-- colloquy example configuration file
-- you'll want to change this.

-- where is considered the base for everything else, such as
-- the user databases etc.
colloquy.base = "./"

-- which port should the server listen on?
colloquy.port = 1234;

-- which interface should the server listen on?
-- binds to all - can also be a hostname.
colloquy.ip = "";

-- Where would you like bots to connect to?  Unlike the above,
-- connections here do not get a welcome message, and do not
-- cause connection warnings.
-- colloquy.botPort = 1236;
-- colloquy.botIP = "";

-- Where would you like the metaserver to listen?  This allows
-- you to have port forwarders on other machines that provide
-- the IP that clients connect to, so the connection messages
-- still work.
-- colloquy.metaPort = 1237;
-- colloquy.metaIP = "";
-- colloquy.metaPassword = "proxy";

-- Where would you like to accept connections to the metaserver
-- from?
-- colloquy.metaOK = { "", "" };

-- if you run colloquy as root, you can get it to chroot and drop
-- privs to a specific user (not ID).  You should note that
-- this may well break .request, as it requires `mail`.  Also, all three
-- must be set if anything is to be done.  (You're not running the talker
-- as root, matey!)
-- colloquy.becomeUser = "nobody"
-- colloquy.becomeGroup = "nogroup"
-- colloquy.chroot = "/home/colloquy/"

-- filename of the file stuffed to users when they
-- connect, before logging on.
colloquy.welcome = "data/misc/welcome";

-- message of the day - shown when a user logs in
colloquy.motd = "data/misc/motd";

-- birthday - sent to somebody when they connect on their
-- birthday.
colloquy.birthday = "data/misc/birthday";

-- filename of the users database.
colloquy.users = "data/users.lua";

-- directory where .help data is stored. = "data/help/";

-- where to find the resolver binary.  This default should be OK
-- if you keep it in a directory in the path.  Otherwise set it
-- to an absolute path.
colloquy.resolver = "./colloquy.resolver";

-- where the resolver process should bind.
colloquy.resolverIP = "";

-- what port the resolver process should bind to.
colloquy.resolverPort = 1235;

-- the email address of the admin (for .request etc) = "";

-- the maximum idle time in minutes.  Must be more than
-- 0.
colloquy.maxIdle = 90;

-- if non-nil, then users will be kicked when idle, otherwise
-- they'll just be badged idle in .who and .examine.
colloquy.kickIdle = 1;

-- list of swear-words that should be stared-out when a censored user
-- utters them.
colloquy.swears = "data/misc/swearwords";

-- datafile for the lists
colloquy.listsFile = "data/lists.lua";

-- how many non-permanent lists should users be allowed?
colloquy.listQuota = 5;

-- how many days of non-use should a non-permanent list be deleted?
colloquy.listExpiry = 14;

-- datafile for the bans
colloquy.banFile = "data/bans";

-- directory where language packs reside.
colloquy.langs = "data/lang/";

-- the talker's name.  "the talker" is default for grammatical correctness
-- in some messages.
colloquy.talkerName = "the talker";

-- where to put the logfile
colloquy.logName = "logfile.txt";

-- command to execute to retate log files.  Set to nil if you don't want
-- daily rotations.  It is first passed through a strftime-like function.
colloquy.logRotate = "gzip -c9 logfile.txt > logfile.%Y%m%d.gz";

-- if you're on a platform that can't fork stuff, then set this.  It will
-- disable certain commands.
-- colloquy.noFork = 1;

-- The maximum number of guests to allow.  If unset, there is no maximum.
-- Setting it to zero prevents guests from logging on at all.
colloquy.maxGuests = 2;

-- How long guests are allowed to stay connected, in seconds.  If not set,
-- then they can stay connected for ever.
colloquy.guestTimeout = 600;

-- When is considered "daytime"
colloquy.daytime = "0800-1800";

-- How many users are allowed on during the daytime.  Unset for no limit.
colloquy.daytimeMax = 150;

-- How many users are allowed on during the nighttime.  Unset for no limit.
colloquy.nighttimeMax = 300;

-- What the default language of the talker is.
colloquy.lang = "en-gb";

-- Use a default authenticator. Setting this will mean that unknown users
-- connecting with a password (that authenticates), will be created as users.
-- If you have no idea what this means, best not to touch it.
-- See docs/AUTHENTICATOR for more information.
-- colloquy.defAuthenticator = "localhost:5005"

-- We can start bots and such as part of the startup.  Put a list of commands
-- to run here.  It's a table of tables, each table has a number of strings, 
-- where the first is the program to run, and the others are paramters.
-- colloquy.exec = {
--  { "./gagbot.lua" }
-- }