
Syntax: {Ccast armor{x {c<character>{x
Group {GProtective{x

This spell creates magical armor that surrounds you.

Syntax: {Ccast 'acid blast'{x {c<victim>{x
Group {GCombat{x

This spell creates a magical bolt of pure acid.  Although not nearly as
powerful as some of the more destructive spells, it is a staple attack spell
in most arcane spellcasters library.

Syntax: {Ccast 'call lightning'{x
Group {GWeather{x

This spell works only out of doors, and only when the weather is bad.
It calls down lightning bolts from the heavens.


Syntax: cast {C'change sex'{x {c<victim>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x

This spell temporarily changes the sex of the victim.

Syntax: {Ccast 'charm person'{x {c<victim>{x
Group {GBeguiling{x

This spell, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take orders
from you.  Use {CORDER{x to order your charmed followers.

You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.

Syntax: {Ccast 'continual light'{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'continual light'{x {c<object>{x
Group {GCreation{x

This spell creates a ball of light, which you can hold as a light source.
The ball of light will last indefinitely. It may also be used on an object
to give it an enchanted glow.

Syntax: {Ccast 'create food'{x
Group {GCreation{x

By using this spell, the caster is able to magically create simple
foods for consumption.  These food products are bland in design
and offer only the basic requirements to sate your hunger, however
it does allow you to spend a much longer time away from a city or
town during adventures and quests.

The most common food items created are as follows:

A Magic Mushroom, Hero sandwich and a Nuked TV dinner.

Syntax {Ccast 'create spring'{x
Group {GCreation{x

 This spell calls forth a bubbling spring to provide water for yourself
and your companions.  Used in much the same way as a fountain, it is however
very short lived and quickly dries up.  

Syntax: {Ccast 'create water'{x {c<drink-container>{x
Group {GCreation{x

This spell draws upon the moisture contained in the air
that you breath to replenish a drinking container with clear, 
clean water.

Syntax: {Ccast 'cure light'{c    <target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'cure serious'{c  <target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'cure critical'{c <target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'heal'         {c <target>{x
Group {GHealing{x

Healing spells are the primary tools of a cleric or priest.  Although they
are capable fighters in a combat situation, they rely on their deity given
powers and the strength of thier faith to win the day.

The following spells are listed above in the order of potency and strength.

Casting any of these spells will mend torn flesh, repair broken bones and
return health to the target.

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'detect hidden'{x
Group {GDetection{x
{wThis spell enables the caster to detect hidden creatures.

Syntax: {Ccast 'detect invis'{x
Group {GDetection{x

This spell enables the caster to detect invisible objects and characters.


Syntax: {Ccast 'detect magic'{x
Group {GDetection{x

This spell enables the caster to detect the aura that surrounds all
items and objects that have been touched by magic.

Syntax: cast {C'detect poison'{c <object>{x
Group {GDetection{x

This spell enables the caster to detect the presence of poison
in food or drink.

Syntax: {Ccast 'enchant weapon'{c <weapon>{x
Group {GEnchantment{x

This spell magically enchants a weapon, increasing its to-hit and to-dam
bonuses by one or two points.  Multiple enchants may be cast, but as the
weapon grows more and more powerful, it is more likely to be drained or
destroyed by the magic.  Also, every successful enchant increases the level
of the weapon by one...and there is no turning back.

Syntax: {Ccast 'enchant armor'{c <armor type>{x
Group {GEnchantment{x

The enchant armor spell imbues armor with powerful protective magics. It is
not nearly as reliable as enchant weapon, being far more prone to destructive
effects.  Each succesful enchant increases the plus of the armor by 1 or 2
points, and raises its level by one.

{CSyntax: cast 'faerie fire' {c<target>{x
Group {GWeather{x
The fire of the Faeries has long been known to weaken 
enemy resistances.  The fire surrounds your enemy and deteriorates 
its armor, making it more subjectable to damage for a certain while.

{wSyntax: {Ccast identify {c<object>{x
Group {GDetection{x

This spell allows the caster to learn the function of a given item
or device. 

Syntax: {Ccast infravision{c <character>{x
Group {GEnhancement{x

This spell enables the target character to see warm-blooded creatures even
while in the dark, and exits of a room as well.

Syntax: {Ccast 'invisibility'{c <character>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'invisibility'{c <object>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'mass invis'{x
Group {GIllusion{x

By use of this spell, the caster is able to bend visible light around
themselves, others and or objects.  Each such casting will if successful
hide the target from normal view.  The following conditions apply when
this spell is cast:

The {CINVIS{x spell makes the target character invisible.  Invisible characters
will become visible when they attack. It may also be cast on an object
to render the object invisible.

The {CMASS INVIS{x spell makes all characters in the caster's group invisible,
including the caster.

Syntax: {Ccast 'know alignment'{c <character>{x
Group {GDetection{x

This spell reveals the alignment of the target character.


Syntax: {Ccast 'locate object'{c <name>{x
Group {GDetection{x

This spell reveals the location of all locatable objects with the given name.

{wSyntax: {Ccast poison {c<victim>{x
{wSyntax: {Ccast poison {c<object>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x

This spell reduces the strength of the victim by two, as well as reducing the
victim's regeneration rate. It may also be used to poison food, drink, or
a weapon in a fashion similar to envenom ('help envenom'), but with 
drastically reduced effectiveness.

Syntax {Ccast sleep{x {c<victim>{x
Group {GBeguiling{x

When this spell is cast, the victim is placed in a comatose slumber. 
While asleep, s/he is vulnerable to maladiction spells and looses the
ability to defend themselves properly.  An attack against the person under
the affects of this spell will negate the slumber and allow them to defend
themselves against further attacks.

Syntax: {Ccast ventriloquate{c <speaker> <message>{x
Group {GIllusion{x

This spell throws your voice, making it appear that some other object or
character in the room is saying your message.  Victims who make their saving
throw will know that someone is using ventriloquism, but not who.  Victims who
fail their saving throw will think that the object or character really did say
your message.


A skill allowing the user to pahse out of existance making them immune to 
physical damage for a brief period of time.

{wEach weapon skill applies to a specific group of armaments, and determines how
well a character fights with a particular weapon.  The weaponsmaster group
provides talent in all weapons (save exotics), from chair legs to halberds.
If the character has the parry skill as well, he can parry incoming attacks.
The chance of parrying is best if the character in question is skilled at 
both his weapon and his opponent's.

The weapon skills consist of the following:

{Cweaponsmaster{x       skill group of all weapons listed below (save exotic weaponry)
{Caxe{x                 the use of axes, ranging from hand to great (but not halberds)
{Cdagger{x              the use of knives and daggers, and other stabbing weapons
{Cflail{x               skill in ball-and-chain type weapons
{Cmace{x                this skill includes clubs and hammers as well as maces
{Cpolearm{x             the use of pole weapons (except spears), including halberds
{Cspear{w               this skill covers spears and a few staves
{Csword{x               the warrior's standby, from rapier to claymore
{Cwhip{x                the use of whips, chains, and bullwhips
{Cexotic{x              the use of strange magical weapons
The exotic skill cannot be purchased, and is dependent solely upon level.
{CNote: {wSome staves fall under polearm and some fall under spear.

Shield block is a rather fancy name for the art of parrying with a shield.
Characters with no shield block skill will not be able to defend themselves
well with a shield.  Only the thief, warrior, ranger, paladin and assassin
classes may learn shield block. Beware, flails ignore shield blocking
attempts, and whips have an easier time getting around them.  Axes may split
shields in two.

Syntax: {Cbash{x {c<target>{x

The bash skill is a warrior talent, a brute-force attack designed to knock
your foe to his knees.  Its success depends on many factors, including the
bash rating, your weight, and the size of your opponent.  Bashing a dragon
is not generally a wise idea.


