
This java program is intended to be used as a MudClient.  It sends telnet
strings in the exact format they are entered by the user.  The strings 
received by the server are given a color based on there content and displayed
as is to the screen.

BuzzTrollMud has only been tested with java version "1.4.0"
Other version of java may work but have never been tried.

Use this all you want, just don't make money off of it and give credit where
it is due.  Ummm and consider it GPL.

To Build

Prepare environment:
    Point to local installation of java 1.4.0
    % setenv variable JAVA_HOME 

    make sure the correct version of java is first in your PATH
    % setenv PATH ${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

    force your envornment to uspdate its variables
    % rehash

    create the configure directory
    % mkdir ~/.btmudrc

Edit Makefile:

    set variable PREFIX_DIR to the directory you want the mud client installed
    and make sure that directory exists

    % make
    % make install

To Run
from mud directroy

java -classpath ./lib/wsdl4j.jar:./bin/BuzzTrollMud.jar:./lib/JFontChooser.jar org.buzztroll.mud.MudFrame

or use the script: ./bin/run.sh

Configuration information will be stored in the directory $HOME/.btmudrc

There is a smaple configuration file included with this distribution
located at ./MCS.xml.  You need not understand this file to use BuzzTrollMud.
The application has a configuration GUI to help create these for you.

Using it
Follow the instruction in build and run.

The first time you start there will be no connections.  To add a connection
click on File->Add.  This will bring up a configuration window.  You must 
fill in all information on the "Host" tab, the rest are optional and can be 
configured later.  Once you are finished filling in information click "Save".
A Connection should now start.

Several connections can be added to a single instance of BuzzTrollMud.  To add
more simple go through the process described above.  As coonections are added
new tabs will be added.  There will be at most 2 connections per tab.

To reconfigure a connection simply right click on the connection window you
wish to reconfigure.  From the menu that pops up select "Configure".

There currently is no way to remove a connection built into the app.  To do 
this goto the directroy ~/.btmudrc.  In that directory you will find a 
xml file for every connection you added.  To remove a conneciton simply delete
the appropriate file.

adding jabber support
   add interceptor
      catch send messages before they go out on the wire
focus problem
    when click on output window it takes the focus, 
    focus should always goto input window
remove a connection
saving state of GUI
    size of window
    fonts on each connection
    ordering of conections
    default font

saving password
    the password is not properly written to th config file.  For now
    users must open the ~/.btmudrc/ files and add the passwords manually.