Pueblo Readme for ROGUE 2.4b4 - Saturday, July 14, 2001

Ok, this could get tricky.

First in order to even bother with this you need the mud client,
http://www.chaco.com/  (defunct?)
Should take you there, and you can download the *.exe file.

After installing the client connect to the mud by first,
clicking on "Edit your personal List" then "Add" and fill it out. Save,
then click on the link to connect to the mud.

You will be greeted with "This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.",
this is the trigger to activate Pueblo, the mud will detect pueblo
and autoset you for color as well.

You can add images to rooms by entering room edit (redit), then typing
"image <filename>", filename should be a jpg/gif formated file that's in
the directory defined by PUEBLO_DIR in merc.h. "image none" removes the img.
PUEBLO_DIR should be something like "http://.../pueblo/", in your web
server create a directory named "pueblo" and store your img/sounds in
there for easiest access.

New commands for music: pmusic, pstop, volume.
Pmusic allows you to choose a *.mid file to listen to.
	(Probably works with *.wav as well - Untested)
Pstop allows you to stop the infinate loop of pmusic or anythign else for
that matter.
Volume, allows each person to setup their volume. Stored in pfiles.

In order to add more fiels to pmusic, edit act_comm.c and look
for the array that has "nd.mid" Just copy it and voila!
#define PUEBLO_DIR 	""
  - http url were sounds/images are stored. Default is a geocities page.

#define PUEBLO_START	""
  - *.(mid/wav) file used during "Welcome to ROGUE" comm.c (optional)

#define PUEBLO_S_IMG	""
  - *.(jpg/gif) file used during "Welcome to ROGUE" (optional)

New sound_to functions:
	sound_to_all	- send a sound to all playing chars
	sound_to_char	- send a sound to one char
	sound_to_room	- send a sound to those around *ch (echoaround)
	music_to_char	- play a midi with an infinite loop

New image functions:
	image_to_char	- send an image to one char

These functions allow more portability with sound protocal by taking
all the checks to see if a player has pueblo or MSP and consolidates
them into one function, as well as the activating triggers the client
scans for, i.e "!!SOUND()" so all you have to do is:
    sound_to_char(ch, "test.wav");
    image_to_char(ch, "pueblo.gif");