Welcome to the EW-Too code in hacked around version used for 'Surfers'.
 I've decided to call it 'Summink' for want of a better phrase *8-P
This code is 'uptodate' as of about the start of September 1994.

(Its now May 1995, I've fixed a *few* bugs, but lots still exist -Ath)

First off. This code is in *NO* way supported by anybody who has ever coded
it. You use it entirely at your own risk, and in doing so agree to indemnify
ALL the people who have contributed coding time against any proceedings that
may result due to the use or misuse of this code. We are *NOT* responsible!

 Having said that, I hope you have fun running this code. But please try and
get 'official' permission to run it. I'd hate you to get chucked out of uni/
the sack/put in jail for running this code *8-P.

 There are quite a few changes you'll need to make to personalise your talker.
Chief among these is to edit the rooms files in the files dir, these are:-


 The rooms that you *must* have are:-
   the void
   the jail
   the boot room
   the main room
   the SU's comfy room

 You can change the names of these and the owner names, BUT you *must* update
the code accordingly otherwise it will crash horribly at bootup or later on
when someone tries to go to one of the rooms.
 The bits of code to update are:-

 The Void - admin.c line 5010
            room.c lines 1863,1872,3642
 The Jail - admin.c line 5020
            plists.c line 1310
            room.c lines 1837,3457,3479
 The Boot room - room.c lines 1824,1825,1831,1832,1843,2761,2785,2791
 The Main room - admin.c 5030
                 config.h 56
                 room.c line 2391
 The SU's comfy room - admin.c 4888
                       room.c 1839

Of course, if you change the code the line numbers will change...
There are similar changes to make if you want to change the names of the files.

 You will also want to edit the .msg files in the files dir, and all the files
in the doc directory to personalise them.

 Finally there are a few bits of code you'll want to change for the login/out
messages etc.

   Login messages - plists.c 1354 and 1358
   Logout messages - parse.c 391
   'leave' command - clist.h 447
   Time command - commands.c 925

There may be others that I've missed.

The one thing you WILL want to do is login in as 'admin' straight away, and
set a password and email address on it. This character is created with 
FULL admin status, and can be used to grant such status to the characters
that will actually be running the program.

You also need to edit src/config.h to set the directory that all these files
live in, specifically the bin, soc, files and logs directories. You can also
change the default port for the talker to run on. If you are not on a SunOS
system then you may well have to change some of the #define's at the start of

At some point you'll want to edit all the '.msg' files in the files directory
to contain the name of YOUR talker and the email address for queries.

If you want to do *that* or any other fiddling I suggest you sit down and 
LEARN the code and how to use gdb (hope your system has it *8-P ).
