 * $Id: glue.scode.c,v 1.5 2005/08/08 09:43:09 murrayma Exp $
 * Author: Markus Stenberg <>
 *  Copyright (c) 1996 Markus Stenberg
 *  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Thomas Wouters 
 *  Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Cord Awtry 
 *  Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Kevin Stevens
 *       All rights reserved
 * Created: Wed Oct  9 19:13:52 1996 fingon
 * Last modified: Tue Sep  8 10:00:29 1998 fingon

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "mech.h"
#include ""
#include "glue.h"
#include "coolmenu.h"
#include "mycool.h"
#include "turret.h"
#include "mech.custom.h"
#include "scen.h"
#include "p.template.h"
#include ""
#include "p.mech.utils.h"
#include "p.mech.partnames.h"
#include "p.econ.h"
#include ""
#include ""
#include "p.mech.status.h"
#include "p.mech.sensor.h"
#include "p.btechstats.h"
#include "p.mech.combat.h"
#include "p.mech.damage.h"
#include "p.mechrep.h"
#include "p.mech.move.h"
#include "p.mech.los.h"
#include "p.event.h"
#include "p.mech.restrict.h"
#include "mech.partnames.h"
#include "p.functions.h"
#include ""
#include "p.mech.consistency.h"

extern SpecialObjectStruct SpecialObjects[];
dbref match_thing(dbref player, char *name);
char *mechref_path(char *id);
char *setarmorstatus_func(MECH * mech, char *sectstr, char *typestr,
    char *valuestr);

typedef struct {
    int gtype;
    char *name;
    void *rel_addr;
    int type;
    int size;
} GMV;

static MECH tmpm;
static MAP tmpmap;
static TURRET_T tmpturret;
static CUSTOM tmpcustom;
static SCEN tmpscen;
static SSIDE tmpsside;
static SSOBJ tmpssobj;


static int scode_in_out[TYPE_LAST_TYPE] = 
/* st ch sh in fl db sf sfs bv sfb cbv ro-ch ro-sh ro-in ro-fl ro-db*/
{   3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2,  3, 3,  3,   1,    1,    1,    1,    1  };

#define Uglie(dat) ((void *) &dat((MECH *)0))
#define UglieV(dat,val) ((void *) &dat((MECH *)0,val))

#define MeEntry(Name,Func,Type) {GTYPE_MECH,Name,Uglie(Func),Type,0}

#define MeEntryS(Name,Func,Type,Size)  {GTYPE_MECH,Name,Uglie(Func),Type,Size}

#define MeVEntry(Name,Func,Val,Type) {GTYPE_MECH,Name,UglieV(Func,Val),Type,0}

#define UglieM(dat) ((void *)&((MAP *)0)->dat)
#define MaEntry(Name,Func,Type) {GTYPE_MAP,Name,UglieM(Func),Type,0}
#define MaEntryS(Name,Func,Type,Size)  {GTYPE_MAP,Name,UglieM(Func),Type,Size}

#define UglieT(dat) (void *)&((TURRET_T *)0)->dat

#define TuEntry(Name,Func,Type)  {GTYPE_TURRET,Name,UglieT(Func),Type,0}
#define TuEntryS(Name,Func,Type,Size)  {GTYPE_TURRET,Name,UglieT(Func),Type,Size}

#define UglieC(dat) (void *)&((CUSTOM *)0)->dat
#define CuEntry(Name,Func,Type) {GTYPE_CUSTOM,Name,UglieC(Func),Type,0}
#define CuEntryS(Name,Func,Type,Size) {GTYPE_CUSTOM,Name,UglieC(Func),Type,Size}

#define UglieScen(dat) (void *)&((SCEN *)0)->dat
#define SEntry(Name,Func,Type) {GTYPE_SCEN,Name,UglieScen(Func),Type,0}
#define SEntryS(Name,Func,Type,Size) {GTYPE_SCEN,Name,UglieScen(Func),Type,Size}

#define UglieSside(dat) (void *)&((SSIDE *)0)->dat
#define SSEntry(Name,Func,Type) {GTYPE_SSIDE,Name,UglieSside(Func),Type,0}
#define SSEntryS(Name,Func,Type,Size) {GTYPE_SSIDE,Name,UglieSside(Func),Type,Size}

#define UglieSsobj(dat) (void *)&((SSOBJ *)0)->dat
#define SSOEntry(Name,Func,Type) {GTYPE_SSOBJ,Name,UglieSsobj(Func),Type,0}
#define SSOEntryS(Name,Func,Type,Size) {GTYPE_SSOBJ,Name,UglieSsobj(Func),Type,Size}

char *mechIDfunc(int mode, MECH * mech)
    static char buf[3];

    buf[0] = MechID(mech)[0];
    buf[1] = MechID(mech)[1];
    buf[2] = 0;
    return buf;


static char *mech_getset_ref(int mode, MECH * mech, char *data)
    if (mode) {
	strncpy(MechType_Ref(mech), data, 14);
	MechType_Ref(mech)[14] = '\0';
	return NULL;
    } else
	return MechType_Ref(mech);

extern char *mech_types[];
extern char *move_types[];

char *mechTypefunc(int mode, MECH * mech, char *arg)
    int i;

    if (!mode)
	return mech_types[(short) MechType(mech)];
    /* Should _alter_ mechtype.. weeeel. */
    if ((i = compare_array(mech_types, arg)) >= 0)
	MechType(mech) = i;
    return NULL;

char *mechMovefunc(int mode, MECH * mech, char *arg)
    int i;

    if (!mode)
	return move_types[(short) MechMove(mech)];
    if ((i = compare_array(move_types, arg)) >= 0)
	MechMove(mech) = i;
    return NULL;

char *mechTechTimefunc(int mode, MECH * mech)
    static char buf[MBUF_SIZE];
    int n = figure_latest_tech_event(mech);

    sprintf(buf, "%d", n);
    return buf;

void apply_mechDamage(MECH * omech, char *buf)
    MECH mek;
    MECH *mech = &mek;
    int i, j, i1, i2, i3;
    char *s;
    int do_mag = 0;

    memcpy(mech, omech, sizeof(MECH));
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SECTIONS; i++) {
	SetSectInt(mech, i, GetSectOInt(mech, i));
	SetSectArmor(mech, i, GetSectOArmor(mech, i));
	SetSectRArmor(mech, i, GetSectORArmor(mech, i));
	for (j = 0; j < NUM_CRITICALS; j++)
	    if (GetPartType(mech, i, j) &&
		!IsCrap(GetPartType(mech, i, j))) {
		if (PartIsDestroyed(mech, i, j))
		    UnDestroyPart(mech, i, j);
		if (IsAmmo(GetPartType(mech, i, j)))
		    SetPartData(mech, i, j, FullAmmo(mech, i, j));
		    SetPartTempNuke(mech, i, j, 0);
    s = buf;
    while (*s) {
	while (*s && (*s == ' ' || *s == ','))
	if (!(*s))
	/* Parse the keyword ; it's one of the many known types */
	if (sscanf(s, "A:%d/%d", &i1, &i2) == 2) {
	    /* Ordinary armor damage */
	    if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < NUM_SECTIONS)
		SetSectArmor(mech, i1, GetSectOArmor(mech, i1) - i2);
	} else if (sscanf(s, "A(R):%d/%d", &i1, &i2) == 2) {
	    /* Ordinary rear armor damage */
	    if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < NUM_SECTIONS)
		SetSectRArmor(mech, i1, GetSectORArmor(mech, i1) - i2);
	} else if (sscanf(s, "I:%d/%d", &i1, &i2) == 2) {
	    /* Ordinary int damage */
	    if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < NUM_SECTIONS)
		SetSectInt(mech, i1, GetSectOInt(mech, i1) - i2);
	} else if (sscanf(s, "C:%d/%d", &i1, &i2) == 2) {
	    /* Dest'ed crit */
	    if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < NUM_SECTIONS)
		DestroyPart(mech, i1, i2);
	} else if (sscanf(s, "G:%d/%d(%d)", &i1, &i2, &i3) == 3) {
	    /* Glitch */
	    if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < NUM_SECTIONS)
		if (i2 >= 0 && i2 < NUM_CRITICALS)
		    SetPartTempNuke(mech, i1, i2, i3);
	} else if (sscanf(s, "R:%d/%d(%d)", &i1, &i2, &i3) == 3) {
	    /* Reload */
	    if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < NUM_SECTIONS)
		if (i2 >= 0 && i2 < NUM_CRITICALS)
		    SetPartData(mech, i1, i2, FullAmmo(mech, i1, i2) - i3);
	while (*s && (*s != ' ' && *s != ','))
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SECTIONS; i++) {
	if (GetSectInt(mech, i) != GetSectInt(omech, i))
	    SetSectInt(omech, i, GetSectInt(mech, i));
	if (GetSectArmor(mech, i) != GetSectArmor(omech, i))
	    SetSectArmor(omech, i, GetSectArmor(mech, i));
	if (GetSectRArmor(mech, i) != GetSectRArmor(omech, i))
	    SetSectRArmor(omech, i, GetSectRArmor(mech, i));
	for (j = 0; j < NUM_CRITICALS; j++)
	    if (GetPartType(mech, i, j) &&
		!IsCrap(GetPartType(mech, i, j))) {
		if (PartIsDestroyed(mech, i, j) &&
		    !PartIsDestroyed(omech, i, j)) {
		    /* Blast a part */
		    DestroyPart(omech, i, j);
		    do_mag = 1;
		} else if (!PartIsDestroyed(mech, i, j) &&
		    PartIsDestroyed(omech, i, j)) {
		    mech_RepairPart(omech, i, j);
		    SetPartTempNuke(omech, i, j, 0);
		    do_mag = 1;
		if (IsAmmo(GetPartType(mech, i, j))) {
		    if (GetPartData(mech, i, j) != GetPartData(omech, i,
			SetPartData(omech, i, j, GetPartData(mech, i, j));
		} else {
		    if (PartTempNuke(mech, i, j) != PartTempNuke(omech, i,
			SetPartTempNuke(omech, i, j,
			    PartTempNuke(mech, i, j));