This skill is often learned and mastered by warriors and thieves.  Used during
combat, it enables the attacker to inflict more damage upon his or her enemies

Although it is not unheard of for other classes to gain mastery in this skill,
it often comes after years of training and sacrifice.
Enhanced damage is checked for with each hit, although with a low skill,
the chance of receiving a bonus  is very low indeed.

If at first you fail to dodge, block it.  Parry is useful for deflecting
attacks and is successful more often than dodge.  Parry requires a weapon
for full success, the hand-to-hand skill may also be used, but results in
reduced damage instead of no damage.  The best chance of parrying occurs
when the defender is skilled in both his own and the opponent's weapon


A friend in need is a friend indeed.  And when in combat, a warrior
with the rescue skill is just the friend you need.  Rescue allows you
to intercede in combat, protecting weaker characters from bodily harm.
Hopefully the favor will be returned.  Success in rescuing depends on
the skill rating, as well as a comparison of level, dexterity, and
speed between the character and the target. 
(note: you rescue a friend, not the monster).


Syntax: RECALL
Syntax: /

RECALL prays to the god Pelor for miraculous transportation from
where you are back to the temple in your hometown.  / is a synonym

If you RECALL during combat, you will lose experience (more than for
fleeing), and you will have a chance of failing (again, more than for
fleeing). RECALL costs half of your movement points.

RECALL doesn't work in certain god-forsaken rooms.  Characters afflicted by
a curse may not recall at all.

Syntax: {Cbutcher corpse{x

Butcher is a gruesome and bloody skill.  Butcher allows you to carve corpses into 
steaks which you can save and eat whenever you choose.

Syntax: {Cdirt{x {c<creature or mob>{x 

Considered by some to be a cowardly skill, {CDIRT KICKING{x gives the clever
combatant a chance to blind his opponent by casting dirt into his eyes.
The blindness does not last long, but can provide an edge in combat.
Dexterity helps in hitting or avoiding a {CDIRT KICK{x.


Training in second attack allows the character a chance at additional
strikes in combat, however, a 100% second attack skill does NOT guarantee
2 attacks every round.

This skill is automatic once it is trained beyond 1% however at a low rank, this
skill has very little chance of success.

Hand to hand combat is a rare skill. Learning this style of fighting gives
the player a weapon even when disarmed -- his or her bare hands. Trained
hand to hand experts are far more effective than many swordsmen.

The fast healing skill improves wound healing rates, whether walking,
resting, or sleeping. It represents knowledge of healing herbs or just
general toughness and stamina.  Fast healing is checked every tick, and
it is possible for it to fail.

Syntax: {Ckick{c <target>{x

Kicking allows the adventurer to receive an extra attack in combat, a
powerful kick. However, a failed kick may throw an unwary fighter off
balance.  If a player becomes a master at this skill, he/she will be
able to do more damage with the roundhouse attack.


Syntax: {Chide{x
Syntax: {Csneak{x

{CHIDE{x and {CSNEAK{x are similar skills, both related to remaining undetected.

Hide has a very high chance of success, but only works for as long as the
character remains stationary. 

Sneak may be used when moving (including to sneak by monsters), but has a
lower chance of success.

Syntax: {Cdisarm{x

Disarm is a somewhat showy and unreliable skill, designed to relieve your
opponent of his weapon.  The best possible chance of disarming occurs when
you are skilled in both your own and your opponent's weapon.

{RNote{x: This skill can only be used if you are currently engaged in
{R    {x  combat.
{YCheck out {CHelp Cat_Combat {Yfor more Combat related helps.{x

Training in third attack allows the character a chance at an additional
strike in a combat, and increases the chance of a second attack as well.
A perfect third attack skill of 100% does NOT assure three attacks per

This skill is automatic once it is trained beyond 1% however at a low rank, this
skill has very little chance of success.

In the words of one wise warrior, 'the best way to block a blow is to not
be where it lands'.  The dodge skill honors this tradition, by improving
the character's natural agility to the point where many blows will miss
the target. The chance of dodging is also affected by the dexterity of the
attacker and the target.


Haggling is an indispensable skill to the trader.  It allows a character to
match wits with a merchant, seeking to get a better price for merchandise,
or to buy at the lowest possible cost.  Unfortunately, most merchants are 
already very skilled at haggling, so the untrainined adventurer had best 
guard his treasure closely.  Thieves are natural masters at haggling, 
although other classes may learn it as well.

The peek skill is useful for seeing what a player or monster is carrying,
the better to use the steal command with.  More intelligent characters are
harder to peek at.  All characters may learn peek, but thieves are the most
common practicioners.

Syntax: {Ctrip{x {c<character>{x
Syntax: {Ctrip{x 

Trip is a somewhat dastardly attack, and involves using any one of a
number of methods to bring your opponent down to the ground. Tripping
large monsters is generally not a good idea, and agile ones will find
the attack easy to avoid.  Thieves and warriors may learn trip.

{wThis skill is similar to fast healing, but relies on the concentration and
mantras to increase mana recovery when the character is sleeping or resting.
Thieves and warriors, with their troubled minds and violent attitudes, have
much trouble learning to meditate.

Syntax: {Cberserk{x

Only powerful warriors can master berserking, the ability to enter insane
rage in combat. Its effects are not altogether unlike the frenzy spell --
a huge surge of combat prowess, coupled with a disregard for personal
safety.  Berserking warriors are more resistant to the effects of magic.

Syntax: {Clore <object>{x

Lore is a general skill, consisting of knowledge of myths and legends. Use
of the lore skill gives a chance of obtaining information on an object,
concerning its power and uses.  It also may occasionally increase the value
of an object, because more will be known about its worth.  All classes may
learn lore, although thieves are best at it, and warriors find it very hard
to use.

Lock picking is one of the prime skills of thieves and assassins,
allowing them to gain access to many secured areas.  Lock picking
chances are improved by intelligence, and hindered by the difficulty
of the lock. 

This skill enables you to turn the attack of your enemy back on him.


Critical strike is a skill, that when learned, will increase the fighter's
chance of delivering a death blow to the victim.  This is a straight 2% chance
of killing the mob in one hit.

If the percent chance fails, critical strike will still increase the amount
of damage that is dealt from the attack.

Circle is the ability to get behind your opponent in a fight and attack
them from behind.  Only assassins and ninjas have the discipline to learn
this advanced technique.  There is also a slight chance that your victim
will die instantly from the trauma.  

Syntax: {CSTEAL COINS {c<character>{x
Syntax: {CSTEAL {c<object> <character>{x

STEAL attempts to steal coins or an object from a character. There are
penalties for using STEAL on other players. In order to STEAL successfully,
you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax:  {C'magic missile' {c<target>{x
Group {GCombat{x
Use of the magic missile spell creates up to five missiles of magical energy
that dart forth from the wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target

Syntax: {Ccast 'cause light'{c    <target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'cause serious'{c  <target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'cause critical'{c <target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'harm'          {c <target>{x
Group {GHarmful{x

The same power granted to a cleric or a priest to heal wounds
can also be used to harm his or her enemies.  The spells contained
within this spell group are often used by those who worship the many
darker powers of Thera to bring great pain and suffering to those that
oppose their will.

Syntax:  {C'cure blindness'{c <target>{x
Syntax:  {C'cure disease'  {c <target>{x
Syntax:  {C'cure poison'   {c <target>{x
Group {GCurative{x
Curative magic is often used to remove harmful spell-like affects
that attack the senses and or the body directly.  Disease, blindness and
poison are all classic examples of spells that affect the target in a
harmful manner.  Curative magic can be used to counter these effects.

The success rate of these spells is determined by the level of the caster
who cast the spell you are trying to remove verse your level for reasons
of removal of said effects.

