# Webster 4.1.3
# Webster - a MUSH spellchecking robot.
# Rewritten by Raevnos (Shawn Wagner - raevnos@pennmush.org)
# Based off of Webster 3.4 by Javelin.

require 5.005; # Make sure we have a fairly recent version of perl 5.
# Declare global variables that are set in the section below.
use vars qw($host $ispell_prog $local_dict $port $spelling_log
						$web_name $web_pass $DEBUG $DOLOG $dict_server $server_type);

# User-configurable stuff and run-time options
# Most of these need to be set by you.

# Where is the MUSH?
$host = 'localhost';
$port = 4201;

# What's the char to log in to?
$web_name = 'Webster';
$web_pass = 'webby'; # CHANGE THIS!

# Where's the ispell program, the local dictionary,
# and the place to log misspelled words?
$ispell_prog = "ispell";
$local_dict = "local.dict"; # You might have to specify the full path to
$spelling_log = "webspell.log"; # these files.

# What DICT server do we use to define words?
$dict_server = "dict.org";

# Setting this to 0 will disable logging. The $spelling_log file
# can grow to be quite large - turn off this option if you're
# cramped for disk space, or don't care to see what's marked
# as bad words that shouldn't be for your MUSH.
$DOLOG = 0;

# Setting this to 1 will produce some extra log files.
# Use only if you're having problems with getting Webster
# to work. Otherwise, leave it set to 0.
$DEBUG = 0;

# End of user-configurable stuff
# Try to avoid editing anything below this line.

use strict;
use Net::Telnet 3; # Some places have a old, different Net::Telnet.
use Net::Dict;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::File;
use IPC::Open2;
use Text::ParseWords;
use subs qw(spell spell_parse_line lookup error); # Predeclare subroutines.
# Declare global variables used below that shouldn't be touched
# by the user.
use vars qw($pid $session $LOG $SPELL $TOSPELL $safe_web_pass);

$TOSPELL = new IO::Handle;
$SPELL = new IO::Handle;
$LOG = new IO::File if $DOLOG;

$server_type = "generic";


if ($DOLOG) {
  # Open up the log file.
  $LOG->open($spelling_log, "a")
    or  die "Couldn't open $spelling_log: $!\n";

# Open up a two-way pipe to the spelling program.
$pid = open2 $SPELL, $TOSPELL, $ispell_prog, '-a', "-p$local_dict";
# Read in ispell's first line, which is just version info.
$_ = <$SPELL>;
warn "Starting $_" if $DEBUG; # Print it out, for debugging.

# Escape regexp metacharacters from the password.
$safe_web_pass = quotemeta $web_pass;

# Start a big loop so that Webster keeps trying to reconnect to the
# MUSH if it fails.
while (1) {
  $session = new Net::Telnet(Host=>$host, Port=>$port, Timeout=>30,
														 Errmode=>'return', Cmd_remove_mode=>0,
  my $login_prompt = "WHO";
  my $timeout= 1;
  my $shutdown = 0;
  my $counter = 0;
  if ($DEBUG) {
  sleep 300, redo unless $session;
  # Get to the login prompt
  while (1) {
    $_ = $session->get(Timeout=>$timeout);
    $session->close, exit 0 if $session->eof;
    last if /$login_prompt/o;
  # Log in and go home
  $session->print("connect $web_name $web_pass");
  $session->print("think WEBSTERCONF: [version()]");
  # Loop and wait for data read. If so, parse it.
  until ($session->eof) {
    $_ = $session->getline(Timeout=>$timeout);
    # Don't idle out. Of course, if you @power the Webster char
    # idle and hide, you won't have to worry about this.
    if ($counter++ > 1800) {
      $session->print("think I'm not idle!");
      $counter = 0;
    # If I see GOODBYE <password>, quit.
    $shutdown = 1, last if /^GOODBYE $safe_web_pass$/o;
    if (/^WEBSTERCONF: (\w+)/) {
      $server_type = $1;
    # Otherwise, if I'm paged something, parse it
    if (/^(.*) pages: (.*)/) {
			my($player,$command,$name,@text) = ($1, split(" ", $2));
			if ($name eq "Misspelled") {
				$name = "Checking user input for misspelled words";
			} else {
				$name = "Checking $name for misspelled words";
				# If the first word of the page is "spell", spellcheck the
				spell($player, $name, \@text), last if $command eq "spell";
				# If it's define, look it up.
	    lookup($player, \@text), last if $command eq "define";
  # Time to log out 
  # Get any exit messages
  until ($session->eof) {
    $_ = $session->get(Timeout=>$timeout);
    warn "$_\n" if $DEBUG;
  warn "\nWebster completed\n";
  # If this is a full shutdown, exit the program
  if ($shutdown) {
    $LOG->close if $DOLOG;
    kill 9, $pid;  # Just to be on the safe side, we'll make sure 
    $SPELL->close;  # the ispell process quits.
    exit 0;
  # Otherwise, wait for a while and then come back later.
  sleep 300;