    if (do_mag && MechType(omech) == CLASS_MECH)

#define ADD(foo...) { if (count++) strcat(buf,","); sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), foo); }

char *mechDamagefunc(int mode, MECH * mech, char *arg)
    /* Lists damage in form:
       C:LOC/num,R:LOC/num(num),G:LOC/num(num) */
    int i, j;
    static char buf[LBUF_SIZE];
    int count = 0;

    if (mode) {
	apply_mechDamage(mech, arg);
	return "?";
    buf[0] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SECTIONS; i++)
	if (GetSectOInt(mech, i)) {
	    if (GetSectArmor(mech, i) != GetSectOArmor(mech, i))
		ADD("A:%d/%d", i, GetSectOArmor(mech,
			i) - GetSectArmor(mech, i));
	    if (GetSectRArmor(mech, i) != GetSectORArmor(mech, i))
		ADD("A(R):%d/%d", i, GetSectORArmor(mech,
			i) - GetSectRArmor(mech, i));
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SECTIONS; i++)
	if (GetSectOInt(mech, i))
	    if (GetSectInt(mech, i) != GetSectOInt(mech, i))
		ADD("I:%d/%d", i, GetSectOInt(mech, i) - GetSectInt(mech,
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SECTIONS; i++)
	for (j = 0; j < CritsInLoc(mech, i); j++) {
	    if (GetPartType(mech, i, j) &&
		!IsCrap(GetPartType(mech, i, j))) {
		if (PartIsDestroyed(mech, i, j)) {
		    ADD("C:%d/%d", i, j);
		} else {
		    if (IsAmmo(GetPartType(mech, i, j))) {
			if (GetPartData(mech, i, j) != FullAmmo(mech, i,
			    ADD("R:%d/%d(%d)", i, j, FullAmmo(mech,
				    i, j) - GetPartData(mech, i, j));
		    } else if (PartTempNuke(mech, i, j))
			ADD("G:%d/%d(%d)", i, j, PartTempNuke(mech, i, j));
    return buf;

char *mechCentBearingfunc(int mode, MECH * mech, char *arg)
    int x = MechX(mech);
    int y = MechY(mech);
    float fx, fy;
    static char buf[SBUF_SIZE];

    MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &fx, &fy);
    sprintf(buf, "%d", FindBearing(MechFX(mech), MechFY(mech), fx, fy));
    return buf;

char *mechCentDistfunc(int mode, MECH * mech, char *arg)
    int x = MechX(mech);
    int y = MechY(mech);
    float fx, fy;
    static char buf[SBUF_SIZE];

    MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &fx, &fy);
    sprintf(buf, "%.2f", FindHexRange(fx, fy, MechFX(mech), MechFY(mech)));
    return buf;


/* Mode:
   0 = char -> bit field
   1 = bit field -> char

static int bv_val(int in, int mode)
    int p = 0;

    if (mode == 0) {
	if (in >= 'a' && in <= 'z')
	    return 1 << (in - 'a');
	return 1 << ('z' - 'a' + 1 + (in - 'A'));
    while (in > 0) {
	in >>= 1;
    /* Hmm. */
    if (p > ('z' - 'a'))
	return 'A' + (p - ('z' - 'a' + 1));
    return 'a' + p;

static int text2bv(char *text)
    char *c;
    int j = 0;
    int mode_not = 0;

    if (!Readnum(j, text))
	return j;		/* Allow 'old style' as well */

    /* Valid bitvector letters are: a-z (=27), A-Z (=27 more) */
    for (c = text; *c; c++) {
	if (*c == '!') {
	    mode_not = 1;
	if ((*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'z') || (*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z')) {
	    int k = bv_val(*c, 0);

	    if (k) {
		if (mode_not)
		    j &= ~k;
		    j |= k;
	mode_not = 0;
    return j;

static char *bv2text(int i)
    static char buf[SBUF_SIZE];
    int p = 1;
    char *c = buf;

    while (i > 0) {
	if (i & 1)
	    *(c++) = bv_val(p, 1);
	i >>= 1;
	p <<= 1;
    if (c == buf)
	*(c++) = '-';
    *c = 0;
    return buf;

#undef offsetof
#ifdef __compiler_offsetof
#define offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER) (void *)__compiler_offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER)
#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) (void *)((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)

static GMV xcode_data[] = {
    {GTYPE_MECH, "mapindex", offsetof(MECH, mapindex), TYPE_DBREF_RO},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "id", mechIDfunc, TYPE_STRFUNC},
    MeEntryS("mechname", MechType_Name, TYPE_STRING, 31),
    MeEntry("maxspeed", MechMaxSpeed, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("pilotnum", MechPilot, TYPE_DBREF),
    MeEntry("pilotdam", MechPilotStatus, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("si", AeroSI, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("si_orig", AeroSIOrig, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("speed", MechSpeed, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("basewalkspeed", MechBaseWalk, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("baserunspeed", MechBaseRun, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("heading", MechRFacing, TYPE_SHORT),
    MeEntry("stall", MechStall, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("status", MechStatus, TYPE_BV),
    MeEntry("status2", MechStatus2, TYPE_BV),
    MeEntry("critstatus", MechCritStatus, TYPE_BV),
    MeEntry("tankcritstatus", MechTankCritStatus, TYPE_BV),
    MeEntry("target", MechTarget, TYPE_DBREF),
    MeEntry("team", MechTeam, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("tons", MechTons, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("towing", MechCarrying, TYPE_INT_RO),
    MeEntry("heat", MechPlusHeat, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("disabled_hs", MechDisabledHS, TYPE_INT_RO),
    MeEntry("overheat", MechHeat, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("dissheat", MechMinusHeat, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("heatsinks", MechRealNumsinks, TYPE_CHAR_RO),
    MeEntry("last_startup", MechLastStartup, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("C3iNetworkSize", MechC3iNetworkSize, TYPE_INT_RO),
    MeEntry("MaxSuits", MechMaxSuits, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("realweight", MechRTonsV, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("StaggerDamage", StaggerDamage, TYPE_INT_RO),
    MeEntry("MechPrefs", MechPrefs, TYPE_BV),

