Telnet Proxy Daemon

Copyright (C) 2004  AwesomePlay Productions, Inc.
See COPYING for license details.


The Telnet Proxy Daemon is a simple threaded service that allows clients
to connect to the service and proxy through to another service on a remote

While the daemon can pass through any sort of connection (and not just
telnet) the "protocol" implemented by the daemon is most easily used by

Shameless Plug

You can find AweMUD, a powerful Open Source MUD server, and other projects
by AwesomePlay Productions, Inc. at the website, located at:

Setting Up the Proxy

First off, you must compile the source file to a binary.  You will need to
link in your system's PThreads library.  (Use -lpthread on most systems.)
The daemon assumes a fairly modern and up-to-date POSIX implementation is
available on your host.  OS X in particular will not be able to compile the
daemon without modification.

You can specify the daemon's port, maximum allowed clients, host list file,
and other options on the command line.

The following options are supported:
 -p <port>   port to listen on (default 9596)
 -h <file>   file to read allowed hosts list (default hosts.txt)
 -c <max>    maximum allowed clients (default 50)
 -m <max>    maximum clients from one address (default 3)
 -l <file>   log file (default standard error)
 -w <file>   write pid to file (default off)
 -d          daemonize on start (default off)
 -6          enable IPv6 (default off)
 -t <time>   connect timeout in seconds (default 30)
 -a <time>   activity timeout in seconds (default 900)
 -u <user>   change to the given user after initialization
 -g <group>  change to the given group after initiatization
 --help      display usage statement

The host list file is a simple text file with one entry per line.  Each entry
is in the form <host>:<port> where <host> is the hostname and <port> is the
port number.  Users will only be able to connect to the host/port combinations
listed in this file.  Any attempt to use the proxy to connect to a non-listed
host/port combinatino will fail.

You must pass -6 flag to the server to enable IPv6 runtime support.

To start the daemon, use a command line similar to the following:

./proxy -l proxy.log -w -d

The proxy can be told to reload the host list and deny list files by sending
it a SIGHUP signal.

kill -HUP $(cat

Shutting down the proxy is as easy as the following command.

kill $(cat

(NOTE: you must provide the -w arguments to the proxy to get the file.)

An alternate binary, proxy-debug, is also built by the Makefile.  This binary
has full debugging support compiled in.  It is not recommended to run the
debug binary for normal usage.  If you are having problems with the proxy,
however, the debug binary can provide useful information to track down the

Using the Proxy (Client)

In order to use the proxy, clients need to connect to the proxy host on the
proxy's port.  (Default 9596.)  Once connected, they must tell the proxy
where they wish to connect.

This is currently done using a command line in the following format:
connect <host> <port>

The user should replace <host> and <port> with the hostname and port they wish
to connect to.  They can only connect to a host/port combination which the
proxy server is configured to allow.  Additional whitespace should not be

Implementation Notes

The server makes use of the PThreads interface.  Each client is given its own
thread.  The only real reason for the multi-threaded behaviour is because the
connect() call used when the proxy establishes a connection to a remote server
for a client may take a long time to complete, and we do not want the entire
proxy server to hang for all users while this happens.

The server uses the poll system call in favor of select.  Some UNIX systems,
such as Mac OS X, do not support poll.  There are, however, libraries
available which provide poll implementations that wrap the select system call
for these systems.  Modifying the daemon to use such a library should not be
difficult at all.  In many cases, it may only require linking the proxy
against an additional library.

The server also requires struct sockaddr_storage, getnameinfo, getaddrinfo,
inet_ntop, inet_pton, and several other functions which are generally only
available on IPv6 enabled operating systems.  The server does not need
IPv6 runtime support to compile, but the OS libraries will need to have
IPv6 support in order to build the server.


- Nothing!  We're feature complete.  Rock on, party at my place! ;-)