Syntax:  {C'faerie fog'{c <target>{x
Group {GWeather{x
This spell enables the caster to outline one or more objects or creatures with a 
pale glowing light. This will make the target easier to hit, since it is now 
clearly visible. 

Syntax:  {Ccast 'burning hands'{x {c<target>{x
Group {GAttack{x
Once cast, a fan of flame shoots from the wizard's touching thumbs and 
outstretched hands. The fan reaches three feet forward from the thumbs, and 
extends 60 degrees to the right and left, gradually shortening until the fan 
slopes into the wrists 

Syntax: {Ccast refresh{c <target>{x
Group {GHealing{x
When this spell is cast, it restores valuable energy and endurace to the
target in the form of movement points.  The once weary character will find
that his or her body feels like brand new and although this spell can not
heal a character of damage suffered from wounds, it often strengthens their
resolve to press onward.

Syntax:  {C'protection evil'{c <target>{x 
Syntax:  {C'protection good'{c <target>{x
Group {GProtective{x
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a 
distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has a major effect:
All attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures in case of protection 
evil, or good in case of protection good against the protected creature receive 
a penalty on it's attacks.

Syntax:  {C'shocking grasp'{c <target>{x
Group {GCombat{x
This spell does damage to a target. When the wizard casts shocking grasp, he 
develops a powerful electrical charge that gives a jolt to the creature touched. 

Syntax: {Ccast 'dispel evil' {c<victim>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'dispel good' {c<victim>{x
Group {GAttack{x

{CDISPEL GOOD{x brings forth evil energies that inflict horrific torment on the
pure of heart.  Good-aligned characters use this dark magic at their peril.

{CDISPEL EVIL{x invokes the wrath of heaven on an evil victim. It can be very
dangerous for casters who are not pure of heart.

Syntax:  {Ccast bless{x {c<target>{x 
Group {GBenedictions{x
This spell improves the to-hit roll and saving throw versus spell of the
target character by 1 for every 8 levels of the caster. It may also be
cast on an object to temporarily bless it (blessed weapons, for example,
are more effective against demonic beings).

Syntax {Ccast earthquake{c <targets>{x
Group {GAttack{x

When this spell is cast, a local tremor of fairly high strength rips the
ground.  The shock is over in one round.  The earthquake affects all
terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in its area of effect.

This spell inflicts damage on every enemy character in the room.
Beware that other characters who are not yet fighting may attack
you as a result!

Syntax:  {Ccast blindness{x {c<target>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x
"To strike your opponent you need to see your opponent" - ancient saying. 

With this spell you take away your foe's ability to see, thus making him 
more or less helpless.

Syntax {Ccast 'floating disk'{x
Group {GCreation{x
This useful spell creates a floating disc field of force which follows
the caster around, allowing him or her to pile treasure high with no fear
of weight penalties.  It lasts no more than twice the casters level in
hours, and usually less.  It can hold 10 pounds per level of the caster,
with a maximum of five pounds per item.  The spell requires an open float
location on the character, and the only way to remove the disc is to die
or allow it to run out of energy

Syntax {Ccast fireproof{c <target>{x
Group {GEnchantment{x and {GProtective{x
The fireproof spell creates a short-lived protective aura around an object,
to protect it from the harmful effects of acid and flame.  Items protected
by this spell are not harmed by acid, fire, or the heat metal spell.
Although inexpensive to use, the spell's short duration makes it impractical
for protecting large numbers of objects.

Syntax {Ccast plague{c <target>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x
The plague spell infests the target with a magical disease of great
virulence, sapping its strength and causing horrific suffering, possibly
leading to death. It is a risky spell to use, as the contagion can spread
like wildfire if the victim makes it to a populated area. Most players
announce if they have plague before returning to recall in order to warn
other players, who will then have a chance of leaving the area and avoiding
contracting the plague as well. You need the 'cure disease' spell to cure
the plague.

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'curse' {c<character>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x

This spell reduces the character's to-hit roll and save versus spells.
It also renders the character unclean in the eyes of MOTA and unable
to RECALL. Curse may be used to fill equipment with evil power, allowing
(for example) weapons to do more damage to particularly holy opponents.

{wSyntax: {Ccast weaken {c<victim>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x

When this spell is cast, it saps the strength of the victim and reduces
the target's strength attribute by two points for the duration of the spell.

Syntax: {Ccast 'calm'{x
Group {GBeguiling{x, {GBenedictions{x

One of the most useful and often overlooked abilities of a spellcaster is
the calm spell, which can put an end to all violence in a room.  Calmed
creatures will not attack of their own volition, and are at a disadvantage
in combat as long as the spell soothes their minds.  The more violence 
activity there is in a room, the harder the spell, and it is all or nothing --
either all combat in the room is ended (with the exception of those who
are immune to magic) or none is.

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'colour spray'   {c<victim>{x
Group {GCombat{x

Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing
colors to spring forth from his hand. Blind or unseeing creatures are not 
affected by the spell.

Creatures affected by this spell are struck unconscious or are blinded.

Syntax: {Ccast 'giant strength'{c <target>{x
Group {GEnhancement{x

When this spell is cast, it magically grants the target greater strength.

Useful in a combat situation, where greater strength also means more
damage to your enemies however this spell is also useful when you wish to
attempt to lift or carry something that is beyond your normal strength.

{RNote{x: This increase to the STR attribute is only temporary.

Syntax: {C'control weather' worse{x
Syntax: {C'control weather' better{x
Group: {GWeather{x

This spell allows a caster to create better or worse weather conditions, mainly 
in conjunction with the 'call lightning' spell. The caster can either turn the 
weather better or worse then current conditions.

Syntax {Ccast fly{c <target>{x
Group {GLesser Transportation{x and{G Transportation{x

With the use of this spell, you can grant the power of non-winged
flight to yourself or another.  While flying, you can travel over
bodies of water or other terrain that requires an alternate mode
of transportation.

Syntax {Ccast 'remove curse' {c<target> <item>{x
Group {GBenedictions{x

Upon casting this spell, the priest is usually able to remove a curse on an 
object, on a person, or in the form of some undesired sending or evil presence. 

Note that the remove curse spell does not remove the curse from a cursed shield, 
weapon, or suit of armor, for example, although the spell typically enables the 
person afflicted with any such cursed item to get rid of it. Certain special 
curses may not be countered by this spell, or may be countered only by a caster 
of a certain level or more.

{wSyntax: {Ccast summon {w<character>
Group {GTransportation{x
This spell summons a character from anywhere else in the world into your room.
Characters who are fighting may not be summoned

{RNote:{x The summon spell only works on targets of a lower level and
{x     {x targets who are not immune to summoning.

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'energy drain' {c<victim>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x

This spell saps the experience points, hit points, mana, and
movement points of its target.  The caster however only gains hit points
from the vitim.  The higher the level of the spell, the more damage it does.

Syntax {Cheat metal{c <target>{x
Group {GAttack{x

By means of the heat metal spell, the caster is able to make ferrous
metal (iron, iron alloys, steel) extremely hot.  This magical heating of the
metal forces the target to drop the items affected.  

Syntax {Ccast 'create rose'{x
Group {GCreation{x

This simple creation spell allows the caster to bring into existance a beautiful
{Rr{ro{Rs{re{w.  Although some feel this spell is worthless, it is useful when
the caster wishes to show affection towards another or favor.

Syntax: {Ccast adrenaline{x {c<target>{x
Group {GNature{x

This spell adds a bonus to a player's to-hit and to-damage rolls by giving the
character a boost in his her adrenaline levels.  The side affect of this spell
is a penalty to armor class, making the recipient somewhat easier to hit while in

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'fireball' {c<victim>{x
Group {GCombat{x

This spell inflicts direct magical damage on the victim and is a vital
part of the mage's arsenal of magics. The higher the level of the spell,
the more damage it causes.