    {GTYPE_MECH, "mechtype", mechTypefunc, TYPE_STRFUNC_BD},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "mechmovetype", mechMovefunc, TYPE_STRFUNC_BD},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "mechdamage", mechDamagefunc, TYPE_STRFUNC_BD},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "techtime", mechTechTimefunc, TYPE_STRFUNC},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "centdist", mechCentDistfunc, TYPE_STRFUNC},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "centbearing", mechCentBearingfunc, TYPE_STRFUNC},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "sensors", mechSensorInfo, TYPE_STRFUNC},
    {GTYPE_MECH, "mechref", mech_getset_ref, TYPE_STRFUNC_BD},

    MeEntry("fuel", AeroFuel, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("fuel_orig", AeroFuelOrig, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("cocoon", MechCocoon, TYPE_INT_RO),
    MeEntry("numseen", MechNumSeen, TYPE_SHORT),

    MeEntry("fx", MechFX, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("fy", MechFY, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("fz", MechFZ, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("x", MechX, TYPE_SHORT),
    MeEntry("y", MechY, TYPE_SHORT),
    MeEntry("z", MechZ, TYPE_SHORT),

    MeEntry("targcomp", MechTargComp, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("lrsrange", MechLRSRange, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("radiorange", MechRadioRange, TYPE_SHORT),
    MeEntry("scanrange", MechScanRange, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("tacrange", MechTacRange, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("radiotype", MechRadioType, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("bv", MechBV, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("cargospace", CargoSpace, TYPE_INT),
    MeEntry("carmaxton", CarMaxTon, TYPE_CHAR_RO),

    MeVEntry("bay0", AeroBay, 0, TYPE_DBREF),
    MeVEntry("bay1", AeroBay, 1, TYPE_DBREF),
    MeVEntry("bay2", AeroBay, 2, TYPE_DBREF),
    MeVEntry("bay3", AeroBay, 3, TYPE_DBREF),

    MeVEntry("turret0", AeroTurret, 0, TYPE_DBREF),
    MeVEntry("turret1", AeroTurret, 1, TYPE_DBREF),
    MeVEntry("turret2", AeroTurret, 2, TYPE_DBREF),

    MeEntry("unusablearcs", AeroUnusableArcs, TYPE_INT_RO),
    MeEntry("maxjumpspeed", MechJumpSpeed, TYPE_FLOAT),
    MeEntry("jumpheading", MechJumpHeading, TYPE_SHORT),
    MeEntry("jumplength", MechJumpLength, TYPE_SHORT),

    MaEntry("buildflag", buildflag, TYPE_CHAR),
    MaEntry("buildonmap", onmap, TYPE_DBREF_RO),
    MaEntry("cf", cf, TYPE_SHORT),
    MaEntry("cfmax", cfmax, TYPE_SHORT),
    MaEntry("gravity", grav, TYPE_CHAR),
    MaEntry("maxcf", cfmax, TYPE_SHORT),
    MaEntry("firstfree", first_free, TYPE_CHAR_RO),
    MaEntry("mapheight", map_height, TYPE_SHORT_RO),
    MaEntry("maplight", maplight, TYPE_CHAR),
    MaEntryS("mapname", mapname, TYPE_STRING, 30),
    MaEntry("mapvis", mapvis, TYPE_CHAR),
    MaEntry("mapwidth", map_width, TYPE_SHORT_RO),
    MaEntry("maxvis", maxvis, TYPE_SHORT),
    MaEntry("temperature", temp, TYPE_CHAR),
    MaEntry("winddir", winddir, TYPE_SHORT),
    MaEntry("windspeed", windspeed, TYPE_SHORT),
    MaEntry("cloudbase", cloudbase, TYPE_SHORT),
    MaEntry("flags", flags, TYPE_CBV),
    MaEntry("sensorflags", sensorflags, TYPE_BV),

    TuEntry("arcs", arcs, TYPE_INT),
    TuEntry("parent", parent, TYPE_DBREF),
    TuEntry("gunner", gunner, TYPE_DBREF),
    TuEntry("target", target, TYPE_DBREF),
    TuEntry("targx", target, TYPE_SHORT),
    TuEntry("targy", target, TYPE_SHORT),
    TuEntry("targz", target, TYPE_SHORT),
    TuEntry("lockmode", lockmode, TYPE_INT),

    CuEntry("state", state, TYPE_INT),
    CuEntry("user", user, TYPE_DBREF),
    CuEntry("submit", submit, TYPE_DBREF),
    CuEntry("allow", allow, TYPE_INT),

    SEntry("state", state, TYPE_INT),
    SEntry("start", start_t, TYPE_INT),
    SEntry("end", end_t, TYPE_INT),

    SSEntryS("slet", slet, TYPE_STRING, 10),
    SSOEntry("state", state, TYPE_INT),

    MeEntry("radio", MechRadio, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("computer", MechComputer, TYPE_CHAR),
    MeEntry("perception", MechPer, TYPE_INT),

    {-1, NULL, 0, TYPE_STRING}

void fun_btsetxcodevalue(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
       fargs[1] = name of the value
       fargs[2] = what the value's to be set as
    dbref it;
    int i, spec;
    void *foo;
    void *bar;
    void *(*tempfun) ();

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1");
    spec = WhichSpecial(it);
    FUNCHECK(!(foo = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++)
        if (!strcasecmp(fargs[1], xcode_data[i].name) &&
                xcode_data[i].gtype == spec &&
                (scode_in_out[xcode_data[i].type] & 2)) {
            bar = (void *) ((int) foo + xcode_data[i].rel_addr);
            switch (xcode_data[i].type) {
                case TYPE_STRFUNC_BD:
                case TYPE_STRFUNC_S:
                    tempfun = (void *) xcode_data[i].rel_addr;
                    tempfun(1, (MECH *) foo, (char *) fargs[2]);
                case TYPE_STRING:
                    strncpy((char *) bar, fargs[2], xcode_data[i].size - 1);
                    ((char *)bar)[xcode_data[i].size - 1] = '\0';
                case TYPE_DBREF:
                    *((dbref *) bar) = atoi(fargs[2]);
                case TYPE_CHAR:
                    *((char *) bar) = atoi(fargs[2]);
                case TYPE_SHORT:
                    *((short *) bar) = atoi(fargs[2]);
                case TYPE_INT:
                    *((int *) bar) = atoi(fargs[2]);
                case TYPE_FLOAT:
                    *((float *) bar) = atof(fargs[2]);
                case TYPE_BV:
                    *((int *) bar) = text2bv(fargs[2]);
                case TYPE_CBV:
                    *((byte *) bar) = (byte) text2bv(fargs[2]);
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1");

static char *RetrieveValue(void *data, int i)
    void *bar = (void *) ((int) data + xcode_data[i].rel_addr);
    static char buf[LBUF_SIZE];
    char *(*tempfun) ();

    switch (xcode_data[i].type) {
    case TYPE_STRFUNC:
	tempfun = (void *) xcode_data[i].rel_addr;
	sprintf(buf, "%s", (char *) tempfun(0, (MECH *) data));
    case TYPE_STRING:
	sprintf(buf, "%s", (char *) bar);
    case TYPE_DBREF:
    case TYPE_DBREF_RO:
	sprintf(buf, "%d", (dbref) * ((dbref *) bar));
    case TYPE_CHAR:
    case TYPE_CHAR_RO:
	sprintf(buf, "%d", (char) *((char *) bar));
    case TYPE_SHORT:
    case TYPE_SHORT_RO:
	sprintf(buf, "%d", (short) *((short *) bar));
    case TYPE_INT:
    case TYPE_INT_RO:
	sprintf(buf, "%d", (int) *((int *) bar));
    case TYPE_FLOAT:
    case TYPE_FLOAT_RO:
	sprintf(buf, "%.2f", (float) *((float *) bar));
    case TYPE_BV:
	strcpy(buf, bv2text((int) *((int *) bar)));
    case TYPE_CBV:
	strcpy(buf, bv2text((int) *((char *) bar)));
    return buf;

void fun_btgetxcodevalue(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
       fargs[1] = name of the value
    dbref it;
    int i;
    void *foo;
    int spec;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1");
    spec = WhichSpecial(it);
    FUNCHECK(!(foo = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++)
	if (!strcasecmp(fargs[1], xcode_data[i].name) &&
	    xcode_data[i].gtype == spec &&
	    (scode_in_out[xcode_data[i].type] & 1)) {
	    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s", RetrieveValue(foo, i));
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1");

void fun_btgetxcodevalue_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mech ref
       fargs[1] = name of the value
    int i;
    MECH *foo;
    int spec;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((foo = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");
    spec = GTYPE_MECH;
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++)
	if (!strcasecmp(fargs[1], xcode_data[i].name) &&
	    xcode_data[i].gtype == spec &&
	    (scode_in_out[xcode_data[i].type] & 1)) {
	    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s", RetrieveValue(foo, i));
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1");

void set_xcodestuff(dbref player, void *data, char *buffer)
    char *args[2];
    int t, i;
    void *bar;
    void *(*tempfun) ();

    memset(args, 0, sizeof(char *) * 2);

