).

- Added the ROYALTY flag.

- Added SpeechLock/AUDITORIUM support.

- Added FIXED flag (prevents teleporting or going home), with conf 
  parameters fixed_home_message and fixed_tel_message.

- The GAGGED flag is back.

- Added marker flags: HEAD, STAFF, UNINSPECTED.

- TRANSPARENT flag on room shows exits in "long" style.

- Added VACATION flag, which auto-resets when a player connects.

- Added WATCHER flag, and Watch_Logins power, which is equivalent to the
  connection monitoring functionality of MUX's MONITOR flag. 

- hasattr() no longer finds attributes on parents; use the new hasattrp()
  function for the old hasattr() behavior.

- Added alphamax(), alphamin() functions.

- Added art() function.

- Added beep() function.

- Added case() function.

- Added children(), lparent() functions.

- Added columns() function.

- Added encrypt(), decrypt() functions.

- Added grep(), grepi() functions.

- Added hastype() function.

- Added playmem() function.

- Added pmatch() function.

- Added strcat() function.

- Added strtrunc() function.

- Note that side-effect functions that fail now generally return #-1
  NOT a null string (MUX behavior). If you want to guarantee a null
  return, wrap the call in a null().