# include "comp.h"
# include "str.h"
# include "array.h"
# include "object.h"
# include "xfloat.h"
# include "interpret.h"
# include "data.h"
# include "path.h"
# include "hash.h"
# include "swap.h"
# include "comm.h"
# include "ed.h"
# include "call_out.h"
# include "node.h"
# include "codegen.h"
# include "compile.h"
# include "csupport.h"

static int size;		/* current size of the dumped line */

 * NAME:	dump()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output a number
static void dump(n)
int n;
    if (size == 16) {
	size = 0;
    printf("%d, ", n);

 * NAME:	dump_chars()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output a range of characters
static void dump_chars(p, n)
register char *p;
register unsigned int n;
    while (n > 0) {

 * NAME:	dump_inherits()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the inherited objects
static void dump_inherits(ctrl)
register control *ctrl;
    register int i;

    printf("\nstatic pcinherit inherits[] = {\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ctrl->ninherits; i++) {
	printf("\"%s\", %u, %u,\n",

 * NAME:	dump_program()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the program
static void dump_program(ctrl)
control *ctrl;
    if (ctrl->progsize != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic char program[] = {\n");
	size = 0;
	dump_chars(ctrl->prog, ctrl->progsize);

 * NAME:	dump_strings()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the strings
static void dump_strings(ctrl)
register control *ctrl;
    register int i;
    register long size;

    if (ctrl->nstrings != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic dstrconst sstrings[] = {\n");
	size = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < ctrl->nstrings; i++) {
	    printf("{ %ld, %u },\n", size, ctrl->strings[i]->len);
	    size += ctrl->strings[i]->len;
	printf("};\n\nstatic char stext[] = {\n");
	size = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < ctrl->nstrings; i++) {
	    dump_chars(ctrl->strings[i]->text, ctrl->strings[i]->len);

 * NAME:	dump_functions()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the function table
static void dump_functions(ctrl, nfuncs)
register control *ctrl;
register int nfuncs;
    register int i;

    if (nfuncs != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic pcfunc functions[] = {\n");
	for (i = 1; i <= nfuncs; i++) {
	    printf("func%d,\n", i);

 * NAME:	dump_funcdefs()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the function definitions
static void dump_funcdefs(ctrl)
register control *ctrl;
    register int i;

    if (ctrl->nfuncdefs != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic dfuncdef funcdefs[] = {\n");
	for (i = 0; i < ctrl->nfuncdefs; i++) {
	    printf("{ %d, %d, %u, %u },\n",

 * NAME:	dump_vardefs()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the variable definitions
static void dump_vardefs(ctrl)
register control *ctrl;
    register int i;

    if (ctrl->nvardefs != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic dvardef vardefs[] = {\n");
	for (i = 0; i < ctrl->nvardefs; i++) {
	    printf("{ %d, %d, %u, %u },\n",

 * NAME:	dump_funcalls()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the function call table
static void dump_funcalls(ctrl)
register control *ctrl;
    if (ctrl->nfuncalls > 0) {
	printf("\nstatic char funcalls[] = {\n");
	dump_chars(ctrl->funcalls, ctrl->nfuncalls << 1);

 * NAME:	dump_symbols()
 * DESCRIPTION:	output the symbol table
static void dump_symbols(ctrl)
register control *ctrl;
    register uindex i;

    if (ctrl->nsymbols != 0) {
	printf("\nstatic dsymbol symbols[] = {\n");
	for (i = 0; i < ctrl->nsymbols; i++) {
	    printf("{ %d, %d, %u },\n",

 * NAME:	dgd_main()
 * DESCRIPTION:	main routine of the precompiler
int dgd_main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
    register int len;
    register control *ctrl;
    char *file, tag[9];
    int nfuncs;

    if (argc != 3) {
	P_message("usage: precomp config_file file\012");	/* LF */
	return 2;

    if (ec_push()) {
	P_message("error in initialization\012");	/* LF */
	return 2;
    conf_init(argv[1], (char *) NULL);

    len = strlen(file = path_resolve(argv[2]));
    if (len > 2 && file[len - 2] == '.' && file[len - 1] == 'c') {
	file[len -= 2] = '\0';
    sprintf(tag, "T%03x%04x", hashstr(file, len) & 0xfff,
	    (unsigned short) P_random());

    printf("/*\n * This file was compiled from LPC with the DGD precompiler.");
    printf("\n * DGD is copyright by Felix A. Croes.");
    printf("  See the file \"Copyright\" for details.\n *\n");
    printf(" * File: \"/%s.c\"\n */\n", file);

    printf("\n# ifdef TAG\nTAG(%s)\n# else\n", tag);
    printf("# include \"dgd.h\"\n# include \"str.h\"\n");
    printf("# include \"array.h\"\n# include \"object.h\"\n");
    printf("# include \"interpret.h\"\n# include \"data.h\"\n");
    printf("# include \"xfloat.h\"\n# include \"csupport.h\"\n");

    if (ec_push()) {
	warning((char *) NULL);
	return 1;
    ctrl = c_compile(file)->ctrl;

    dump_functions(ctrl, nfuncs = cg_nfuncs());

    printf("\nprecomp %s = {\n%d, inherits,\n", tag, ctrl->ninherits);
    printf("%ldL,\n", ctrl->compiled);
    if (ctrl->progsize == 0) {
	printf("0, 0,\n");
    } else {
	printf("%u, program,\n", ctrl->progsize);
    if (ctrl->nstrings == 0) {
	printf("0, 0, 0,\n");
    } else {
	printf("%u, sstrings, stext,\n", ctrl->nstrings);
    if (nfuncs == 0) {
	printf("0, 0,\n");
    } else {
	printf("%u, functions,\n", nfuncs);
    if (ctrl->nfuncdefs == 0) {
	printf("0, 0,\n");
    } else {
	printf("%u, funcdefs,\n", ctrl->nfuncdefs);
    if (ctrl->nvardefs == 0) {
	printf("0, 0,\n");
    } else {
	printf("%u, vardefs,\n", ctrl->nvardefs);
    if (ctrl->nfuncalls == 0) {
	printf("0, 0,\n");
    } else {
	printf("%u, funcalls,\n", ctrl->nfuncalls);
    if (ctrl->nsymbols == 0) {
	printf("0, 0,\n");
    } else {
	printf("%u, symbols,\n", ctrl->nsymbols);
    printf("%u, %u, %u\n", ctrl->nvariables, ctrl->nfloatdefs, ctrl->nfloats);
    printf("};\n# endif\n");

    return 0;

 * "Dummy" routines.