    DOCHECK(silly_parseattributes(buffer, args, 2) != 2,
            "Invalid arguments!");
    t = WhichSpecial(Location(player));
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++)
        if (xcode_data[i].gtype == t)
            "Error: No xcode values for this type of object found.");
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++)
        if (!strcasecmp(args[0], xcode_data[i].name) &&
                xcode_data[i].gtype == t &&
                (scode_in_out[xcode_data[i].type] & 2))
            "Error: No matching xcode value for this type of object found.");
    bar =
        (void *) ((int) FindObjectsData(Location(player)) +
    switch (xcode_data[i].type) {
        case TYPE_STRFUNC_BD:
        case TYPE_STRFUNC_S:
            tempfun = (void *) xcode_data[i].rel_addr;
            tempfun(1, getMech(Location(player)), (char *) args[1]);
        case TYPE_STRING:
            strncpy((char *) bar, args[1], xcode_data[i].size - 1);
            ((char *)bar)[xcode_data[i].size - 1] = '\0';
        case TYPE_DBREF:
            *((dbref *) bar) = atoi(args[1]);
        case TYPE_CHAR:
            *((char *) bar) = atoi(args[1]);
        case TYPE_SHORT:
            *((short *) bar) = atoi(args[1]);
        case TYPE_INT:
            *((int *) bar) = atoi(args[1]);
        case TYPE_FLOAT:
            *((float *) bar) = atof(args[1]);
        case TYPE_BV:
            *((int *) bar) = text2bv(args[1]);
        case TYPE_CBV:
            *((byte *) bar) = (byte) text2bv(args[1]);

void list_xcodestuff(dbref player, void *data, char *buffer)
    int t, i, flag = CM_TWO, se_len = 37;
    coolmenu *c = NULL;

    t = WhichSpecial(Location(player));
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++)
	if (xcode_data[i].gtype == t &&
	    (scode_in_out[xcode_data[i].type] & 1))
	"Error: No xcode values for this type of object found.");
    cent(tprintf("Data for %s (%s)", Name(Location(player)),
    if (*buffer == '1') {
	flag = CM_ONE;
	se_len = se_len * 2;
    if (*buffer == '4') {
	flag = CM_FOUR;
	se_len = se_len / 2;
    if (*buffer == '1' || *buffer == '4')
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++) {
	if (xcode_data[i].gtype == t &&
	    (scode_in_out[xcode_data[i].type] & 1)) {
	    /* 1/3(left) = name, 2/3(right)=value */
	    char mask[SBUF_SIZE];
	    char lab[SBUF_SIZE];

	    if (*buffer)
		if (strncasecmp(xcode_data[i].name, buffer,
	    strcpy(lab, xcode_data[i].name);
	    lab[se_len / 3] = 0;
	    sprintf(mask, "%%-%ds%%%ds", se_len / 3, se_len * 2 / 3);
	    sim(tprintf(mask, lab, RetrieveValue(data, i)), flag);
    ShowCoolMenu(player, c);

void fun_btunderrepair(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = ref of the mech to be checked */
    int n;
    MECH *mech;
    dbref it;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-2");
    mech = FindObjectsData(it);
    n = figure_latest_tech_event(mech);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", n > 0);

void fun_btstores(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the bay/mech */
    /* fargs[1] = (optional) name of the part */
    dbref it;
    int i = -1, x = 0;
    int p, b;
    int pile[BRANDCOUNT + 1][NUM_ITEMS];
    char *t;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK(nfargs < 1 || nfargs > 2,
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(it), "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    if (nfargs > 1) {
	i = -1;
	if (!find_matching_long_part(fargs[1], &i, &p, &b)) {
	    i = -1;
	    FUNCHECK(!find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[1], &i, &p, &b),
		     "#-1 INVALID PART NAME");
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", econ_find_items(it, p, b));
    } else {
	memset(pile, 0, sizeof(pile));
	t = silly_atr_get(it, A_ECONPARTS);
	while (*t) {
	    if (*t == '[')
		if ((sscanf(t, "[%d,%d,%d]", &i, &p, &b)) == 3)
		    pile[p][i] += b;
	for (i = 0; i < object_count; i++) {
	    UNPACK_PART(short_sorted[i]->index, p, b);
	    if (pile[b][p]) {
		if (x)
		    safe_str("|", buff, bufc);
		x = pile[b][p];
		safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s:%d",
				 part_name_long(p, b), x);

void fun_btmapterr(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = reference of map
       fargs[1] = x
       fargs[2] = y
    dbref it;
    MAP *map;
    int x, y;
    int spec;
    char terr;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1");
    spec = WhichSpecial(it);
    FUNCHECK(spec != GTYPE_MAP, "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!(map = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(x, fargs[1]), "#-2");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(y, fargs[2]), "#-2");
    FUNCHECK(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= map->map_width ||
	y >= map->map_height, "?");
    terr = GetTerrain(map, x, y);
    if(terr == GRASSLAND)
        terr = '.';
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%c", terr);

void fun_btmapelev(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = reference of map
       fargs[1] = x
       fargs[2] = y
    dbref it;
    int i;
    MAP *map;
    int x, y;
    int spec;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1");
    spec = WhichSpecial(it);
    FUNCHECK(spec != GTYPE_MAP, "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!(map = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(x, fargs[1]), "#-2");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(y, fargs[2]), "#-2");
    FUNCHECK(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= map->map_width || y >= map->map_height, "?");
    i = Elevation(map, x, y);
    if (i < 0)
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "-%c", '0' + -i);
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%c", '0' + i);

void list_xcodevalues(dbref player)
    int i;

    notify(player, "Xcode attributes accessible thru get/setxcodevalue:");
    for (i = 0; xcode_data[i].name; i++)
	notify(player, tprintf("\t%d\t%s", xcode_data[i].gtype,

/* Glue functions for easy scode interface to ton of hcode stuff */

void fun_btdesignex(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    char *id = fargs[0];

    if (mechref_path(id)) {
	safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");
    } else
	safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "0");

void fun_btdamages(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
    dbref it;
    char *damstr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    damstr = damages_func(mech);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, damstr ? damstr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btcritstatus(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
     * fargs[1] = location to show
    dbref it;
    char *critstr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    critstr = critstatus_func(mech, fargs[1]);	/* fargs[1] unguaranteed ! */
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, critstr ? critstr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btarmorstatus(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
     * fargs[1] = location to show
    dbref it;
    char *infostr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    infostr = armorstatus_func(mech, fargs[1]);	/* fargs[1] unguaranteed ! */
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btweaponstatus(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
     * fargs[1] = location to show
    dbref it;
    char *infostr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(nfargs < 1 || nfargs > 2,

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    infostr = weaponstatus_func(mech, nfargs == 2 ? fargs[1] : NULL);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btcritstatus_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = ref of the mech
     * fargs[1] = location to show
    char *critstr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");
    critstr = critstatus_func(mech, fargs[1]);	/* fargs[1] unguaranteed ! */
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, critstr ? critstr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btarmorstatus_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = ref of the mech
     * fargs[1] = location to show
    char *infostr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");
    infostr = armorstatus_func(mech, fargs[1]);	/* fargs[1] unguaranteed ! */
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btweaponstatus_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = ref of the mech
     * fargs[1] = location to show
    char *infostr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(nfargs < 1 || nfargs > 2,

