to get the applet running against your moo you need to do three things:

  - unpack the archive
  - put all the files in it on _the same server_ that the MOO is running on
	- if you are using enCore Xpress 2.x:
			- run '@configure-core' as wizard to set the path of mootcan.jar
  - if you are not using enCore Xpress 2.x:
			- open main.html in your browser

you may need to edit the bottom.html file if the default settings doesn't match
your MOOs setup. these are only some of the parameters; see bottom.html for
all parameters. (the .html-files and .cgi-file are examples of how to launch
the applet):

    <PARAM NAME="hostname" VALUE="">
                                  optionally put the hostname of your MOO here.
                                  default = the server the applet is served from

    <PARAM NAME="port" VALUE="7777">
                              the port number your MOO is accepting connections to
                              default = 7777

    <PARAM NAME="MOOname" VALUE="ExampleMOO">
                                 the name of the MOO that you will connect the
                                 client to


Q:   the client says something like "security exception" when I try to connect
to the MOO from my browser!

A1:  this is a security feature with java in most browsers. they will not
allow you to connect to anywhere else than where the applet is retrieved from.
(the .class files and the MOO need to be on the same machine) if you don't have
an account on the machine that the MOO is running on, you could contact the MOO
administrators and ask them to install it on their web-server.

A2:  it may help setting the hostname value to the hostname that your
web-server is really running on. (as explained at the top of this document).

A2:  sun's AppletViewer has less strict security rules. (it's in JRE, available
from load bottom.html in AppletViewer. AppletViewer might
not tolerate the size given in percentages in the .html - file. if this is true
with your appletviewer, you need to enter reasonable pixel-values (like
width=700, heigth= 500) in bottom.html. 

Q:   when I resize my browsers window, some of the applet's area is out of reach!

A:   this problem is seen in many browsers. the browser is supposed to tell the
applet to resize itself. this does not always happen. until the browser
manufacturers fix this problem, you'll have to accept the initial size of the
applet. I would be happy if anybody could tell me about a workaround for this

Q:   when trying to run the applet, my browser crashes!

A:   I have tried to make the applet as stable as possible. if, however, the
applet had bugs it should not make browsers crash anyway. you may try upgrading
your browser, or installing more RAM in your machine.

Q:   when my browser crashes, my operating system crashes, too!

A:   this should not happen (and is not the browser's, nor java's fault) one
way to solve this problem is to get a more stable operating system. many
people are happy with GNU/linux. (


if you'd like to compile the classes yourself (not necessary, unless you modified anything):

to compile:

  if you have GNU make:
    make clean
    make jar

    cd mootcan
    javac *.java
    jar cvf mootcan.jar *.class

please refer to the javadoc files in docs/ for more information.