Syntax {Ccast frenzy{c <target>{x
Group {GBenedictions{x

The frenzy spell fills the target with righteous fury, greatly increasing
his or her attack skill and damaging capacity.  Unfortunately, this divine
wrath is coupled with a tendency to ignore threats to personal safety,
making the character easier to hit.  Frenzy provides immunity to the calm
spell (see {C'help spell_calm'{x), and may only be used on those of the
caster's alignment.  

Syntax {Ccast flamestrike{c <target>{x
Group {GAttack{x

When this spell is cast, the caster calls down a vertical column of fire
that strikes the exact spot indicated by the caster.  The higher level the
caster is, the more damage is inflicted per use.  

{wSyntax: {Ccast gate {c<mob or character>{x
Group {GTransportation{x

{wThe gate spell is a powerful transportation magic that opens up a portal 
between your character and another person or creature somewhere else in the
world.  This portal will transport you and any pet you might have, but not
other members of your group.  Monsters recieve a save against gate, and
monster or players more than 3 levels higher than you can not be gated to at 
all.  God rooms, private rooms, and no recall rooms cannot be gated to, and
no recall rooms cannot be gated out of.  Finally, any god or hero is also 
immune to gate, as well as in player who has no summon set.  Tribe members
may be gated to.

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'haste' {x<target>{x
Group {GEnhancement{x
{wThe haste spell increases the speed and agility of the recipient, allowing
an extra attack (or even a backstab) in combat, and improving evasive
abilities in combat.  However, it produces a great strain on the system,
such that recuperative abilities are halved.  Haste is capable of negating
the slow spell. (see {C'help slow'{x).

Syntax: {Ccast 'dispel magic'{c <character>{x
{x        {Ccast 'cancellation'{c <character>{x
Group {GProtective{x

Both of these spells remove magical affects from the target.  Dispel magic
has a reduced chance of working, and is considered an attack spell. Cancel-
lation can only be used on allies, but is much more effective and does not
provoke attack.  Unfortunately, these spells do not discriminate between
harmful and benign spells.

The chance of dispelling is based on the level of the spell. Permanent
spells (such as mobile sanctuary) are much harder to remove.  Not all
spells may be dispelled, notable examples are poison and plague, which
must be cured.

{wSyntax: {Ccast sanctuary  {c<character>{x
Group {GProtective{x
{wThe Sanctuary spell reduces the damage taken by the character from any attack
by one half.

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'slow' {c<target>{x
Group {GMaladictions{x
Despite popular mythology, slow is not the opposite of haste, but is a spell
with its own unique set of effects.  When cast on an unfortunate victim,
it slows its movement, making it easier to hit and reducing its rate of 
attack.   The affect of slow also doubles movement costs, prevents fleeing,
and increases the rate the victim regains mana.

Syntax: {Ccast 'gas breath'{x       {c<area affect>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'acid breath'{x      {c<victim>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'frost breath'{x     {c<victim>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'fire breath'{x      {c<victim>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'lightning breath'{x {c<victim>{x
Group {GDraconian{x

These spells allow the caster to breath forth the breath of a dragon.
Acid and Lightning damage one victim whereas Gas, Frost, and Fire damages
everyone in the room.  Fire and Frost can break objects, and Acid can
damage armor.  These spells are listed in order of power, with Gas Breath
doing the least damage and Lightning Breath doing the most


Syntax {Ccast 'smoke screen'{x
Group {GIllusion{x and {GInfernosphere{x

By use of this spell, the caster is able to cloak themselves in a
vision impairing screen of smoke.  This defensive spell makes the
caster harder to see and hit in combat.

{wSyntax : {Ccast 'chain lightning' {c<target>{x
Group {GCombat{x

Chain lightning is a deadly spell, producing a powerful bolt of lightning
that arcs from target to target within the room, until its force is
fully expended.  Allies of the caster may be hit by this spell even if they
are members of a dynasty or group, while the caster himself will not be struck
unless no other viable target remains.  Chain lightning is most effective
when used on groups of creatures.

{wSyntax: {Ccast teleport{x
Group {GTransportation{x

{wThis spell takes you from your current location to a random location somewhere
in the world.

Syntax {Ccast 'pass door'{x
Group {GLesser Transportation{x and {GTransportation{x

When cast, this spell allows the caster to transform his or her
body into a wraith like form and pass through solid doors without

Syntax: {Ccast 'portal' {c<target>{x
Group {GTransportation{x
The portal spell is similar to gate, but creates a lasting one-way portal
to the target creature, instead of transporting the caster.  Portals are
entered using 'enter' or 'go' command, as in 'go portal'.  Portals cannot
be made to certain destinations, nor used to escape from gate-proof rooms.
Portal requires a special source of power to be used, unfortunately the
secret of this material component has been lost...
Immortals can target a room vnum to open a portal without targetting a mobile
or player. This will override any room restrictions as well.

Syntax: {Ccast 'holy word' {c<target>{x
Group {GBenedictions{x
Holy word involves the invocation of the full power of a cleric's god, with
disasterous effects upon the enemies of the priest coupled with powerful
blessings on the priest's allies.  All creatures of like alignment in the
room are blessed and filled with righteous divine wrath, while those of
opposite morals (or both good and evil in the case of neutral priests)
are struck down by holy (or unholy might) and cursed.  The cleric suffers
greatly from the strain of this spell, being left unable to move and 
drained of vitality.  Experience loss is no longer associated with the spell.

Syntax {Ccast demonfire{c <target>{x
Group {GAttack{x

Demonfire is a spell of blackest evil and as such can only be used by
those who follow the paths of darkness.  It conjures forth demonic spirits
to inflict terrible wounds on the enemies of the caster.

Syntax: {Ccast 'nexus' {c<target>{x
Group {GTransportation{x
This spell is virtually identical to portal (see '{Chelp portal{w'), with the
only difference being that while portal creates a one-way gate, a nexus 
spell makes a two-sided gate.  It also lasts longer than the lower-powered
portal spell.  Both spells require an additional power source, the secret
of which has been lost...
Immortals can target room vnums. This will over ride room restrictions and
allow immortals not to target a mobile or player.

Syntax: {Ccast 'stone meld'{x
Group {GNature{x

Stone meld is a clerical spell similar to the mage's stone skin. It causes
the character's skin to meld with stone providing a form of armor protection.

Syntax: {Ccast 'stone skin'{x
Group {GProtective{x

This spell protects the caster by decreasing (improving) the caster's
AC or Armor Class. 

Syntax: cast {C'mass healing'{x
Group {GHealing{x

The mass healing spell, as its name might suggest, performs a healing
spell on all players in the room.  It also throws in a refresh spell for
good measure.

Syntax: {Ccast 'ray of truth' {c<target>{x
Group {GAttack{x

Ray of truth opens a portal to the planes of positive energy, bringing
forth a beam of light of sufficient purity to harm or or annihilate the
servants of evil.  It cannot harm the pure of heart, and will turn and
strike casters who are tainted by evil

Syntax: {Ccast 'detect good'
{wGroup {GDetection{x
This spell enables the caster to detect good characters, which will
reveal a characteristic golden aura.

0 blank_record~

Syntax: {Ccast 'acid rain'     {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'ice rain'      {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'ice storm'     {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'fire storm'    {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'acid storm'    {c<target>{x
Group {GRain{x

When cast, these spells call upon the awesome might of the natural
forces of the weather to beat down upon your foes without mercy.

Downpours of {Ga{gc{Gi{gd{x rain and the fierce power of the  conjured
{Rf{Yi{Rr{re{x storm are but a few spells that devastate all that dare
to oppose you.

Syntax: {Ccast 'mud skin'     {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'moss skin'    {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'bark skin'    {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'steel skin'   {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'emerald skin' {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'ruby skin'    {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'diamondskin'  {c<target>{x
Group: {GSkins{x

These powerful spells protect the caster by changing his or her skin
texture to match the chosen material.  Each material offers different
and varied levels of protection based on the spell cast.

