I collected this very cool perl script from the ROM mailing list.
Credits go to that author, I unfortunatly didn't keep the email, if the
author would like to be credited please email me.

Now how it works, in it's current form it searches for all the strings
of ` and matches it with a color code, if it doesn't have a color code it
skips it, this was originally used to turn { into &, but I changed it to
reflect Rogue and it's ` codes to change them back into {.
Look for this: 's|\`(  <-- That is what we're searching for to change.
Look for this: |{$1|g  <-- That is what we're replacing it with.
If you wanted to change Rogue's color codes to & you would replace
this: |{$1  with this |&$1

It will also perform a backup of all the files edited just incase.
So thank you whoever wrote this! -Mendanbar

perl -pi.bak -e 's|\`([nNfFbBcCgGmMrRwWyYdDkKiI1234567*.-/])|{$1|g' *.c
perl -pi.bak -e 's|\`([nNfFbBcCgGmMrRwWyYdDkKiI1234567*.-/])|{$1|g' *.are