Codelib 1.0 Alpha

The codelib module was conceived as a method to allow global softcode
systems to be easily portable from MUSH to MUSH, without the burden of
having to upload files through a client or worry about DBrefs. Codelib
stands for 'code library'.


Untar the codelib archive in the 'src/modules' subdirectory. You must then
re-compile by typing (from the top directory):

./Build --enable-modules=comsys,mail,codelib

The argument to the '--enable-modules' parameter is a comma-separated list
of modules names. Note that this only tells the build process to compile the
modules. You must still enable them in your config file with 'module
<modulename>'. Once the compile is finished, add the 'module codelib'
directive to your config file.

How it works

A code library is a formatted file of softcode, similar to the input many
'unformatter' scripts use. The library contains information which is
uploaded to a MUSH object via the @codelib command. This information
includes things like flags, powers, and attributes. There are three ways you
can upload code to the MUSH:

1) @codelib/create <filename>

This form of the command will create a new object, and upload the code in
<filename> to that object. The object will be owned by the creator and will
be placed in the creator's inventory. <filename> can be a full path to a
file; for example 'parents/elevator/panel' is a valid filename. It /cannot/
be an absolute path, and is relative to whatever the 'codelib_path' is set
to (see the next section).

2) @codelib <filename>=<object>

This will upload the code in <filename> to a pre-existing <object>, where
<object> can be a thing, room, exit, or even a player (not recommended). The
<object> will retains its owner, location, zone, and parent, but all
previous flags, powers, and attributes will be replaced.

3) codelib <filename> <DBref>

This parameter can be specified in your config file, and works exactly the
same way as the second method, but at startup.

DBref Independence

The codelib module achieves this by adding a named reference (nref) for
every code library which is loaded. For example, if you uploaded the code
library 'bboard' to object #3, then you could use '#__bboard' to reference
this object instead of '#3', even in the bboard softcode itself. For this to
work, however, you must upload the code at every MUSH startup-- named
references are not preserved across shutdowns or restarts.

Configuration Parameters

In addition to the 'codelib' parameter, you may also specify the pathname
where code libraries may be found with 'codelib_path <pathname>'. The
pathname defaults to your 'game' directory. Any filenames specified will be
relative to this path.

Rules for writing a codelib library

* A space or a tab is considered whitespace.
* A line that begins with a '#' symbol is a comment and will be ignored.
* Blank lines will be ignored.
* A line that begins with a '&' symbol starts an attribute. The word
  immediately following the '&' is the name of an attribute. Any text left
  on that line will be added as part of the attribute text. All lines up
  until a line beginning with a single '-' symbol will also be added to the
  attribute text. Leading whitespace will be ignored. Consider the following
  example (ignoring the leading spaces):

  &CMD-TEST $@test:
    @switch hasflag(%#, wizard) = 1, {
      @pemit %# = 
         Test worked. You're a wizard.
    }, {
      @pemit %# = You ain't no wizard!

  The codelib module will upload this to the object as one long line, as
  follows (the \ signifies that the two lines are really one, split due
  to line wrapping):

  &CMD-TEST me = $@test: @switch hasflag(%#, wizard) = 1. {@pemit %# = \
  Test worked. You're a wizard.}, {@pemit %# = You ain't no wizard!}

* Once the '-' marker is reached the attribute will be added to the object
  and a new directive may begin.
* A line that begins with an '@' character starts a command. The command can
  span multiple lines just like an attribute, and a '-' as the start of a
  line ends it and executes the command. This is useful for things like
  @triggering a startup attribute whenever the codelib is uploaded.
* A line starting with the word 'flags' should contain flag names which will
  be set on the object. If no 'flags' directive is specified, the object
  will have no flags.
* A line starting with the word 'powers' works the same way, but with powers
  instead of flag names.
* A line starting with the word 'name' should contain the name of the
  object. If this is not specified, a newly created object will have the
  name 'Codelib: <filename>'. Existing objects will keep their old name.


A common practice on MUSHes is to use @function and @addcommand to create
global functions and commands at startup. A similar method could be applied
to code libraries. Simply @codelib/create code library objects and store
them in your master room or a predetermined place. Uploading code to an
object will always set the CODELIB attribute on the object as the
filename of the code library, so you can set an @startup on your God
character to look through objects in the room and upload code to any object
that has a CODELIB attribute. For example, if your master room was #2, you
might use this for your @startup:

@dolist lcon(#2)={@switch hasattr(##.CODELIB)=1,@codelib get(##/CODELIB)=##}


Please e-mail with any feature requests or bug
reports. Thanks!