GodWars 2000 Release 1.0
Thursday 30 March 2000

---> Introduction

Welcome and thank you for choosing the GodWars 2000 codebase, a highly
modified version of KaVir's Godwars Deluxe code. May hours of work have
been put into this code so please respect our work and do not infringe
upon any copyrights.

---> Copyright and License

GodWars 2000 is based off of the original Diku Mud and the Merc Diku
Mud and is subject to their copyright and license agreements (license.doc
and license.txt, respectively). Additions and modifications to the code
are copyright 2000 by Kai.

In order for you to run a MUD using our codebase you must adhere to Diku
Mud's license agreement, Diku Merc Mud's license agreement, KaVir's
GodWars license agreement, and our own license agreement.

---> Contents of the Release

area            Area files.
doc             Documentation.
log             Log files    (initially empty).
player          Player files (initially empty).
src             Source files.

---> Installation

(1) Uncompress the release.

        gunzip gw2k.tar.gz
        tar xvf gw2k.tar

(2) Go to the 'src' directory.
        cd godwars/src

(3) Run the Makefile.


    This is should take between 5 and 15 minutes depending on the speed of
    your server. If you run across any compilation problems make changes
    to the code accordingly. This code is provided as is and without

(4) Run the MUD Server.

        cd ../area
        startup &
        telnet localhost 4000

(5) To make your first immortal character, just start as a mortal
    character, kill 5 mobs then save, and then change the level and
    trust fields of your player file to 12.

(6) Read 'license.doc', 'license.txt', and 'license.gw2k'. Be sure to
    e-mail Kai letting him know you are using his code.

---> What's Next?

The GodWars 2000 code is no longed being developed or worked on by Kai.
This may change in the future, but it is not known as of now. If you have
any questions or comments about the code please e-mail Kai at 

Thanks and Have Fun,
GodWars 2000  03/30/00