# Subrouting lookup - interface to DICT server.
sub lookup {
  my ($player, $words) = @_;
  my (@defs, $string, $DICT, $t, %dbs, @t);
  my $found = 0;

  $DICT = new Net::Dict($dict_server);

  if (!defined $DICT) { # Couldn't connect to the DICT server. Hrm 
    $session->print("\@pemit/silent *$player=Dictionary unavailable");

  %dbs = $DICT->dbs();

  @defs = map { $DICT->define($_) } parse_line('\s+', 0, "@$words");

  foreach my $word (@defs) {
    foreach my $def (@$word) {
      my ($db, $d) = @$def;
      chomp $d;
      $d =~ s/([\[\]\%\(\)\\,])/\\$1/og;
      if ($server_type eq "PennMUSH") {
        $d =~ s/\{([^\}]*)\}/\\{[tagwrap(a, xch_cmd="+define \\"$1\\"", ansi(h, \{$1\}))]\\}/og;
      } else {
        $d =~ s/\{([^\}]*)\}/\\{[ansi(h, \{$1\})]\\}/og;
      $d =~ s/\n/\%r/og;
      $db =~ s/([\[\]\{\}\%\(\)\\])/\\$1/og;
      $db =~ s/\n/\%r/og;
      $session->print("\@pemit/silent *$player=Definition from $dbs{$db}\%r$d");
      $found = 1;

  if (!$found) {
    $session->print("\@pemit/silent *$player=No definitions found.");

# Subroutine spell - interface to Unix ispell(1)
sub spell {
  my ($plr, $atr, $text) = @_;
  my (@answer, $ret);
  foreach (@$text) {
    while (<$SPELL>) { # And read the output.
      last if $_ eq undef; # Exit the loop on the blank line
      # ispell prints after the last word so we know when to quit.
      warn "Reading $_ from ispell.\n" if $DEBUG;
      $ret = spell_parse_line $_;
      push @answer, $ret if $ret ne undef;
  if (@answer) {
    $session->print("\@pemit/silent *$plr=$atr:\%r@answer");
    map {s/\%r/\n/} @answer if $DOLOG; # Pretty up the log file.
    $LOG->print(@answer) if $DOLOG;
  } else {
    $session->print("\@pemit/silent *$plr=$atr: None found.");

sub spell_parse_line {
  my $first = substr $_[0], 0, 1; # Get the first letter of the string.
  if ($first eq '&' or $first eq '?') { # It was a bad word.
    my @line = split " ", $_[0];
    return " Word: $line[1]. Suggestions: @line[4..$#line].\%r";
  if ($first eq '#') { # A bad word, with no suggestions.
    my @line = split " ", $_[0];
    return " Word: $line[1]. No Suggestions.\%r";
  return; # Other lines don't require any return value.

sub error {
    my $player = shift;
    $session->print("\@pemit/silent *$player=Sorry, I don't know how to do that.");

sub REAPER {

sub RELOAD {
	kill 9, $pid;
	$LOG->print("Reloading $local_dict at ", scalar localtime, "\n") if $DOLOG;
	$pid = open2 $SPELL, $TOSPELL, $ispell_prog, '-a', "-p$local_dict";
  $SIG{USR1} = \&RELOAD;