Syntax: {Ccast 'icebolt'{x       {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'firebolt'{x      {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'gasbolt'{x       {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'lightningbolt'{x {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'acidbolt'{x      {c<target>{x
Syntax: {Ccast 'holybolt'{x      {c<target>{x

These are spells that will shoot a bolt of the selected element
at the target, damaging it.

Syntax {Ccast 'holy light'{x
Group {GHealing{x

This powerfull mass healing spell will allow you to heal all those who
are wounded and in the room with you.  

Syntax {Ccast 'holy armor'{c <target>{x
Group {GProtective{x

This spell encases the target in a suit of armor comprised entirely out
of holy energy.

Syntax: cast {C'fireblast'     {c <target>{x
Syntax: cast {C'iceblast'      {c <target>{x
Syntax: cast {C'electricblast' {c <target>{x
Syntax: cast {C'gasblast'      {c <target>{x
Syntax: cast {C'lightningblast'{c <target>{x
Syntax: cast {C'holyblast'     {c <target>{x
Group {GBolt{x

When this a spell from this group is cast, it creates a blast of magical energy
that duplicates the damage effects of the either fire, ice, electricity, gas,
lightning or holy energy.

Syntax:	cast {C'throw star' {c<target>{x
Group {GImmortal Reserved{x

This spell throws a poisonous star at thr target. It will not only poison
the target, it will allso affect the damage roll of that target.

Syntax: {Csearch{x

The {CSEARCH{x command allows a character to search a room or area that
he or she is currently in to find things that may have been hidden
from view.

Syntax: {Cbrew{x   {c<spell name>{x

{CBREW{x allows you to make potions for use by yourself or others.

When using brew, it takes twice the mana cost of the spell to succesfully
make a potion of the same type.  Also note, Gold is also required to
brew each potion.  It is used to pay the cost of materials.

The spear is a dagger set atop a pole.  It is principally a thursting weapon
but if a broad blade is attached it can also be used as a cutting weapon.

Strictly speaking, a pole axe is nothing more than an axe head of any sort set
upon a long haft in order to to deliver an earlier and more forceful blow.  It
can be double bitted, backed by a spike, and or topped off with a dagger point,
but it is still recognizable as an axe.

Amaron has various polearm weapons.  Please see the following help files:
Poleaxe, Lance, Spear, Bardiche, Ranseur, Pike, Volgue, Guisarme, Halberd,
and Glaive.

Syntax: {Ccast 'detect evil'
{wGroup {GDetection{x
This spell enables the caster to detect evil characters, which will
reveal a characteristic red aura.

Syntax {Ccast recharge {c<object>{x
Group {GEnchantment{x

This spells regerates magic that has already been used by a magic
wand.  The spell can only be used once on a wand.

Syntax {Ccast sorrow{c <target>{x
Group {GForsaken{x

This area affect spell causes you to release your anger from built up
sorrow.  It unleashes great damage upon your enemy multiple time.  The
powerful release of energy also causes yourself to take damage.  

Syntax {Ccast farsight{x
Group {GDetection{x

This spell grants you glimps in all directions of the area around you.

Syntax {Ccast shield{c <target>{x
Group {GProtective{x

This spell creates a powerful force shield that surrounds and protects

Syntax {Ccast hurricane{c <target>{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

This spells summons the might and fury of nature to strike your enemy
down.  The storm does great damage to enemies and can also cause them to
become blind.  

Syntax {Ccast jump{x
Group {GTransportation{x

This spell allows the caster to teleport to random rooms in an area. 
However what sets this aside from teleport is the caster will stay within
the area it is cast from.  

Syntax {Ccast 'word of recall'{x
Group {GTransportation{x

When this spell is successfully cast, the gods themselves intervene and
pull the castor out of battle and place them at his/her recall point.  

Syntax: {Ccast nullify {c<target> <spell>{x
Group {GProtective{x

This spell is a disenchantment.  It harnesses the power to take away the
affects of any selected spell which may be affecting the caster or someone

Syntax {Ccast 'lightning strike' {c<target>{x
Group {GCombat{x, {GWeather{x

This spell allows the caster to summon a small strike of lightning to hit
a target creature.  This spell is learned early on and never becomes too

Syntax {Ccast 'remove invis'{c <target>{x
Group {GBenedictions{x

This spell nullifies a previously cast invisibility spell on an item or

{CSyntax: cast 'remove align' {c<item>{x
Group {GEnchantment{x
This spell nullifies invisibilities which items or 
characters may have on them.
Due to the extent of power required for this spell it will now require 
a spell component to complete its casting.

{CSyntax: cast 'remove align' {c<item>{x
{xGroup: {GBenedictions
This spell allows a caster to nullify alignment restrictions
on equipment and weapons.  However the caster can only null alignment
restrictions which he follows.  Hence, a good aligned cleric can 
not null anti-evil.
Due to the extent of power required for this spell it will now require 
a spell component to complete its casting.

{CSyntax: cast jump{x
This spell allows the caster to teleport to random rooms in an 
area.  However what sets this aside from teleport is the caster will 
stay within the area it is cast from.

{CSyntax: cast 'ice bolt' {c<target>
{xGroup {GBolt Spells{x
This powerful elemental attack is used in the same 
manor as the blast spells, but is just more powerful.

Syntax {Ccast 'nitrogen shower'{c <target>{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

This spell brings down fury in the form of toxic rain.  The Shower
consumes your enemy and reeks havoc on its systems causing great damage.  

Syntax {Ccast flare{c <target>{x
Group {GInfernoshere{x

This powerful fire spell engulfs your enemy, burning it from head to toe,
causing immense damage.  

Syntax {Ccast sulfur{c <target>{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

Like Nitrogen Shower, this spell uses chemicals to its advantage.  Sulfur
is hurled at your enemy and causes great burns and great damage.  

Syntax {Chail{c <target>{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

Casting this spell calls upon the might and fury of the nature to bombard
the caster with a onslaught of hail from above.  These baseball sized globes
of solid ice deal massive amounts of damage to the victim.

Syntax {Ccast thunder{c <target>{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

This spell releases a shockwave in the form of a thunderclap overhead. 
The resulting sonic attack sends deadly waves through the victim, dealing
incredible amounts of damage.  

Syntax {Ccast vapour{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

When this spell is cast, it surrounds the caster in a mystical vapour
which protects the caster from physical harm.  This protective magic can
only be granted to the caster alone.  

Syntax {Ccast smog{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

When this spell is cast, it engulfs the caster in a thick blanket of
smog.  This cloud like shield obscures the vision of the caster's enemies
and affords him or her a defensive advantage in combat.  

Syntax {Ccast earthbind{c <target>{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

When cast, this spell causes the earth itself to grab hold of your enemy
and hinder his or her attacks against you.  

Syntax {Ccast faith{x
Group {GBenevolent{x

This spell calls upon the divine favor of your patron deity.  Your faith
manifiests itself as a physical shield that protects you from the attacks by
those that would see you brought low.  Have faith my child and nothing shall
defeat thee.  

Syntax {Ccast petrify{c <target>{x
Group {GForsaken{x

This spells causes your enemy to freeze in it's own footsteps.  The main
objective of casting this spell it to prevent your opponent from having a
chance to attack you.  

Syntax {Ccast geyser{c <target>{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

This spell cause a geyser to errupt from the earth and shower your enemy
in a spray of magma heated water from deep in the earth.  This titanic blast
of super heated water instantly burns any exposed skin on the victim.  

Syntax {Ccast pyre{c <target>{x
Group {GInfernosphere{x

This spell ignites the area with an inferno-like blast of fire.  The
victim suffers serious burns to any and all exposed areas from the intense
heat and flames.  

