new object $has_name: $foundation;

var $has_name name = ['normal, "named object", "a named object"];
var $has_name templates = 0;
var $root created_on = 796268969;
var $root fertile = 1;
var $root flags = ['methods, 'code, 'fertile, 'core, 'variables];
var $root inited = 1;
var $root managed = [$has_name];
var $root manager = $has_name;

public method .add_name_template() {
    arg template;
    var p;
    (> .perms(sender()) <);
    for p in (explode(template, "|")) {
        if (match_begin(name[2], p.strip()))
            throw(~redundant, ("Redundant name template part \"" + p) + "\" already matches name.");
    templates = setadd(templates || [], template);

public method .del_name_template() {
    arg template;
    (> .perms(sender()) <);
    templates = setremove(templates || [], template);
    if (!templates)
        (| clear_var('templates) |);

public method .hname() {
    arg @args;
    return ((("<a href=\"/bin/describe?target=" + (.objname())) + "\">") + (.name())) + "</a>";

public method .init_has_name() {
    var objname;
    objname = tostr(.objname());
    name = ['prop, tostr(objname), tostr(objname)];

public method .match_name() {
    arg str;
    var m, t;
    if ((m = match_begin(name[2], str)))
        return m;
    for t in (templates || []) {
        if ((m = match_template(str, t)))
            return m;
    return 0;

public method .match_name_exact() {
    arg str;
    return str == (name[2]);

public method .name() {
    arg @args;
    if (!name)
        return tostr(this());
    if (!args)
        return name[3];
    switch (args[1]) {
        case 'type:
            return name[1];
        case 'noarticle:
            return name[2];
            return name;

public method .name_templates() {
    return templates || [];

public method .namef() {
    arg type;
    switch (type) {
        case 'ref:
            return (((.name()) + " (") + this()) + ")";
        case 'xref:
            return ((this() + " (") + (.name())) + ")";
        case 'name:
            return .name();
            return (> pass(type) <);

public method .set_name() {
    arg new_name, @args;
    var type;
    (> .perms(sender()) <);
    if (new_name && ((new_name[1]) in ["$", "#"]))
        throw(~invname, "Names cannot begin with \"$\" or \"#\".");
    if (type(new_name) != 'string)
        throw(~type, "New name must be given as a string.");
    [(type ?= 'normal)] = args;
    if ((type != 'prop) && (new_name.match_regexp("^(a|an|the) +")))
        throw(~bad_name, "Config error: articles included in unique or normal name.");
    if (!(type in ['prop, 'normal, 'uniq]))
        throw(~invarg, "Type must be one of: 'prop, 'normal or 'uniq");
    switch (type) {
        case 'prop:
            new_name = [new_name, new_name];
        case 'uniq:
            new_name = [new_name, "the " + new_name];
        case 'normal:
            new_name = [new_name, new_name.add_indefinite()];
    name = [type, @new_name];