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");
    infostr = weaponstatus_func(mech, nfargs == 2 ? fargs[1] : NULL);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btsetarmorstatus(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
     * fargs[1] = location to set
     * fargs[2] = what to change
     * fargs[3] = value to change to.
    dbref it;
    char *infostr;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    infostr = setarmorstatus_func(mech, fargs[1], fargs[2], fargs[3]);	/* fargs[1] unguaranteed ! */
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_btthreshold(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
     * fargs[0] = skill to query
    int xpth;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    xpth = btthreshold_func(fargs[0]);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, xpth < 0 ? "#%d ERROR" : "%d", xpth);

void fun_btdamagemech(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
     * fargs[0] = dbref of MECH object
     * fargs[1] = total amount of damage
     * fargs[2] = clustersize
     * fargs[3] = direction of 'attack'
     * fargs[4] = (try to) force crit
     * fargs[5] = message to send to damaged 'mech
     * fargs[6] = message to MechLOSBroadcast, prepended by mech name

    int totaldam, clustersize, direction, iscrit;
    MECH *mech;
    dbref it;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1 UNABLE TO GET MECHDATA");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(totaldam, fargs[1]) || totaldam < 1
            || totaldam > 1000, "#-1 INVALID 2ND ARG");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(clustersize, fargs[2]) || clustersize < 1, "#-1 INVALID 3RD ARG");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(direction, fargs[3]), "#-1 INVALID 4TH ARG");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(iscrit, fargs[4]), "#-1 INVALID 5TH ARG");
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", dodamage_func(player, mech,
	    totaldam, clustersize, direction, iscrit, fargs[5], fargs[6]));

void fun_bttechstatus(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
       * fargs[0] = dbref of MECH object

    dbref it;
    MECH *mech;
    char *infostr;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1 UNABLE TO GET MECHDATA");
    infostr = techstatus_func(mech);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s", infostr ? infostr : "#-1 ERROR");

void fun_bthexemit(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mapref
       fargs[1] = x coordinate
       fargs[2] = y coordinate
       fargs[3] = message
    MAP *map;
    int x = -1, y = -1;
    char *msg = fargs[3];
    dbref mapnum;
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    while (msg && *msg && isspace(*msg))
    FUNCHECK(!msg || !*msg, "#-1 INVALID MESSAGE");

    mapnum = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mapnum < 0, "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    map = getMap(mapnum);
    FUNCHECK(!map, "#-1 INVALID MAP");

    x = atoi(fargs[1]);
    y = atoi(fargs[2]);
    FUNCHECK(x < 0 || x > map->map_width || y < 0 || y > map->map_height,
    HexLOSBroadcast(map, x, y, msg);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");

void fun_btmakepilotroll(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mechref
       fargs[1] = roll modifier
       fargs[2] = damage modifier
    MECH *mech;
    int rollmod = 0, dammod = 0;
    dbref mechnum;
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechnum = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mechnum == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechnum),
    	"#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechnum), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(mechnum)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");

    /* No checking on rollmod/dammod, they're assumed to be 0 if invalid. */
    rollmod = atoi(fargs[1]);
    dammod = atoi(fargs[2]);
    if (MadePilotSkillRoll(mech, rollmod)) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");
    } else {
        MechFalls(mech, dammod, 1);
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "0");

void fun_btid2db(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mech 
       fargs[1] = target ID */
    MECH *target;
    MECH *mech = NULL;
    dbref mechnum;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechnum = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mechnum == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechnum),
    	"#-1 INVALID MECH/MAP");
    FUNCHECK(strlen(fargs[1]) != 2, "#-1 INVALID TARGETID");
    if (IsMech(mechnum)) {
    	FUNCHECK(!(mech = getMech(mechnum)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
        mechnum = FindTargetDBREFFromMapNumber(mech, fargs[1]);
    } else if (IsMap(mechnum)) {
    	MAP *map;
    	FUNCHECK(!(map = getMap(mechnum)), "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    	mechnum = FindMechOnMap(map, fargs[1]);
    } else {
    	safe_str("#-1 INVALID MECH/MAP", buff, bufc);
    FUNCHECK(mechnum < 0, "#-1 INVALID TARGETID");
    if (mech) {
    	FUNCHECK(!(target = getMech(mechnum)), "#-1 INVALID TARGETID");
    	FUNCHECK(!InLineOfSight_NB(mech, target, MechX(target), MechY(target),
        	           FlMechRange(getMap(mech->mapindex), mech, target)),
        	 "#-1 INVALID TARGETID");
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d", (int) mechnum);

void fun_bthexlos(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mech 
       fargs[1] = x
       fargs[2] = y
    MECH *mech;
    MAP *map;
    int x = -1, y = -1, mechnum;
    float fx, fy;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechnum = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mechnum == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechnum),
    	"#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechnum), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = getMech(mechnum)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(map = getMap(mech->mapindex)), "#-1 INTERNAL ERROR");

    x = atoi(fargs[1]);
    y = atoi(fargs[2]);
    FUNCHECK(x < 0 || x > map->map_width || y < 0 || y > map->map_height,
    MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &fx, &fy);
    if (InLineOfSight_NB(mech, NULL, x, y,
                 FindHexRange(MechFX(mech), MechFY(mech), fx, fy)))
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "0");

void fun_btlosm2m(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mech
       fargs[1] = target

    int mechnum;
    MECH *mech, *target;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechnum = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mechnum == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechnum),
    	"#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechnum), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = getMech(mechnum)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");

    mechnum = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
    FUNCHECK(mechnum == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechnum),
    	"#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechnum), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(target = getMech(mechnum)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
    if (InLineOfSight_NB(mech, target, MechX(mech), MechY(mech),
            FlMechRange(getmap(mech->mapindex), mech, target)))
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "0");

 * btaddstores(<MapDB>, <PartName>, <Amount>)
 * Adds the specified parts/commodities to a map. The maximum value for <PartName> is the define, ADDSTORES_MAX.
void fun_btaddstores(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mech/map
       fargs[1] = partname
       fargs[2] = quantity
    int loc;
    int index = -1, id = 0, brand = 0, count;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    loc = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(loc), "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    FUNCHECK(strlen(fargs[1]) >= MBUF_SIZE, "#-1 PARTNAME TOO LONG");
    FUNCHECK(!fargs[1], "#-1 NEED PARTNAME");
    /* Add a limit to the number of parts you can add at once to prevent reaching the integer limits. */ 
    count = atoi(fargs[2]);
    if (count > ADDSTORES_MAX) {
	    count = ADDSTORES_MAX;
    FUNCHECK(!count, "1");
    FUNCHECK(!find_matching_short_part(fargs[1], &index, &id, &brand) &&
             !find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[1], &index, &id, &brand) &&
             !find_matching_long_part(fargs[1], &index, &id, &brand), "0");
    econ_change_items(loc, id, brand, count);
    SendEcon(tprintf("#%d added %d %s to #%d", player, count,
                     get_parts_vlong_name(id, brand), loc));
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");
} /* end btaddstores() */

extern int xlate(char *);

void fun_btloadmap(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mapobject
       fargs[1] = mapname
       fargs[2] = clear or not to clear
    int mapdbref;
    MAP * map;