Syntax {Ccast 'plasma blast'{c <target>{x
Group {GInfernosphere{x

This spell causes the plasma contained within the blood to ignite in a
painful erruption of energy.  The victim of this attack suffers in agony as
his or her own blood boils in their veins.  

Syntax {Ccast vacuum{c <target>{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

This spell creates a small black hole like nexus adjacent to the target. 
The nexus pulls at the target and attempts to engulf him or her.  As a
result of the forces attempting to draw the target to the center, the victim
is nearly pulled apart by the increased gravity.  

Syntax {Ccast parasite{c <target>{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

This spell summons a small parasitic entity from the Abyss.  Upon its
arrival on the Prime Material Plane, it attacks the victim by draining its
essence and lifeforce.  

{wSyntax {Ccast 'holy cleansing' {c<target>{w
Group {GBenevolent{w

This spell channels the power and might of your patron deity to bring low
your enemies.  Sanctified Cleansing gets its name from antiquity, when the
priests and followers of the old gods tried to force many to adhere to their
corrupt practices and teachings.  

{Ccast 'flash flood'{c <target>{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

When this spell is cast, a portal opens to the Elemental Plane of Water. 
The resulting rush of water floods the area in mere seconds.  The damage
from this spell can have far reaching affects as it devistates everything in
the area of the caster.  If the spell is not allowed to discharge all of its
destructive force, it will rage back towards the caster until all of its
energy is comsumed.  

Syntax {Ccast 'sand storm'{c <target>{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

When this spell is cast, the area is engulfed in the destructive force of
a desert sand storm.  Wind blown sand and debris tears at the flesh and
chokes the victim.  The fury of this spell is so great that it can easily
destroy large areas of fields, crops and animals.  If for any reason the
energy of this spell is not allowed to run its course, the sand storm will
engulf the caster as if s/he were the original target.  

Syntax {Ccast 'kinetic blast'{c <target>{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

This spell creates a bolt of pure energy that can be hurled by the caster
and used to strike down an enemy.  The resulting blast releases the stored
energy in a massive wave of distructive force.  

Syntax {Ccast camouflage{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

This spell grants the caster the ability to adapt to his or her
surroundings and camouflage their form and blend in with the area.  The
camouflage grants the caster a defensive bonus, as s/he is often overlooked
by attackers.  

Syntax {Ccast vengeance{x
Group {GForsaken{x

When this spell is cast, it draws upon the memory of all of the wrongs
and injustices that have been committed against the caster.  These memories
fuel the fire of vengeance in his or her heart and as a result, s/he is
filled with a wrath so powerful that the caster can withstand even severe
damage to his or her body.  

Syntax {Ccast 'meteor shower'{c <target>{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

Upon casting this spell, dozens of meteor fragments rain down from the
upper atmosphere and plunge towards the earth to the very spot indicated by
the caster.  The damage caused by this spell has left large craters in the
ground where the victim of this spell once stood.  

Syntax {Ccast 'abominable strike'{c <target>{x
Group {GForsaken{x

This deadly spell channels the caster's rage and hatred into a single
destructive attack.  Considered by some scholars to be excessive due to
the anount if damage that this spell can cause, it is a favorite among
those who cast first and ask questions later.

Syntax {Ccast 'celestial light'{c <target>{x
Group {GBenevolent{x

Upon uttering this spell, the caster calls upon the divine energy and
power of the gods themselves.  Thus the soul of a corrupt enemy is cleansed
in purifying light of the Immortals.  

Syntax {Ccast archangel{c <target>{x
Group {GBenevolent{x

This spell opens a portal to the heavens and calls forth the power and
might of an Archangel to smite your enemy.  These celestial guardians appear
on the Prime Materal Plane for only a moment, however the fury of their
attack is often felt long after they have departed.  

Syntax {Ccast avalanche{c <target>{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

When this spell is cast, the room is engulfed in a torrential downpour of
snow and ice.  Anyone caught in the area of affect will find themselves
easily buried under the affects of this deadly spell.  

Syntax {Ccast sate{c <target>{x
Group {GNature{x

By means of this spell, the caster is able to temporarily ignore
the affects of hunger.  Although it does solve the immediate
requirement for food, it should not be used as a replacement for
for a good diet.

Syntax {Ccast quench{c <target>{x
Group {GNature{x

By means of this spell, the caster is able to ignore the affects
of thirst.  Although this solves the immediate requirement for water,
it is not intended as a  replacement for your character's need
to drink.

Syntax {Ccast screen{c <target>{x
Group {GNature{x

When this spell is cast, it forms a wall of smoke in front of
the caster that offers defensive protection from attacks.

Syntax {Ccast 'meld stone'{c <target>{x
Group {GNature{x

When this spell is cast, the target partially melds with any stone
found in the area and in so doing absorbs the defensive strength
of the said stone.

The defensive bonus gained in this fashion helps the target resist
physical damage in combat.

{wSyntax: {Ccast 'chill touch' {c<victim>{x
Group {GCombat{x
{wThis spell inflicts cold damage on the victim and also reduces the victim's
strength by one.

Syntax: {Ccast 'gale blast' {c<target>{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

This spell creates a gale force blast of wind with the strength and
power to uproot small trees and destroy small structures made of wood.

When cast on a living target, this spell rips at the skin and batters
the victim against any and all structures still standing.

Syntax: {Ccast downdraft{c <target>{x
Group {GEthersphere{x

This spell creates an invisible funnel of air that descends downward and
traps the victim under its crushing weight.  Once pinned the individual is
at the mercy of the caster and is an easy target for attacks.  

As a result of the pressure from above, the target's ability to move is
restricted as if under a {CSLOW SPELL{x and any granted ability to fly
is nullified while under the affects of the downdraft spell.

Syntax: {Ccast ablution{c <target>{x
Group {GBenevolent{x

This spell was used in days of old by the religious orders as part of
a cleaning ritual to purify the souls of the faithful.  Many followers
of the old ways have ressurected this ritual for their purposes.

Now, rather then a gentle cleansing, this spell subjects the victim to
intense pain as part of the conversion and reintergration of the wayward
worshiper back into the religious community.

Many priests of the "true" gods of GhostMUD discourage the use of this
spell as a conversion tactic, however a secretive order of wizards and
priests still practice this forbidden art.

Syntax: {Ccast catharsis{c <target>{x
Group {GBenevolent{x

This spell when cast, subjects the target to his or her own consciousness
which is given form and attacks the target in attempt to purge the misdeeds
and sins of the body.  

Syntax: {Ccast awe {c<target>{x
Group {GBenevolent{x

By use of this spell, the caster is able to project an aura of power and
authority directed at the target.  As a result, the victim is overcome with
a sense of reverent fear and dread of the caster.  

Syntax: {Ccast 'mystic armor'{c <target>{x
Group {GSkins{x

Mystic Armor is an ancient spell that invokes the power of the caster's
spirit to infuse the target with protective magics and ward against
the destructive effects of physical attacks and combat.

Syntax: cast typhoon{c <target>{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

This spell creates a tropical cyclone that moves towards any single
target of the caster's choice and obliterates the target due to the
incredible destructive power of its fury.

Syntax: {Ccast tsunami{c <target>{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

This spell calls forth a giant sea wave as a result of a explosion deep
in the earth.  This massive wave can grow hundreds of feet high and wash
away simple structures and drown humanoids under its crushing weight.  

Syntax: {Ccast waterlog{c <target>{x
Group {GHydrosphere{x

This spell calls forth a great deluge of water that completely soaks the
target and all his or her gear.  The spell penetrates through all of the
protective layers of clothing and over time can cause deadly illnesses in
the victim.  

Syntax: {Cdeathgrip{x
Only extremely powerful fighters ever learn to master this skill and even then 
only a few classes are skillful enough to gain it.  Berserkers and Gladiators are
the only classes that can gain the knowledge to get their hands to grip their
weapons in such a way that their offensive blows do more damage and hit more often.