 * NAME:	call_driver_object()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to call a function in the driver object
bool call_driver_object(func, narg)
char *func;
int narg;
    (--sp)->type = T_INT;
    sp->u.number = 0;
    return FALSE;

 * NAME:	swapout()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to indicate that objects are to be swapped out
void swapout()

 * NAME:	dump_state()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to indicate that the program must finish
void dump_state()

 * NAME:	interrupt()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to register an interrupt
void interrupt()

 * NAME:	finish()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to indicate that the program must finish
void finish()

pcfunc *pcfunctions;	/* dummy */

 * NAME:	pc_preload()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to preload compiled objects
void pc_preload(auto_name, driver_name)
char *auto_name, *driver_name;

 * NAME:	pc_control()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to initialize the control block of a compiled object
void pc_control(ctrl, obj)
control *ctrl;
object *obj;

 * NAME:	swap->init()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to initialize the swap device
void sw_init(file, total, cache, secsize)
char *file;
uindex total, cache, secsize;

 * NAME:	swap->new()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return a newly created (empty) swap sector
sector sw_new()
    return (sector) 0;

 * NAME:	swap->del()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to delete a swap sector
void sw_del(sec)
sector sec;

 * NAME:	swap->readv()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to read bytes from a vector of sectors
void sw_readv(m, vec, size, idx)
char *m;
sector *vec;
long size, idx;

 * NAME:	swap->writev()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to write bytes to a vector of sectors
void sw_writev(m, vec, size, idx)
char *m;
sector *vec;
long size, idx;

 * NAME:	swap->mapsize()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to count the number of sectors required for size bytes
uindex sw_mapsize(size)
long size;
    return 0;

 * NAME:	swap->count()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return the number of sectors presently in use
uindex sw_count()
    return 0;

 * NAME:	swap->copy()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to copy a vector of sectors to a dump file
void sw_copy()

 * NAME:	swap->dump()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to dump swap file
int sw_dump(dumpfile)
char *dumpfile;
    return 0;

 * NAME:	swap->restore()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to restore swap file
void sw_restore(fd, secsize)
int fd, secsize;

 * NAME:	comm->init()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to initialize communications
void comm_init(nusers, telnet_port, binary_port)
int nusers, telnet_port, binary_port;

 * NAME:	comm->finish()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend terminate connections
void comm_finish()

 * NAME:	comm->send()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to send a message to a user
void comm_send(obj, str)
object *obj;
string *str;

 * NAME:	comm->echo()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to turn on/off input echoing for a user
void comm_echo(obj, echo)
object *obj;
bool echo;

 * NAME:	comm->flush()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to flush output to all users
void comm_flush(flag)
bool flag;

 * NAME:	comm->ip_number()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return the ip number of a user (as a string)
string *comm_ip_number(obj)
object *obj;
    return (string *) NULL;

 * NAME:	comm->close()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to remove a user
void comm_close(obj)
object *obj;

 * NAME:	comm->user()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return the current user
object *comm_user()
    return (object *) NULL;

 * NAME:	comm->users()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return an array with all user objects
array *comm_users()
    return (array *) NULL;

 * NAME:	ed->init()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to initialize editor handling
void ed_init(tmp, num)
char *tmp;
int num;

 * NAME:	ed->new()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to start a new editor
void ed_new(obj)
object *obj;

 * NAME:	ed->del()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to delete an editor instance
void ed_del(obj)
object *obj;

 * NAME:	ed->command()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to handle an editor command
string *ed_command(obj, cmd)
object *obj;
char *cmd;
    return (string *) NULL;

 * NAME:	ed->status()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return the editor status of an object
char *ed_status(obj)
object *obj;
    return (char *) NULL;

 * NAME:	call_out->init()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to initialize call_out handling
void co_init(max, frag)
uindex max;
int frag;

 * NAME:	call_out->new()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to add a new call_out
uindex co_new(obj, str, delay, nargs)
object *obj;
string *str;
Int delay;
int nargs;
    return 0;

 * NAME:	call_out->del()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to remove a call_out
Int co_del(obj, handle)
object *obj;
uindex handle;
    return -1;

 * NAME:	call_out->list()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return a list of callouts
array *co_list(obj)
object *obj;
    return (array *) NULL;

 * NAME:	call_out->call()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to call expired call_outs
void co_call()

 * NAME:	call_out->info()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return information about callouts
void co_info(n1, n2)
uindex *n1, *n2;

 * NAME:	call_out->swaprate1()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return the number of objects swapped out per minute
long co_swaprate1()
    return 0;

 * NAME:	call_out->swaprate5()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to return the number of objects swapped out per 5 mins
long co_swaprate5()
    return 0;

 * NAME:	call_out->dump()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to dump call_out table
bool co_dump(fd)
int fd;
    return FALSE;

 * NAME:	call_out->restore()
 * DESCRIPTION:	pretend to restore call_out table
void co_restore(fd, t)
int fd;
long t;