    FUNCHECK(nfargs < 2 || nfargs > 3,
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mapdbref = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(mapdbref), "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    map = getMap(mapdbref);
    switch (map_load(map, fargs[1])) {
    case -1:
	safe_str("#-1 MAP NOT FOUND", buff, bufc);
    case -2:
	safe_str("#-1 INVALID MAP", buff, bufc);
    case 0:
	safe_str("#-1 UNKNOWN ERROR", buff, bufc);
    if (nfargs > 2 && xlate(fargs[2]))
	map_clearmechs(player, (void *)map, "");
    safe_str("1", buff, bufc);

void fun_btloadmech(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mechobject
       fargs[1] = mechref
    int mechdbref;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechdbref = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(mechdbref), "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    mech = getMech(mechdbref);
    FUNCHECK(!mech, "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    if (mech_loadnew(player, mech, fargs[1]) == 1) {
	muxevent_remove_data((void *)mech);
	safe_str("1", buff, bufc);
    } else {
	safe_str("#-1 UNABLE TO LOAD TEMPLATE", buff, bufc);

extern char radio_colorstr[];

void fun_btmechfreqs(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mechobject
    int mechdbref;
    MECH * mech;
    int i;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechdbref = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(mechdbref), "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    mech = getMech(mechdbref);
    FUNCHECK(!mech, "#-1 INVALID TARGET");

    for (i = 0; i < MFreqs(mech); i++) {
	if (i)
	    safe_str(",", buff, bufc);
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d|%d|%s",
			 i + 1, mech->freq[i],
			 bv2text(mech->freqmodes[i] % FREQ_REST));
	if (mech->freqmodes[i] / FREQ_REST) {
	    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "|%c",
		radio_colorstr[mech->freqmodes[i] / FREQ_REST - 1]);
	} else {
	    safe_str("|-", buff, bufc);

void fun_btgetweight(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
      fargs[0] = stringname of part
    float sw = 0;
    int i = -1, p, b;
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    if (!find_matching_long_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b)) {
	i = -1;
	FUNCHECK(!find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b),
	    "#-1 INVALID PART NAME");
    sw = GetPartWeight(p);
    if (sw <= 0)
        sw = (1024 * 100);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, tprintf("%.3f", (float) sw / 1024));

void fun_btremovestores(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the bay */
    /* fargs[1] = name of the part */
    /* fargs[2] = amount */
    dbref it;
    int i = -1, spec;
    int num = 0;
    void *foo;
    int p, b;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1");
    spec = WhichSpecial(it);
    FUNCHECK(!(foo = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK(Readnum(num, fargs[2]), "#-2 Illegal Value");
    if (!find_matching_long_part(fargs[1], &i, &p, &b)) {
        i = -1;
        FUNCHECK(!find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[1], &i, &p, &b),
            "#-1 INVALID PART NAME");
    econ_change_items(it, p, b, 0 - num);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", econ_find_items(it, p, b));

void fun_bttechtime(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    time_t old;
    char *olds = silly_atr_get(player, A_TECHTIME);
    char buf[MBUF_SIZE];

    if (olds) {
        old = (time_t) atoi(olds);
        if (old < {
            strcpy(buf, "00:00.00");
        } else {
            old -=;
            sprintf(buf, "%02ld:%02d.%02d", (long) (old / 3600),
                (int) ((old / 60) % 60), (int) (old % 60));
    } else {
        strcpy(buf, "00:00.00");

    notify(player, buf);

void fun_btcritslot(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
       fargs[1] = location name
       fargs[2] = critslot
       fargs[3] = partname type flag, 0 template name, 1 repair part name (differentiate Ammo types basically)
    dbref it;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    if (!fn_range_check("BTCRITSLOT", nfargs, 3, 4, buff, bufc))

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s", critslot_func(mech, fargs[1], fargs[2], fargs[3]));

void fun_btcritslot_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = ref
       fargs[1] = location name
       fargs[2] = critslot
       fargs[3] = partname type flag, 0 template name, 1 repair part name (differentiate Ammo types basically)
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    if (!fn_range_check("BTCRITSLOT_REF", nfargs, 3, 4, buff, bufc))
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%s", critslot_func(mech, fargs[1], fargs[2], fargs[3]));

#define NUMBERS ".0123456789"

void fun_btgetrange(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
/* fargs[0] - [4] Combos of XY or DBref */
    dbref mechAdb, mechBdb, mapdb;
    MECH *mechA, *mechB;
    MAP *map;
    float fxA, fyA, fzA, fxB, fyB, fzB;
    int xA, yA, zA,  xB, yB, zB;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#=1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    if (!fn_range_check("BTGETRANGE", nfargs, 3, 7, buff, bufc))

    mapdb = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mapdb == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mapdb), "#-1 INVALID MAPDB");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMap(mapdb), "#-1 OBJECT NOT MAP");
    FUNCHECK(!(map = getMap(mapdb)), "#-1 INVALID MAP");

    switch(nfargs) {
        case 3:
            mechAdb = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
            FUNCHECK(mechAdb == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechAdb), "#-1 INVALID MECHDBREF");
            mechBdb = match_thing(player, fargs[2]);
            FUNCHECK(mechBdb == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechBdb), "#-1 INVALID MECHDBREF");
            FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechAdb) || !IsMech(mechBdb), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
            FUNCHECK(!(mechA = getMech(mechAdb)) || !(mechB = getMech(mechBdb)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
            FUNCHECK(mechA->mapindex != mapdb || mechB->mapindex != mapdb, "#-1 MECH NOT ON MAP");
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%f", FaMechRange(mechA, mechB));
        case 4:
            if(strspn(fargs[1], NUMBERS) < 1) {
                mechAdb = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
                FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[2], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                xA = atoi(fargs[2]);
                FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[3], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                yA = atoi(fargs[3]);
            } else {
                FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[1], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                xA = atoi(fargs[1]);
                FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[2], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                yA = atoi(fargs[2]);
                mechAdb = match_thing(player, fargs[3]);
            FUNCHECK(mechAdb == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechAdb), "#-1 INVALID MECHDBREF");
            FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechAdb), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
            FUNCHECK(!(mechA = getMech(mechAdb)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
            FUNCHECK(mechA->mapindex != mapdb, "#-1 MECH NOT ON MAP");
            FUNCHECK(xA < 0 || yA < 0 || xA > map->map_width || yA > map->map_height, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            MapCoordToRealCoord(xA, yA, &fxA, &fyA);
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%f", FindRange(MechFX(mechA), MechFY(mechA), MechFZ(mechA), fxA, fyA, Elevation(map, xA, yA) * ZSCALE));
        case 5:
            if(strspn(fargs[1], NUMBERS) < 1 || strspn(fargs[4], NUMBERS) < 1) {
                // this is the (map, mech, x, y, z) or (map, x, y, z, mech) condition
                if(strspn(fargs[1], NUMBERS) < 1) {
                    // mech first
                    mechAdb = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
                    FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[2], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                    xA = atoi(fargs[2]);
                    FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[3], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                    yA = atoi(fargs[3]);
                    FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[4], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                    zA = atoi(fargs[4]);
                } else {
                    FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[1], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                    xA = atoi(fargs[1]);
                    FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[2], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                    yA = atoi(fargs[2]);
                    FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[3], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                    zA = atoi(fargs[3]);
                    mechAdb = match_thing(player, fargs[4]);
                FUNCHECK(mechAdb == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechAdb), "#-1 INVALID MECHDBREF");
                FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechAdb), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
                FUNCHECK(!(mechA = getMech(mechAdb)), "#-1 INVALID MECH");
                FUNCHECK(mechA->mapindex != mapdb, "#-1 MECH NOT ON MAP");
                FUNCHECK(xA < 0 || yA < 0 || xA > map->map_width || yA > map->map_height, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
                MapCoordToRealCoord(xA, yA, &fxA, &fyA);
                safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%f", 
                        FindRange(MechFX(mechA), MechFY(mechA), MechFZ(mechA), fxA, fyA, zA*ZSCALE));
            // tihs is the (map, x1, y1, x2, y2) condition
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[1], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            xA = atoi(fargs[1]);
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[2], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            yA = atoi(fargs[2]);
            FUNCHECK(xA < 0 || yA < 0 || xA > map->map_width || yA > map->map_height, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[3], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            xB = atoi(fargs[3]);
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[4], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            yB = atoi(fargs[4]);
            FUNCHECK(xB < 0 || yB < 0 || xB > map->map_width || yB > map->map_height, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            MapCoordToRealCoord(xA, yA, &fxA, &fyA);
            MapCoordToRealCoord(xB, yB, &fxB, &fyB);
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%f", FindRange(fxA, fyA, Elevation(map, xA, yA) * ZSCALE, fxB, fyB, Elevation(map, xB, yB)));
        case 7:
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[1], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            xA = atoi(fargs[1]);
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[2], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            yA = atoi(fargs[2]);
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[3], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            zA = atoi(fargs[3]);
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[4], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            xB = atoi(fargs[4]);
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[5], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            yB = atoi(fargs[5]);
            FUNCHECK(strspn(fargs[6], NUMBERS) < 1, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
            zB = atoi(fargs[6]);
            MapCoordToRealCoord(xA, yA, &fxA, &fyA);
            MapCoordToRealCoord(xB, yB, &fxB, &fyB);
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%f", FindRange(fxA, fyA, zA*ZSCALE, fxB, fyB, zB*ZSCALE));
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 INVALID ARGUMENTS");

extern void correct_speed(MECH *);

void fun_btsetmaxspeed(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = id of the mech
       fargs[1] = what the new maxspeed should be set too
    dbref it;
    MECH *mech;
    float newmaxspeed = atof(fargs[1]);

