- Not started
/ Half done or botched
+ done

- make available to command_*foo*() the command that called it
  this will will enable say,shout,emote to be merged
  strip_trailing_white_space() can be moved from command parser into this func
  this will fix bug with space on end of prompt being removed
/ rooms or groups (simple sys done, needs work for 'lock' and 'evict' )
- aliases
- ranks
/ privs system rewrite - to allow more than 32 privs
/ help system
  + help loading
  + help reloading
  + help command
  - help privs
- dynamic channels
- non dynamic channels :)
- word wrapping
- at regular intervals save player files

- bool isloggedin(const char *name) function (prolly not needed)
/ Add a limit for the number of people connected

- Stop users being able to ping themselves
- more commands
  - set passwd for a user
  - promote
- shutdown command with time, and message
- on connection broken, stop printing logout message twice
- put privs on help - link to command privs where applicable
  add #priv; line to help file for non-command topics with non-base priv


+ check for invalid characters in new character names
+ fix cls command on Windows telnet. Send blank lines, then move cursor up
+ check buffer overruns generally
+ tell and remote with message = "", added a check 
+ fix input to handle (ie truncate) very long lines
+ rewrite output func to handle more than 256 chars, without segfaulting
+ ini file
+ fix mult connections for 1 char (not tested fully)
+ strip trailing white space from commands
+ single char command shortcuts eg. ' ; etc
+ player loading and saving
+ logged-on time in player files
+ Command parser to handle more than 1 command per line split with ;
+ fix limit in strincmp() command in library.c
+ shortened player name parser
+ shorterned command parser
+ bar(NULL) + bar("Text") function
+ Connect Screen from file
+ logoff screen from file
+ motd file
+ more commands
  + grant priv, remove priv
  + shutdown
  + dc (drop connection), giving sfd
  + bump (drop connection), giving name
  + time
  + show descriptors and states
  + prompt
  + bug, idea, typo
  + finger (x,y,z)
  + sumotd
  + remote (directed emote)
  + save (save your char)
  + recapitalise name
+ Auto Idle Booting
+ encrypt passwords
+ change strcpy, strcat to STRNAPPEND, STRNCAT
+ fix concurrency problem when more than one person creates a new character 
  at the same time with the same name