If you are using 3.2 with an old mudlib (2.4.5 and older), then read
the file COMPAT for compatibility information.

Read the file INSTALL for information about how to install the game.

Mail bugs or info about problems to amylaar@cs.tu-berlin.de
Other possible addresses: amylaar@mail.cs.tu-berlin.de (same account as above)
			  amylaar@meolyon.hanse.de ( UUCP mail link )
same as above, smarthost: amylaar%meolyon.hanse.de@ifmsun8.ifm.uni-hamburg.de

Currently, new versions of this software are made available on ftp.tu-bs.de
/pub/games/lpmud/ and /pub/games/lpmud/amylaar .

mirrors(updated manually):

There is a mailing list that informs about new versions when there are made
available. Try a mail to Majordomo@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de with ``help'' in the body
Commands in the "Subject:" line NOT processed.

Here is some information about 3.2:

Flags accepted by debug:

-D'MACRO'	define MACRO for all compiled lpc files. -DMACRO=expansion is
		also valid.

-E'cost'	set the maximum eval_cost to 'cost'.

-M'name'	set the filename of the master object to 'name'.

-N		Don't start the mudwho demon.

-c		Print to stdout every time a file is compiled.

-d		Debug information. Prints nothing interesting.

-e		Start without loading any wizard file.

-f'arg'		Send 'arg' as argument to function 'flag()' in obj/master.c.

-m'dir'		Specify 'dir' as the directory to use as mudlib.

-r'size'	set the amount of reserved user memory to 'size'.
-ru'size'	set the amount of reserved user memory to 'size'.
-rm'size'	set the amount of reserved master memory to 'size'.
-rs'size'	set the amount of reserved system memory to 'size'.

-s'sec'		Delay in seconds before swap
		A negative value means no swapping.

-t		Don't call any heart beats. Makes it easier to debug.

-u'port'	Set the udp port number to 'port'

-y		If compiled with YYDEBUG, set yydebug to 1.

'port'		set the ipc port number to 'port'.

--max_malloced'size'		Set the maximum amount of memory for malloc.
--max_small_malloced'size'	Set the maximum total of small blocks.

To reload the master without rebooting, while a buggy master is blocking
updates, send a SIGUSR1 signal to the process.
This will also increase the eval_cost by MAX_COST/8 , so you can prematurely
finish an extremely long lpc loop.

If you debug 3.2 internals:

Read the file STACKMACHINE for some
information about how it works. To debug instruction execution, you have to
single step execution in the function eval_instruction(). The value on top
of stack can be accessed by 'sp[0]'. The value before that, is 'sp[-1]' etc.

The first argument to a function is found at 'fp[0]'. The next at 'fp[1]'.
The local arguments follows immediately after the arguments. If there are
3 arguments to a function, then the first local variable will be found
with 'fp[3]'.

The function last_instructions(n, verbose) will print out the n last executed
instructions. It is now called automatically at fatal error.

There is a variable 'current_object'. This is the object that is given
by 'this_object()'. The variable 'current_prog', is a pointer to
the program current being executed. This is normally the same as
'current_object->prog->program', but can differ when executing code
defined by inheritance.

The structure 'struct program' (pointed to by ob->prog) defines program
information for object 'ob'. It can be shared by several objects (when
cloned and inherited).

Inheritance by 'a' from 'b' is implemented by copying info from 'b->prog'
into 'a->prog'. All functions and variables, for example.

There are a lot of comments in the source code. For information
about the stackmachine, read prolang.y and interpret.c.