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    MechMaxSpeed(mech) = newmaxspeed;

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");

void fun_btgetrealmaxspeed(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref it;
    MECH *mech;
    float speed;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    speed = MechCargoMaxSpeed(mech, MechMaxSpeed(mech));

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, tprintf("%f", speed));

void fun_btgetbv(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref it;
    MECH *mech;
    int bv;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    bv = CalculateBV(mech, 100, 100);
    MechBV(mech) = bv;
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, tprintf("%d", bv));

void fun_btgetbv_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    MECH *mech;
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");

    MechBV(mech) = CalculateBV(mech, 4, 5);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", MechBV(mech));

void fun_bttechlist(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref it;
    MECH *mech;
    int i, ii, part = 0, axe = 0, sword = 0, mace = 0, hascase = 0;
    char *infostr;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = FindObjectsData(it)), "#-1");
    infostr = techlist_func(mech);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : " ");

void fun_bttechlist_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref it;
    MECH *mech;
    int i, ii, part = 0, axe = 0, sword = 0, mace = 0, hascase = 0;
    char *infostr;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");

    infostr = techlist_func(mech);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : "#-1");

/* Function to return the 'payload' of a unit
 * ie: the Guns and Ammo
 * in a list format like <item_1> <# of 1>|...|<item_n> <# of n>
 * Dany - 06/2005 */
void fun_btpayload_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs) {
    MECH *mech;
    char *infostr;
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");

    infostr = payloadlist_func(mech);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, infostr ? infostr : "#-1");

void fun_btshowstatus_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref outplayer;
    MECH *mech;
    char *infostr;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");
    outplayer = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
    FUNCHECK(outplayer == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, outplayer) || !isPlayer(outplayer), "#-1");

    mech_status(outplayer, (void *) mech, "R");
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");

void fun_btshowwspecs_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref outplayer;
    MECH *mech;
    char *infostr;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");
    outplayer = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
    FUNCHECK(outplayer == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, outplayer) || !isPlayer(outplayer), "#-1");

    mech_weaponspecs(outplayer, (void *) mech, "");
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");

void fun_btshowcritstatus_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref outplayer;
    MECH *mech;
    char *infostr;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK((mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])) == NULL, "#-1 NO SUCH MECH");
    outplayer = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
    FUNCHECK(outplayer == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, outplayer) || !isPlayer(outplayer), "#-1");

    mech_critstatus(outplayer, (void *) mech, fargs[2]);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");

void fun_btengrate(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref mechdb;
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechdb = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mechdb == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mechdb), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(mechdb), "#-1 NOT A MECH");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = getMech(mechdb)), "#-1");

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d %d", MechEngineSize(mech), susp_factor(mech));

void fun_btengrate_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])), "#-1 INVALID REF");

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d %d", MechEngineSize(mech), susp_factor(mech));

void fun_btfasabasecost_ref(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    MECH *mech;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    FUNCHECK(!(mech = load_refmech(fargs[0])), "#-1 INVALID REF");

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%lld", CalcFasaCost(mech));
safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 NO ECONDB SUPPORT");

void fun_btweapstat(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = weapon name
     * fargs[1] = stat type

    int i = -1, p, weapindx, val = -1, b;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    if (!find_matching_long_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b)) {
        i = -1;
        FUNCHECK(!find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b),
            "#-1 INVALID PART NAME");
    if (!IsWeapon(p)) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 NOT A WEAPON");
    weapindx = Weapon2I(p);
    if (strcasecmp("VRT", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].vrt;
    else if (strcasecmp("TYPE", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].type;
    else if (strcasecmp("HEAT", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].heat;
    else if (strcasecmp("DAMAGE", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].damage;
    else if (strcasecmp("MIN", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].min;
    else if (strcasecmp("SR", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].shortrange;
    else if (strcasecmp("MR", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].medrange;
    else if (strcasecmp("LR", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].longrange;
    else if (strcasecmp("CRIT", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].criticals;
    else if (strcasecmp("AMMO", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].ammoperton;
    else if (strcasecmp("WEIGHT", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].weight;
    else if (strcasecmp("BV", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].battlevalue;
#if 0
    else if (strcasecmp("ABV", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].abattlevalue;
    else if (strcasecmp("REP", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].reptime;
    else if (strcasecmp("WCLASS", fargs[1]) == 0)
        val = MechWeapons[weapindx].class;
    if (val == -1)
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1");
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", val);

void fun_btnumrepjobs(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    extern int damage_last;
    MECH *mech;
    dbref it;

    it = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(it == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, it), "#-1");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMech(it), "#-2");
    mech = FindObjectsData(it);

    if (unit_is_fixable(mech))

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", damage_last);

void fun_btsetxy(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
        fargs[0] = mech
        fargs[1] = map
        fargs[2] = x
        fargs[3] = y
        fargs[4] = z

    dbref mechdb, mapdb;
    int x, y, z;
    MECH *mech;
    MAP *map;
    char buffer[MBUF_SIZE];

    FUNCHECK(nfargs < 4 || nfargs > 5, "#-1 INVALID ARGUMENT");
    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechdb = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(mechdb), "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    mech = getMech(mechdb);
    FUNCHECK(!mech, "#-1 INVALID TARGET");

    mapdb = match_thing(player, fargs[1]);
    FUNCHECK(mapdb == NOTHING || !Examinable(player, mapdb), "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    FUNCHECK(!IsMap(mapdb), "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    FUNCHECK(!(map = getMap(mapdb)), "#-1 INVALID MAP");

    x = atoi(fargs[2]);
    y = atoi(fargs[3]);
    FUNCHECK(x < 0 || x > map->map_width, "#-1 X COORD");
    FUNCHECK(y < 0 || y > map->map_height, "#-1 Y COORD");

    if(nfargs == 5) {
        z = atoi(fargs[4]);
        FUNCHECK(z < 0 || z > 10000, "#-1 Z COORD");
    } else {
        z = Elevation(map, x, y);

    snprintf(buffer, MBUF_SIZE, "%d", mapdb);
    mech_Rsetmapindex(GOD, (void *) mech, buffer);
    snprintf(buffer, MBUF_SIZE, "%d %d %d", x, y, z);
    mech_Rsetxy(GOD, (void *) mech, buffer);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");

void fun_btmapunits(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs) {
     * fargs[0] = mapref
     * OR
     * fargs[0] = mapref
     * fargs[1] = x
     * fargs[2] = y
     * fargs[3] = range
     * OR
     * fargs[0] = mapref
     * fargs[1] = x
     * fargs[2] = y
     * fargs[3] = z
     * fargs[4] = range

    MAP *map;
    float x, y, z, range, realX, realY;
    MECH *mech;
    int loop;
    dbref mapnum;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mapnum = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mapnum < 0, "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    map = getMap(mapnum);
    FUNCHECK(!map, "#-1 INVALID MAP");

    switch(nfargs) {
        case 1:
            for(loop = 0; loop < map->first_free; loop++) {
                if(map->mechsOnMap[loop] < 0) continue;
                mech = getMech(map->mechsOnMap[loop]);

