new object $help_cml_formatters: $help_cml;

var $has_name name = ['prop, "Formatters", "Formatters"];
var $help_node body = <$ctext_frob, [[<$format, ["p", [], [], 'do_p]>, "The standard formatter tags are loosely based on HTML 3.0: ", <$format, ["dfn", [["nobound", 1], [" ", 1], ["ind", "4"]], [<$format, ["table", [["cols", "11%,89%"]], [<$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["action"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["One flag of ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["cmd"], 'do_tt]>, ", which is run if the action is triggered (either by clicking on it, or using the action-trigger command ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["'>'"], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["b"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Bold or strong"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["br"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Line Break. Differs from {p} in that it can be stacked multiple times, for multiple breaks. Use of {p} is preferred."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["dd"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Dictionary Definition, must be an argument to a Dictionary List (", <$format, ["tt", [], ["dl"], 'do_tt]>, ")"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["detail"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Generate a description detail. One required option of ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["name"], 'do_tt]>, " which is unique to this detail througout the entire description. Details may be nested"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["dfn"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Definition. Used to indent a block of text. Arguments can be ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["ind"], 'do_tt]>, ", which is an integer representing the spaces to indent (in plaintext this defaults to eight); and ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["nobound"], 'do_tt]>, ", which effects the line breaks after the definition."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["dl"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Dictionary list. Arguments can contain tags dt (dictionary title) and dd (dictionary definition)."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["dt"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Dictionary Title, must be an argument to a Dictionary List (", <$format, ["tt", [], ["dl"], 'do_tt]>, ")"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["i"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Italics or Emphasis"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["img"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Place image in description. Image is only fisible in HTML format"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["lh"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["List Header, must be an argument for ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["ol"], 'do_tt]>, " or ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["ul"], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["li"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["List Element, must be an argument for ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["ol"], 'do_tt]>, " or ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["ul"], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["link"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Creates a hypertext link to the help node (as an objname) specified with the option ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["node"], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["np"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["New Paragraph, similar to {p}, but in plaintext it breaks with two lines rather than one."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["ol"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Ordered list. Within arguments use tags lh (list header) and li (list element)."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["p"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Paragraph Break, similar to {np}, but in plaintext it only breaks with one line.."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["subj"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Rougly equivalent to HTML's header <h?> tags. Argument ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["level"], 'do_tt]>, " specifies which level of subject to use (1-4)"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["table"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Similar to tables in HTML. Options are ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["ind"], 'do_tt]>, " (how many spaces to indent the table before formatting) and ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["cols"], 'do_tt]>, " (column definition). ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["cols"], 'do_tt]>, " must be defined. It is a comma seperated list of column specs, which can either be in specific character units or percentages (the whole list must be either one or the other). Arguments consist of ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["tr"], 'do_tt]>, " (table row) tags."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["td"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Table Cell, options include ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["colspan"], 'do_tt]>, " and ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["rowspan"], 'do_tt]>, " which can be used to span columns and rows with the Table Cell"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["tr"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Table Row, arguments consist of ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["td"], 'do_tt]>, " tags for each table cell in the row."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["tt"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Fixed-width font (typewriter), also used for literal text"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["ul"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Unordered list. Within arguments use tags lh (list header) and li (list element)."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], ["web"], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Creates a www hypertext link. Requires ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["src"], 'do_tt]>, " option with a valid URL as the value"], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>], 'do_table]>], 'do_dfn]>], #[['this, $help_cml_formatters]]]>;
var $help_node index = $help_index_core;
var $help_node links = #[];
var $help_node nolist = 0;
var $root created_on = 809737729;
var $root flags = ['methods, 'code, 'variables, 'core];
var $root inited = 1;
var $root managed = [$help_cml_formatters];
var $root manager = $help_cml_formatters;