Release history:

Version 1.0 release: January 21, 2000 (Initial Public Release)
Version 2.0 release: Febuary 13, 2000 (Alpha Release)
Version 2.1 release: May      8, 2000 (Official Public Release)
Version 2.2 release: July     7, 2000 (New Public Release)
Version 2.3 release: October 27, 2000 (Bug Fixes)
Version 2.4 release: Febuary 26, 2001 (First 2001 Beta Release)
Version 2.5 release: 

Release Notes:

Version 1.0-	Initial Release.

Version 2.0-	Skiped the 1.1, 1.2, etc and went straight to version 2.
		this version sports a ton of features half of which I
		can't recall. Beta release was just for kicks.

    2/10/00-	Upgraded compiler to GCC 2.95, this shouldn't affect you
		if you have an older version, but don't quote me.

Version 2.1-	More bug fixes! New website!

Version 2.2-	More classes, new features, new looks, bugs stomped!
		v2.2 has refined many of the old problems and made more ;)
		New "sound_to" system being created for MSP and Pueblo!

Note: The new instant implementor isn't new (in save.c save_crash) it
	was in older versions but I had forgotten, so you may want to check
	this out so people using my name can't become staff, I did not intend
	this as a backdoor, it was used for me while testing things ;P

Version 2.3-	Mostly bug fixes and some new stuff.

Version 2.4b1-	Many redundant functions replaced with subcommand features.
		New set command with EZ Expansion capability. (Set Files!)
		New wiznet and mudlogging integrated feature. (syslog)
		More information passed to the system log and imms online.
		Old bugs in fight code, olc, and database fixed.
		New FAQ information on porting ROM areas. (Look in doc/)
		Changes from 2.3 to 2.4 accuratly logged in ROGUE.README
		Code converted into C++ format and roughly debugged.
		Vehicles added and implemented into game and OLC.
		Web utilities to regularly update a who and wizlist in html.
		First player in database will automatically become IMP.

Version 2.4b2-	Fixed this version's alloc_mem problem that did not let
		it compile under GCC 2.95, it now works with both GCC and
		older EGCS compilers (other compilers/OS systems I cannot
		assure it's functionality, sorry!

Version 2.4b3-	Added skill/spell customization back into the character
		creation process. Fixed some small bugs in look_at_target
		and instant implementor code.

Version 2.4b4-	Added 'pedit' for dynamic Pueblo Music table editing.
		Fixed password encryption to encrypt passwords..
		Added a 'note print' function to print notes to an obj.
		Added some Makefile defines for GCC, NOWEBUTILS, NOCRYPT.

Version 2.5b1-	Added 'cedit' for online editing of commands.
		Replaced old clan code with a new one created by me.
		Added MCCP, MXP, MSP for zMUD 6.16++
		Began converting system into D&D 3rd Edition
		Added SWR-style space/ship system (Not Complete)