Syntax: {Ccast hit{x
Group {GBerserker{x

When this spell is cast, it grants the caster a greater chance to hit a foe
in combat.  Since the mechanics of the spell depend partly on self confidence,
this spell can not be cast on another individual or group.

Syntax: {Ccast damage{x
Group {GBerserker{x

Use of this spell allows the caster to tap into the hidden reserves of
power and strength of his or her own body.  Damage done during combat is
greatly increased however, the strain of casting and using the effects
of this spell is so great that it lasts for a very short time.

Due to the fact that this spell enhances the casters own ability to damage
a foe in combat, this spell can not be cast on another individual or group.

Syntax: {Ccast 'fighting trance' {c<target>{x
Group {GOpoya{x

When this spell is cast, the target enters a trance like state and calls
upon his or her subconcious battle skills to aid them in combat.

Several groups throught the ages have practiced and used a meditative
trance to aid them in daily worship of thier gods and to smite thier
enemies.  One such group is known as the Whirling Dervishes.

Syntax: {Ccast 'bloody tears' {c<target>{x
Group {GBlood{x

This spell causes the target's eyes to bleed.  

Syntax: {Ccast 'ego whip' {c<target>{x
Group {GMental Offensive{x

This power assaults the victim's ego, leaving him with feelings of inferiority 
and worthlessness.

Syntax: {Ccast 'psychic thrust' {c<target>{x
Group {GMental Offensive{x

This power is a mental stabbing attack which seeks to "short" the synapses
of the target.  The effects of this power can be felt for some time, as the
victim will have a painful headache and possible short term memory loss.

Syntax: {Ccast 'psychic crush' {c<target>{x
Group {GMental Offensive{x

Psychic Crush is a massive assault upon all neurons in the brain, attempting
to destroy all by a massive overload of signals.

Syntax: {Ccast 'mind bolt' {c<target>{x
Group {GMental Offensive{x

Use of this mental power causes a bolt of invisible mental energy to surge
forth from the user and assault the target.  Unlike many other mental attacks,
this power manifests itself as pure physical damage and does not trick the
victim's mind into thinking it has been injured.

Syntax: {Ccast 'mind flail' {c<target>{x
Group {GMental Offensive{x

When this power is used, it repeatedly attacks the targets mind in a
devastating flurry of mental energy.  The victim of this attack oftentimes
is left disoriented and befuddled.

Syntax: {Ccast 'rock slide' {c<target>{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

When this spell is cast, it allows the caster to duplicate the the power
and effects of an Earth Elemental's Rock Slide power.

Hundreds of tons of rock and stone from the Elemental Plane of Earth comes
into being and is sent crashing down upon the target.  Beings crushed under
this incredible attack rarely survive for long.

Syntax: {Ccast 'sink hole' {c<target>{x
Group {GTerrasphere{x

When this spell is cast, it opens a giant rift deep in the earth.

The newly forming sink hole rapidly pulls the target and any earth or
structure that s/he might have been standing on towards the center of the
rift.  Only those individuals who posses quick reflexes, powerful magics
or are very lucky ever escape a sink hole alive.

Syntax: {Ccast 'magma blast' {c<target>{x
Group {GInfernosphere{x

Upon casting this spell, a giant crack in Thera's crust is created that
reaches deep down into the molten core of the planet.

This sudden release of the natural pressure causes a blast of hot magma
to surge forth and engulf the chosen target.

Syntax: {Ccast immolation{c <target>{x
Group {GInfernosphere{x

When this spell is cast, it causes target to be engulfed in flames.

The damage caused by this deadly spell is twofold: First the target is often
blinded by the flames and choking smoke.  Also the target suffers horrible
damage as his or her body is burned by magical fire.

Syntax: {Ccast backdraft {c<target>{x
Group {GInfernosphere{x

When this spell is cast, it creates a magical wind that blows against
the target's direction of movement, causing a slowing effect much like

{wSyntax: {Cspont_combustion{c <target>{w
Group {GForsaken{w

When this spell is cast, it forces the target's body to generate and retain
massive ammounts of internal heat.  This heat is built up until the very
flesh of the target ignites and burns.

This spell was thought lost hundreds of years ago, however it has since
resurfaced in the form of scrolls and in very ancient tomes of magic.

Syntax: {Ccast surcease {c<target>{x
Group {GForsaken{x

This spell was designed by an ancient order of monks in an effort to ease
an individual's death and assist them onward to paradise.  However, it has
since been twisted from its original intent into something foul and corrupt.

When this spell is cast, it subjects the target's spirit or soul to terrible
pain and suffering by forcing a connection between the Prime Material Plane
and the Plane of Entropy.  The longer the connection is maintained by
repeated casting, the worse the pain becomes.

Those that die while subjected to this spell are said to perish completely
and only the direct intervention of ones God or Goddess can offer salvation.

Syntax: {Ccast 'ill begotten' {c<target>{x
Group {GForsaken{x

When this spell is cast it creates a bolt of negative energy that flies
from the caster's hand and impacts with deadly force.

Syntax: {Ccast malfeasance{c <target>{x
Group {GForsaken{x

This spell allows the caster to overwhelm the chosen target's brain with
thoughts that s/he has or is engaged in evil or wrongful conduct, actions
or deeds.  In those that hold high morals and ideals, this attack upon
thier character can subject them to painful convulsions as they struggle
to overcome waves of guilt and shame.

To those individuals that have less then perfect or questionable morals,
the pain and suffering can be just as great.  When used upon an evil person,
it subjects them to feelings of inferiority, worthlessness and doubt.
The greatest pickpocket is reduced to a convulsing pile of flesh, as his
ego is crushed, doubts his own skills and selfworth.

Although this spell mirrors several psionic like abilities, it is not
considered a true psionic power in its own right.

Syntax: {Ccast 'virtuous blast' {c<target>{x
Group {GBenevolent{x

When this spell is cast, an unearthly beam of light errupts from the
caster's hands and engulfs the target or targets.  This pure blast of
energy from the Positive Material Plane rips through flesh and bone, often
leaving nothing but a smoking ruin in its wake.

If this spell is cast and it does not expend the total amount of its
energy upon the chosen targets, it will arc back and attack the caster
until its power is spent.

Syntax: {Ccast fear{c <target>{x

When this spell is cast, it unlocks the hidden fears that the victim
keeps locked away in the back of his or her mind.  These fears pour forth
from where they were held, surfacing to plague the victim as if they
were subjected to the very stimuli they fear most.

At the very least, these fears prevent the victim from reacting at their
given best.  At worst this spell could cripple an individual with unrestrained
emotions of fear and horror.

Syntax: {Ccast 'visegrip' {c<target>{x

When this spell is cast, it grants the target an unbreakable grip upon
his or her weapon for the duration of the spell.  This enhanced grip
prevents the target from being disarmed or dropping his or her weapon
against their will while in combat.

Syntax {Ccast confusion{c <target>{x
This spell causes waves of confusion and indecision.  This impaires the
targets judgement and prevents them from taking effective action.

Sytnax: {Ccast rejuvenation{x
{wGroup {GHealing{x
This spell increases the rate at which you heal, meaning you will regain
hit points at much faster rate of speed.  There are no known side affects of
this spell.

0 SPELL_Clairvoyance~
Syntax: {Ccast clairvoyance {c(target){x
Group {GDetection{x
This spell allows the caster to look across the world and peek into a room 
the target is in, however if the target is nosum this spell will not work.

{WSyntax{w: {Ccast 'protect negative'{w
{WGroup {GDark Rituals{w
This spell protects the caster from all from weapons and spells
that do negative energy damage.  The damage done by this damage is reduced 
but the caster is not immune.  This spell may not be cast on others.

