pitbeast pit-beast~
the pit beast~
The big, ugly pit-beast is standing here sizing you up.
Ick... what a disgusting creature!  It is black and green and slimy
and it is drooling everywhere... looks mean too.
14 0 -750 E
5 17 5 4d6+42 1d5+1
100 1200
8 8 0
the monkey~
a monkey is standing here scratching itself.
What an odd looking little beast.  He looks harmless, but you never can
tell.  He is only about 4 feet tall, but he pretty muscular looking...
maybe you should ask if he needs help?  Nah... kill him.
74 0 0 E
2 19 9 2d4+16 1d4+1
0 100
8 8 1
NumAttacks: 1
dragon baby~
the baby dragon~
a little baby dragon stands here flapping his wings.
Awwww... how cute!  A little baby dragon.  He's about 3 feet long and you
just want to cuddle him to death... no, you really want to kill him to tell
the truth.  But, remember, even a little dragon can be a big problem.
10 0 100 E
4 17 6 1d4+50 1d6+1
0 400
8 8 1
baby tiger~
a baby tiger~
a baby tiger creeps by you as it starts licking your legs.
The cub looks very cute and looks so harmless.
10 0 0 E
3 18 7 2d6+34 1d7+0
0 200
8 8 1
alchemist newbie~
the Newbie Alchemist~
The Newbie Alchemist is here trying to make something.
He is a funny looking, furry little dude.  He looks really busy trying to
mix up a batch of something or other.
10 0 0 E
5 16 5 4d6+38 2d4+0
1000 1200
8 8 0
small little green toad~
a little green toad~
a little green toad jumps away as you approach.
Its a small green toad that makes a weird and annoying noise.
74 0 -250 E
1 20 10 1d4+8 1d4+0
0 90
8 8 0
long black snake~
a black snake~
a black snake slithers past you.
The snake has eyes like fire as it hisses at you when you loko at it.
74 0 -500 E
4 17 5 1d8+46 2d4+0
0 304
8 8 0
quasit imp thing~
the quasit~
A funny little imp-like thing (a quasit perhaps?) is sneaking about here.
Little green, vaguely humoniod shaped creature, with a long pointed tail.
It is hard to say because before you ever get a good look at it, it darts
back into the shadows.
236 0 -800 E
3 19 7 1d10+30 1d4+1
0 300
8 8 1
the massive Minotaur~
The Great Minotaur is wondering just what you'll taste like.
A massive man, with the head of a bull.  He looks as strong as bull too,
but not nearly as smart.  Actually, now that you consider it... he looks
a heck of a lot meaner than any bull you have ever seen... and he is
coming this way!
1608 0 -1000 E
7 15 5 3d5+85 2d4+1
1000 3000
8 8 1
spectre ghost~
the dark spectre~
The dark spectre is lurking in the shadows.
The soul of a long since passed on adventurer... it lurks here waiting for
a chance to bring death to any who cross its path.
2122 34078730 -850 E
6 16 3 3d5+62 2d4+0
0 1600
8 8 0
newbie annoying jerk~
the annoying newbie~
A newbie is here annoying the hell out of you.
What a jerk!  He won't shut up, and he keeps making the most irritating
comments about everything.  Better silence him with cold, tempered steel
76 0 -500 E
2 18 10 2d4+20 1d3+1
250 500
8 8 1
newbie clueless moron~
the clueless newbie~
A newbie is here looking terribly confused.
What a moron!  Every question that is answered in the help files, he will
ask and he will probably ask 2 or 3 times too.  This guy just doesn't get
it, best put him out of his misery.
76 0 0 E
1 20 10 1d1+19 1d3+1
50 220
8 8 1
newbie talkative~
the talkative newbie~
A newbie is here talking a lot.
Well, at least this gal seems pretty cool.  Talks a lot, but she's a
friendly, interesting sort.  Seems to have a clue what she's doing also,
unlike some others you might see.
72 0 100 E
3 18 8 6d5+22 1d7+1
700 600
8 8 2
newbie lost~
the lost newbie~
A newbie is here wandering about aimlessly.
Hmmm... looks like he has been around a while, but he wandered a little
too far from home this time.  Don't think he knows quite where he is,
maybe you should help him out?
72 0 300 E
4 17 6 8d5+20 1d6+1
250 500
8 8 1
newbie smart~
the smart newbie~
A newbie is here, and he looks quite sure of himself.
Here is a guy who has it all together.  Nice equipment too, must have read
the help files, Eh?
76 0 500 E
5 15 9 10d5+20 2d3+2
1100 1000
8 8 1