parent $has_verbs
parent $named
object $described

var $described prose #[]
var $root child_index 0
var $root owners [$described]
var $root fertile 0
var $has_verbs verbs #[["l?ook at %this", ['look_vrb, 'noremote]], ["l?ook %this", ['look_vrb, 'noremote]], ["@examine|examine %this", ['examine_vrb, 'remote]]]
var $root inited 1
var $root owned [$described]
var $root manager $described
var $root writable [$described]
var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
var $root dbref 'described
var $named name ['uniq, "Generic Described Object"]
var $named name_aliases []

method init_described
    .perms($root, caller());
    prose = #[];

method description
    arg actor, [exclude];
    var out;
    // similar to MOO's :look_self()
    // meant to be changed by descendants, if they so desire to.
    return [.name('def), @.prose('short)];

method look_vrb
    arg vrb, [args];
    var actor;
    actor = sender();
    actor.tell(.description(actor, actor));

method prose
    arg [type];
    type = [@type, 'short][1];
    switch (type) {
        case 'literal:
            return prose;
            return (| prose[type] |) || ((| prose['short] |) || ["You see nothing special."]);

method descriptionf
    arg actor, exclude, [args];
    var out, part, type;
    // lists should be ['methodname, args for method]
    // symbols are shortcuts, to be defined on descendants.
    out = [];
    for part in (args) {
        type = type(part);
        switch (type) {
            case 'list:
                out = out + ((| .(part[1])(@sublist(part, 2)) |) || []);
            case 'symbol:
                // ignore them, they should have been dealt with by now.
    return out;

method set_prose
    arg ptype, new_prose;
    // ptype should be either 'short or 'long
    // prose should be a list of strings
    .perms(sender(), 'manager);
    if (type(ptype) != 'symbol)
        throw(~type, "Prose type can be either 'short or 'long.");
    if (type(new_prose) != 'list)
        throw(~type, "Prose must be given as a list of strings.");
    prose = dict_add(prose, ptype, new_prose);

method examine_vrb
    arg vrb, [args];
    var actor;
    actor = sender();