{WSyntax{w: {Ccast resurrect corpse{w
{WGroup {GDark Rituals{w
This spell turns corpses into mindless zombies to do the casters commands.
Necromancers may only control one zombie at any given time.

{WSyntax{w: {Ccast wither {c<{wtarget{c>{x
{WGroup {GDark Rituals{w
This sinister spell withers and shrinks the body parts of your target causing
extreme pain and also hinders the target's fighting abilities.

{WSyntax{w: {Ccast 'control undead' {c<{wtarget{c>{w
{WGroup {GDark Rituals{w
This spell is much like charm person but allows Necromancers to control the undead.
The Undead tend to have no minds to be affected by normal charm.

{WSyntax{w: {Ccast eclipse{c <{wtarget{c>{w
{WGroup {GDark Rituals{w
The eclipse spell causes a ray of darkness to explode from the 
casters hand that harms only good creatures.

{WSyntax:{C cast shadowshield {w
{WGroup{G Dark Rituals{w
This spell surrounds the caster with a shield of negative energy.  This shield
will not only protect the caster, it will also damage an opponent.  This is
a very powerful spell and is only taught to very high level necromancers. 
Only they have the affinity for the afterworld and negative energies, that
mastry of this spell requires.

{WSyntax{w: {Cstrike {c<{wmobile name{c>{w
A weaponless opening round skill, much like backstab, but only one hit. 
This skill only available to assassin, monk and ninja classes.
{wStrike Skill - By Tamarae (

0 spell_inner spell_innerstrength~
{CSyntax: {w cast 'inner rage'
This spell is only known to berserkers.  Upon casting the berserker speeds up 
his blood pressure, increasing the amount of adrenaline coarsing through
his body.  The berserker gains great strength and inflicts more damage upon
his foes.

0 spell_wildrage spell_wild~
{CSyntax: {w cast 'wild rage'
This spell is only known to berserkers.  Upon casting a hormone is released 
into the berserk's blood stream and then travels to his/her brain.  A wild
rage will ensue, making the berserker hit his foe at an increased rate.

{WSyntax{w:  {Cintimidate{c <{wmobile name{c>{w
This skill allows powerful fighters to brandish their weapon and literally
frighten their opponent from doing their best in battle.  The skill effectively
lowers a vitims' hitroll and damroll according to the intimidator's level.
This skill only available to berserkers and gladiators.
{wIndimidate skill by Tamarae (

{WSyntax{w:  {Clunge {c<{wmobile name{c>{w
{wLunge is a skill that allows a character to do a special attack with 
certain weapon types.  Only Berserkers and Gladiators may gain this skill.{x

{WSyntax{w:  {Clay_hands {c<{wname{c>{w
{wThis skill draws upon the stamina of the user to impart healing upon a 
recipient.  It needs no mana, but rather relies on the strength of the 
user's endurance and stamina. 
{wThis skill is for Paladins, Priests, Bishops and Monks only.

{WSyntax{w:  {Ccast harmony{w
This spell uses a magical song to get in harmony with the caster's body
movements.  This makes the caster a little harder to hit by increasing the
character's armor class.

{WSyntax{w:  {Ccast rhythm{w
{wThis spell uses magical song to speed up rhythm and improve concentration.
This allows the caster to increase their ability to hit a target, their ability
to damage a target and their own dexterity.  This is a powerful spell and
has a high mana cost.  It is only available to high level bards.

{WSyntax{w:  {Ccast shout{c <{wtarget{c>{w
{wThis spell allows the caster to amplify their already awesome audio  
capabilities to hit a target with a burst of intensely painful sound.

{WSyntax{w:  {Ccast sunburst{w
{wSunburst is an attack spell that does light damage to all enemies in the room.
It is so powerful it can often render the victim blinded.  It is also seen
to destroy objects on the ground and in the inventory of the unfortunate

{WSyntax{w: {Ccast thunderclap {c<{wtarget{c>
{WGroup{G Weather{w
This spell cast a powerful blast of thunder at a target.  In addition to doing
sound damage, this spell can literally knock a mob right off their feet.  The
chance of this happening is dependant upon the size difference between caster 
and target.

Syntax: {CSTEAL coins {c<character>{x
Syntax: {CSTEAL {c<object> <character>{x
{CSTEAL{w attempts to steal coins, or an object, from a character.
There are penalties for using {CSTEAL{w on other players.
In order to {CSTEAL{w successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Theft is the defining skill of the thief, and is only available to that class.
It allows items to be stolen from the inventory of monsters and characters,
and even from shops!  But beware, shop keepers gaurd their merchandise 
carefully, and attempting to steal from a character earns you a THIEF flag
if you are caught (making you free game for killing).

Syntax:  {Cdart {c<target> <direction>{x
The dart skill is a long distance attack perfected by thieves.  
Over time thieves learned that their strength was not in magic
or physical attacks, but in stealth and being able to attack
from the shadows and at a distance.  The dart skill allows
a thief to attack a mob in the room, or in the room next to
him/her.  Some darts are imbued with powerful spells that do
extra damage.

Syntax: {Cassassinate{c <target>{x

The {CASSASSINATE{x command is a favored tactic of assassins and ninja.
Using stealth and cunning, the attacker sneaks up to his target and
attempts to deliver a fatal strike and kill his or her victim.

Syntax: {Cenvenom{c <item>{x

{wThe envenom skill is a cowardly skill practiced only by thieves, designed to
win a battle through alchemy and treachery rather than skill or strength.
Or, put another way, it's a skill used by the smart to kill the foolish.

Food, drink, and weapons may be envenomed, with varying effects. Poisoned
food or drink puts a mild poison spell on the consumer, and is unlikely to
be more than a minor inconvience (after all, the typical adventurer could
drink sewer water with only a trace of the runs).  A poisoned weapon, on
the other hand, can inflict serious damage on an opponent as the poison 
burns through his bloodstream.  But be careful, blade venom evaporates 
quickly and is rendered almost powerless by repeated blows in combat.

Syntax: {Cbackstab{c <target>{x

One of most feared skills of the thief or assassin classes is the
ability to backstab an enemy.

When used, it can inflict various amounts of damage depending on the
level of skill possessed by the attacker.  Anyone can backstab an
enemy, however those most likely to score a successful attack are
trained in its use.

syntax: {Cmount {c<target>{x
syntax: {Cdismount{x
These commands allows you to get on and off your mount.
Once mounted you can move around as you normally would.

{WSyntax{w: {Cscavenge{w
Scavenging, when successful will find either a delicious root, a natural 
spring or dig up a rock.  If it fails, the character digs up a rock.
If there is already one root or spring in the room, it returns a faithful rock.

{WSyntax{w: {Cpillify {c<{wpowder name{c>{w
{wThis skill will take an herbal powder, and form it into a pill.
This is a druid-only skill.

{WSyntax{w: {Chgrind {c<{wherb{c> <{wmortar{c>{w
This skill will grind an herb into a powder, preparing it for 
pillification, or pressing into a tablet to be eaten.
This is a druid-only skill.

{WSyntax{w: {Cherbsense {c<{wherb{c>{w
{C        sense {c<{wherb{c>{w
This is an herbal identify skill.  Only druids and rangers may gain this skill, and use of
{Clore{w or {Cidentify{w will not allow a player to determine the identity of the 
herb in question.  The name, strength, and color of the herb will be given.  Herbs 
may be ground into a fine powder with the use of a mortar.  The powder can then be 
used to make pills. The color of the herb will determine the type of affect the 
pill will have when eaten.
{R     red    {w= vapour
{Y     yellow {w= detect hidden
{B     blue   {w= quench
{R     o{Yr{Ra{Yn{Rg{Ye {w= camoflage
{M     purple {w= slow
{y     brown  {w= sate
{G     green  {w= moss skin

-1 $~
