Hex at 16745: Ball of Fire shouldnt require a mage spell to get (IMHO)
Hex at 16998: BUG: Eron mana room, mob entered from "south" when only entrance is down.
Deth at 5107: remove some of the guilds required on skills and spells so half breeds can play
Deth at 16744: make a spell called create gem :-P
Retard at 55131: 
Sabelis at 2: gem polisher = 50 chance to lower 50 chance to raise the mana level on the gem
Falloutboy at 11744: nickel
Falloutboy at 11744: flayer
Missed at 11741: 
Jinx at 11744: boots
Jinx at 11744: bootsd
Andfrothy at 33103: face
Andfrothy at 55432: boots
Andfrothy at 34059: faith
Andfrothy at 16744: charr
Andfrothy at 16913: total
Jinx at 11743: glittering
Jinx at 11743: baldric
Andfroth at 16989: ins
Simkin at 16744: ring
Jinx at 7718: flayer
Duncan at 16744: knee
Droen at 16745: sap
Thedoctor at 16744: shield
Ooo at 2971: cloak
Bigperms at 2955: 
Bigperms at 2971: gloves
Bigperms at 2955: mumm
Bigperms at 2955: courag
Bigperms at 2955: faceguard
Droen at 8859: 
Duncan at 16998: bloody
Wraithe at 55356: cloak