                    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d ", map->mechsOnMap[loop]);
        case 4:
            x = atof(fargs[1]);
            y = atof(fargs[2]);
            range = atof(fargs[3]);
            FUNCHECK(x < 0 || x > map->map_width, "#-1 INVALID X COORD");
            FUNCHECK(y < 0 || y > map->map_height, "#-1 INVALID Y COORD");
            FUNCHECK(range < 0, "#-1 INVALID RANGE");
            MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &realX, &realY);
            for(loop = 0; loop < map->first_free; loop++) {
                if(map->mechsOnMap[loop] < 0) continue;
                mech = getMech(map->mechsOnMap[loop]);
                if(mech && FindXYRange(realX, realY, MechFX(mech), MechFY(mech)) <= range)
                    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d ", map->mechsOnMap[loop]);
        case 5:
            x = atof(fargs[1]);
            y = atof(fargs[2]);
            z = atof(fargs[3]);
            range = atof(fargs[4]);
            FUNCHECK(x < 0 || x > map->map_width, "#-1 INVALID X COORD");
            FUNCHECK(y < 0 || y > map->map_height, "#-1 INVALID Y COORD");
            FUNCHECK(range < 0, "#-1 INVALID RANGE");
            MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &realX, &realY);
            for(loop = 0; loop < map->first_free; loop++) {
                if(map->mechsOnMap[loop] < 0) continue;
                mech = getMech(map->mechsOnMap[loop]);

                if(mech && FindRange(realX, realY, z*ZSCALE, MechFX(mech), MechFY(mech), MechFZ(mech)) <= range)
                    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#%d ", map->mechsOnMap[loop]);
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 INVALID ARGUMENTS");

int MapLimitedBroadcast3d(MAP *map, float x, float y, float z, float range, char *message);
int MapLimitedBroadcast2d(MAP *map, float x, float y, float range, char *message);

void fun_btmapemit(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    /* fargs[0] = mapref
       fargs[1] = message
       fargs[0] = mapref
       fargs[1] = x
       fargs[2] = y
       fargs[3] = range
       fargs[4] = message


       fargs[0] = mapref
       fargs[1] = x
       fargs[2] = y
       fargs[3] = z
       fargs[4] = range
       fargs[5] = message
    MAP *map;
    dbref mapnum;
    float x, y, realX, realY, z, range;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mapnum = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(mapnum < 0, "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    map = getMap(mapnum);
    FUNCHECK(!map, "#-1 INVALID MAP");

    switch(nfargs) {
        case 2:
            FUNCHECK(!fargs[1] || !*fargs[1], "#-1 INVALID MESSAGE");
            MapBroadcast(map, fargs[1]);
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "1");
        case 5:
            x = atof(fargs[1]);
            y = atof(fargs[2]);
            range = atof(fargs[3]);
            FUNCHECK(x < 0 || x > map->map_width, "#-1 ILLEGAL X COORD");
            FUNCHECK(y < 0 || y > map->map_height, "#-1 ILLEGAL Y COORD");
            FUNCHECK(range < 0, "#-1 ILLEGAL RANGE");
            FUNCHECK(!fargs[4] || !*fargs[4], "#-1 INVALID MESSAGE");
            MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &realX, &realY);
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", MapLimitedBroadcast2d(map, realX, realY, range, fargs[4]));
        case 6:
            x = atof(fargs[1]);
            y = atof(fargs[2]);
            z = atof(fargs[3]);
            range = atof(fargs[4]);
            FUNCHECK(x < 0 || x > map->map_width, "#-1 ILLEGAL X COORD");
            FUNCHECK(y < 0 || y > map->map_height, "#-1 ILLEGAL Y COORD");
            FUNCHECK(z < 0 || z > 100000, "#-1 ILLEGAL Z COORD"); // XXX: Is this accurate?
            FUNCHECK(range < 0, "#-1 ILLEGAL RANGE");
            FUNCHECK(!fargs[5] || !*fargs[5], "#-1 INVALID MESSAGE");
            MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &realX, &realY); // XXX: should we deal with z?
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", MapLimitedBroadcast3d(map, realX, realY, z*ZSCALE, range, fargs[5]));
            safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 INVALID ARGUMENTS");

void fun_btparttype(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
      fargs[0] = stringname of part
    int i = -1, p, b;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    if (!find_matching_long_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b)) {
        i = -1;
        FUNCHECK(!find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b),
            "#-1 INVALID PART NAME");
    if (strstr(fargs[0], "Sword") && !strstr(fargs[0], "PC."))
        p = I2Special(SWORD);
    if (IsWeapon(p)) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "WEAP");
    } else if (IsAmmo(p) || strstr(fargs[0], "Ammo_")) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "AMMO");
    } else if (IsBomb(p)) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "BOMB");
    } else if (IsSpecial(p)) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "PART");
    } else if (mudconf.btech_complexrepair && IsCargo(p) && Cargo2I(p) >= TON_SENSORS_FIRST && Cargo2I(p) <= TON_ENGINE_COMP_LAST) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "PART");
    } else if (IsCargo(p)) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "CARG");
    } else {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "OTHER");

void fun_btgetpartcost(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
int i = -1, p, index, b;

if (!find_matching_long_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b)) {
    i = -1;
    FUNCHECK(!find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b), "#-1 INVALID PART NAME");
if (strstr(fargs[0], "Sword") && !strstr(fargs[0], "PC."))
    p = I2Special(SWORD);

safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%lld", GetPartCost(p));
safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 NO ECONDB SUPPORT");

void fun_btsetpartcost(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    int i = -1, p, index, b;
    unsigned long long int cost;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    if (!find_matching_long_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b)) {
        i = -1;
        FUNCHECK(!find_matching_vlong_part(fargs[0], &i, &p, &b), "#-1 INVALID PART NAME");
    if (strstr(fargs[0], "Sword") && !strstr(fargs[0], "PC."))
        p = I2Special(SWORD);
    cost = atoll(fargs[1]);
    /* since we're using an unsigned long long, lets check before we push it to unsigned status */                  
    if (atoll(fargs[1]) < 0) {
        safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 COST ERROR");
    SetPartCost(p, cost);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%lld", cost);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "#-1 NO ECONDB SUPPORT");

void fun_btunitfixable(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    MECH *mech;
    dbref mechdb;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");
    mechdb = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(mechdb), "#-1 INVALID TARGET");
    mech = getMech(mechdb);
    FUNCHECK(!mech, "#-1 INVALID TARGET");

    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", unit_is_fixable(mech));

void fun_btlistblz(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    char buf[MBUF_SIZE] = { '\0' };
    dbref mapdb;
    MAP *map;
    mapobj *tmp;
    int i, count = 0, strcount = 0;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    mapdb = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(mapdb), "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    FUNCHECK(!(map = getMap(mapdb)), "#-1 INVALID MAP");

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAPOBJTYPES; i++)
        for (tmp = first_mapobj(map, i); tmp; tmp = next_mapobj(tmp))
            if (i ==  TYPE_B_LZ) {
                if (count == 1)
                    strcount += snprintf(buf + strcount, MBUF_SIZE - strcount, "%d %d %d", tmp->x, tmp->y, tmp->datai);
                    strcount += snprintf(buf + strcount, MBUF_SIZE - strcount, "|%d %d %d", tmp->x, tmp->y, tmp->datai);
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, buf);

void fun_bthexinblz(char *buff, char **bufc, dbref player, dbref cause, char *fargs[], int nfargs, char *cargs[], int ncargs)
    dbref mapdb;
    MAP *map;
    mapobj *o;
    int x, y, bl = 0;
    float fx, fy, tx, ty;

    FUNCHECK(!WizR(player), "#-1 PERMISSION DENIED");

    mapdb = match_thing(player, fargs[0]);
    FUNCHECK(!Good_obj(mapdb), "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    FUNCHECK(!(map = getMap(mapdb)), "#-1 INVALID MAP");
    x = atoi(fargs[1]);
    y = atoi(fargs[2]);
    FUNCHECK(x < 0 || y < 0 || x > map->map_width || y > map->map_height, "#-1 INVALID COORDS");
    MapCoordToRealCoord(x, y, &fx, &fy);

    for (o = first_mapobj(map, TYPE_B_LZ); o; o = next_mapobj(o)) {
        if (abs(x - o->x) > o->datai || abs(y - o->y) > o->datai)
        MapCoordToRealCoord(o->x, o->y, &tx, &ty);
        if (FindHexRange(fx, fy, tx, ty) <= o->datai) {
            bl = 1;
    safe_tprintf_str(buff, bufc, "%d", bl);
